
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Headliners
Général 3,789 2,277 976,715,749
Attaque 87,462 99 20,750,464
Défense 8,259 99 35,618,863
Force 3,495 99 154,765,714
Constitution 1,183 99 200,000,000
Combat à distance 682 99 200,000,000
Prières 54,265 99 13,311,386
Magie 1,772 99 97,296,669
Cuisine 22,969 99 24,961,725
Coupe de bois 27,655 99 18,842,056
Archerie 118,762 99 13,135,389
Pêche 76,636 99 13,291,977
Feu de camp 131,296 99 13,270,946
Artisanat 14,327 99 15,979,643
Métallurgie 72,284 99 13,128,135
Exploitation minière 33,492 99 15,347,799
Herboristerie 21,371 99 14,276,788
Agilité 37,527 99 13,482,017
Larcin 81,418 99 13,655,389
Pourfendeur 40,374 99 20,646,548
Agriculture 111,968 99 15,410,637
Création de runes 35,220 99 13,402,399
Trappeur 13,528 99 22,833,701
Construction 23,987 99 13,307,504
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 18,507 51
Clue Scrolls (all) 643,585 57
Clue Scrolls (medium) 1,315,147 1
Clue Scrolls (elite) 298,075 11
Clue Scrolls (master) 60,623 45
LMS - Rank 339,647 508
Colosseum Glory 12,879 42,403
Abyssal Sire 199,466 51
Alchemical Hydra 153,340 311
Araxxor 4,216 1,813
Artio 111,964 20
Barrows Chests 787,789 27
Bryophyta 285,967 5
Callisto 184,141 30
Calvar'ion 62,270 168
Cerberus 231,395 150
Chambers of Xeric 19,356 882
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 1,473 809
Chaos Elemental 132,835 31
Chaos Fanatic 176,861 28
Commander Zilyana 215,726 33
Corporeal Beast 119,150 50
Crazy Archaeologist 231,003 31
Dagannoth Prime 292,416 47
Dagannoth Rex 438,924 48
Dagannoth Supreme 280,785 52
Deranged Archaeologist 118,419 25
Duke Sucellus 54,143 203
General Graardor 275,202 83
Giant Mole 363,251 30
Grotesque Guardians 230,414 50
Hespori 186,821 57
Kalphite Queen 189,279 50
King Black Dragon 173,783 207
Kraken 444,505 200
Kree'Arra 218,367 11
K'ril Tsutsaroth 124,315 100
Lunar Chests 251,570 6
Mimic 51,936 5
Nex 9,700 2,194
Nightmare 54,632 43
Obor 324,447 5
Phantom Muspah 96,516 95
Sarachnis 265,329 25
Scorpia 148,631 25
Scurrius 216,064 30
Skotizo 37,702 59
Spindel 72,673 66
Tempoross 669,721 13
The Corrupted Gauntlet 184,672 43
The Hueycoatl 52,620 48
The Leviathan 30,445 138
The Whisperer 38,841 57
Theatre of Blood 83,714 9
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 271,171 20
Tombs of Amascut 12,490 200
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 6 4,041
TzKal-Zuk 21,640 2
TzTok-Jad 6,536 48
Vardorvis 18,657 1,161
Venenatis 150,428 32
Vet'ion 153,751 20
Vorkath 163,565 507
Wintertodt 200,887 545
Zulrah 55,163 1,832

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