Personal scores for lron Warrior |
Skill | Rank | Level | XP |
| | | | |
43,016 |
2,277 |
404,108,771 |
148,265 |
99 |
16,825,629 |
68,367 |
99 |
18,862,416 |
78,080 |
99 |
32,292,772 |
131,093 |
99 |
34,603,987 |
Combat à distance
104,698 |
99 |
37,066,449 |
18,782 |
99 |
13,834,239 |
89,742 |
99 |
22,497,122 |
89,282 |
99 |
14,632,444 |
Coupe de bois
48,404 |
99 |
15,105,340 |
41,308 |
99 |
13,930,961 |
49,514 |
99 |
14,161,394 |
Feu de camp
165,999 |
99 |
13,137,162 |
105,281 |
99 |
13,337,129 |
39,513 |
99 |
13,353,044 |
Exploitation minière
73,469 |
99 |
13,516,708 |
33,385 |
99 |
13,614,375 |
25,297 |
99 |
13,852,006 |
75,906 |
99 |
13,789,402 |
43,797 |
99 |
20,038,054 |
155,350 |
99 |
14,061,647 |
Création de runes
27,708 |
99 |
13,854,863 |
40,797 |
99 |
14,568,950 |
45,817 |
99 |
13,172,678 |
Minigame |
Rank |
Score |
Clue Scrolls (all) |
9,198 |
2,287 |
Clue Scrolls (beginner) |
3,381 |
655 |
Clue Scrolls (easy) |
17,130 |
382 |
Clue Scrolls (medium) |
46,875 |
315 |
Clue Scrolls (hard) |
7,368 |
631 |
Clue Scrolls (elite) |
11,732 |
189 |
Clue Scrolls (master) |
20,962 |
115 |
LMS - Rank |
21,824 |
2,266 |
Soul Wars Zeal |
33,196 |
2,997 |
Rifts closed |
49,898 |
363 |
Collections Logged |
3,935 |
943 |
Abyssal Sire |
29,675 |
814 |
Alchemical Hydra |
177,736 |
172 |
Araxxor |
87,128 |
111 |
Artio |
7,794 |
1,279 |
Barrows Chests |
53,642 |
707 |
Bryophyta |
2,274 |
229 |
Callisto |
24,140 |
746 |
Calvar'ion |
15,743 |
608 |
Cerberus |
117,780 |
578 |
Chambers of Xeric |
90,705 |
221 |
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode |
43,271 |
35 |
Chaos Elemental |
197,313 |
15 |
Chaos Fanatic |
27,150 |
195 |
Commander Zilyana |
71,482 |
262 |
Corporeal Beast |
158,955 |
25 |
Crazy Archaeologist |
25,785 |
201 |
Dagannoth Prime |
229,287 |
88 |
Dagannoth Rex |
229,493 |
182 |
Dagannoth Supreme |
199,037 |
115 |
Deranged Archaeologist |
64,456 |
29 |
Duke Sucellus |
82,122 |
83 |
General Graardor |
67,270 |
618 |
Giant Mole |
240,291 |
84 |
Grotesque Guardians |
108,165 |
164 |
Hespori |
192,566 |
55 |
Kalphite Queen |
107,590 |
142 |
King Black Dragon |
167,630 |
215 |
Kraken |
184,298 |
1,498 |
Kree'Arra |
109,270 |
99 |
K'ril Tsutsaroth |
96,117 |
134 |
Lunar Chests |
19,189 |
237 |
Mimic |
21,416 |
10 |
Nex |
54,007 |
380 |
Nightmare |
57,054 |
39 |
Obor |
38,478 |
32 |
Phantom Muspah |
56,090 |
196 |
Sarachnis |
27,786 |
468 |
Scorpia |
22,429 |
255 |
Scurrius |
340,953 |
7 |
Skotizo |
305,193 |
18 |
Spindel |
10,552 |
877 |
Tempoross |
13,184 |
665 |
The Corrupted Gauntlet |
89,309 |
288 |
The Hueycoatl |
7,138 |
255 |
Theatre of Blood |
55,868 |
63 |
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil |
84,664 |
774 |
Tombs of Amascut |
100,901 |
55 |
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode |
52,035 |
106 |
TzKal-Zuk |
73,082 |
1 |
Vardorvis |
84,531 |
44 |
Venenatis |
181,361 |
19 |
Vet'ion |
30,329 |
247 |
Vorkath |
292,866 |
219 |
Wintertodt |
102,407 |
612 |
Zalcano |
3,385 |
1,547 |
Zulrah |
158,361 |
701 |
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