
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for frogcuatl
Général 601,198 1,851 172,213,179
Attaque 976,567 82 2,443,917
Défense 993,579 80 2,012,874
Force 91,159 99 29,393,431
Constitution 125,411 99 35,425,071
Combat à distance 98,704 99 38,419,492
Prières 674,315 77 1,495,776
Magie 38,300 99 31,372,960
Cuisine 1,795,030 66 524,803
Coupe de bois 1,125,099 72 956,099
Archerie 848,998 77 1,475,853
Pêche 1,336,295 68 620,121
Feu de camp 1,075,495 76 1,337,464
Artisanat 895,188 73 1,047,782
Métallurgie 805,565 72 986,144
Exploitation minière 628,335 79 1,904,500
Herboristerie 390,823 83 2,775,748
Agilité 238,416 85 3,534,362
Larcin 649,951 75 1,232,204
Pourfendeur 277,368 95 9,193,587
Agriculture 697,888 80 2,131,947
Création de runes 884,247 60 279,543
Trappeur 773,782 72 900,197
Construction 428,494 83 2,749,304
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 13,763 83
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 25,060 2
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 216,255 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 790,867 35
Clue Scrolls (elite) 229,486 17
Clue Scrolls (master) 119,452 18
LMS - Rank 12,694 3,321
PvP Arena - Rank 19,829 2,703
Rifts closed 856,923 2
Colosseum Glory 2,318 48,152
Abyssal Sire 202,823 50
Alchemical Hydra 186,281 150
Araxxor 93,380 80
Artio 106,267 20
Barrows Chests 791,737 26
Bryophyta 283,900 5
Callisto 203,798 21
Calvar'ion 82,982 109
Cerberus 230,345 150
Chambers of Xeric 115,509 151
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 46,752 28
Chaos Elemental 153,118 25
Chaos Fanatic 196,835 25
Commander Zilyana 113,491 136
Corporeal Beast 75,860 103
Crazy Archaeologist 283,237 25
Dagannoth Prime 340,604 25
Dagannoth Rex 501,066 25
Dagannoth Supreme 339,123 25
Deranged Archaeologist 115,331 25
Duke Sucellus 46,270 261
General Graardor 250,367 104
Giant Mole 388,637 25
Grotesque Guardians 228,531 50
Hespori 681,138 5
Kalphite Queen 151,943 77
King Black Dragon 526,212 26
Kraken 480,720 100
Kree'Arra 107,670 100
K'ril Tsutsaroth 118,600 103
Lunar Chests 168,211 25
Mimic 179,042 1
Nex 143,200 30
Nightmare 62,998 31
Phosani's Nightmare 32,088 27
Obor 321,361 5
Phantom Muspah 130,330 50
Sarachnis 263,429 25
Scorpia 143,960 25
Scurrius 192,120 38
Skotizo 253,361 22
Sol Heredit 11,248 10
Spindel 105,956 20
Tempoross 699,622 10
The Gauntlet 210,853 12
The Corrupted Gauntlet 173,464 54
The Hueycoatl 80,960 25
The Leviathan 42,987 57
The Whisperer 37,149 62
Theatre of Blood 48,550 96
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 13,090 71
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 269,861 20
Tombs of Amascut 240,192 6
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 75,155 53
TzKal-Zuk 3,233 18
TzTok-Jad 77,307 14
Vardorvis 70,884 79
Venenatis 164,150 24
Vet'ion 139,404 24
Vorkath 405,094 100
Wintertodt 1,461,628 11
Zalcano 215,051 25
Zulrah 314,820 150

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