
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for wayne
Général 5,573 2,277 863,912,355
Attaque 18,102 99 36,860,455
Défense 8,097 99 35,868,477
Force 3,626 99 152,933,028
Constitution 4,268 99 140,609,125
Combat à distance 2,580 99 174,801,146
Prières 54,678 99 13,306,566
Magie 22,676 99 38,228,222
Cuisine 106,407 99 14,159,157
Coupe de bois 28,104 99 18,697,013
Archerie 101,920 99 13,196,050
Pêche 45,551 99 14,419,442
Feu de camp 22,066 99 19,034,408
Artisanat 35,088 99 14,752,890
Métallurgie 35,553 99 13,439,957
Exploitation minière 41,225 99 14,687,619
Herboristerie 43,030 99 13,416,757
Agilité 26,970 99 13,785,633
Larcin 47,724 99 15,242,555
Pourfendeur 11,038 99 31,852,570
Agriculture 25,968 99 27,683,962
Création de runes 16,663 99 15,470,190
Trappeur 23,730 99 17,640,943
Construction 7,772 99 13,826,190
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 18,752 50
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 5,718 20
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 152,302 8
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 41,182 26
Clue Scrolls (all) 5,935 2,834
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 31,242 162
Clue Scrolls (easy) 10,542 522
Clue Scrolls (medium) 3,244 1,422
Clue Scrolls (hard) 45,715 318
Clue Scrolls (elite) 39,167 91
Clue Scrolls (master) 3,971 319
LMS - Rank 235,634 561
Soul Wars Zeal 7,722 14,694
Rifts closed 819,982 4
Colosseum Glory 19,804 39,304
Collections Logged 6,846 856
Abyssal Sire 58,719 505
Alchemical Hydra 76,026 931
Araxxor 4,009 1,852
Artio 12,243 917
Barrows Chests 131,779 420
Bryophyta 202,720 6
Callisto 6,822 2,288
Calvar'ion 26,659 404
Cerberus 104,001 669
Chambers of Xeric 176,842 61
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 26,321 100
Chaos Elemental 3,138 652
Chaos Fanatic 9,349 433
Commander Zilyana 6,032 1,526
Corporeal Beast 5,321 1,346
Crazy Archaeologist 121,335 58
Dagannoth Prime 5,540 2,132
Dagannoth Rex 6,325 2,244
Dagannoth Supreme 5,833 2,098
Deranged Archaeologist 35,562 50
Duke Sucellus 31,059 472
General Graardor 50,092 770
Giant Mole 86,408 449
Grotesque Guardians 75,616 248
Hespori 229,338 47
Kalphite Queen 7,666 1,075
King Black Dragon 5,295 2,845
Kraken 398,003 358
Kree'Arra 6,240 1,462
K'ril Tsutsaroth 11,052 728
Lunar Chests 197,910 20
Mimic 8,943 17
Nex 2,297 5,216
Nightmare 29,993 108
Phosani's Nightmare 23,123 77
Obor 63,038 22
Phantom Muspah 9,462 670
Sarachnis 5,296 1,901
Scorpia 5,287 880
Scurrius 5,798 1,314
Skotizo 246,498 23
Spindel 38,967 207
Tempoross 398,799 50
The Gauntlet 99,122 35
The Corrupted Gauntlet 81,748 317
The Hueycoatl 9,390 219
The Leviathan 47,438 51
The Royal Titans 6,753 300
The Whisperer 44,305 49
Theatre of Blood 26,042 305
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 2,443 417
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 84,024 784
Tombs of Amascut 30,796 136
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 45,121 130
TzKal-Zuk 13,997 4
TzTok-Jad 210,310 5
Vardorvis 4,173 2,491
Venenatis 772 4,745
Vet'ion 228 5,165
Vorkath 12,010 3,286
Wintertodt 387,293 300
Zalcano 85,565 146
Zulrah 17,144 3,830

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