
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Idlewild
Général 128,321 2,176 438,033,689
Attaque 99,993 99 19,747,294
Défense 37,087 99 22,688,305
Force 21,112 99 70,440,142
Constitution 26,187 99 74,339,262
Combat à distance 32,051 99 70,552,878
Prières 209,762 92 7,003,053
Magie 40,246 99 31,041,696
Cuisine 55,574 99 16,758,813
Coupe de bois 254,025 94 8,263,330
Archerie 293,056 95 8,878,852
Pêche 204,942 94 8,343,887
Feu de camp 468,203 91 6,031,306
Artisanat 89,098 99 13,517,459
Métallurgie 212,156 89 5,192,484
Exploitation minière 270,004 90 5,557,107
Herboristerie 95,286 99 13,087,263
Agilité 236,859 86 3,598,544
Larcin 232,452 91 6,346,055
Pourfendeur 115,015 99 14,512,158
Agriculture 100,873 99 15,964,881
Création de runes 162,981 88 4,684,436
Trappeur 139,015 94 8,652,612
Construction 391,037 83 2,831,872
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 45,968 6
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 138,606 9
Clue Scrolls (all) 260,770 233
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 1,447,027 1
Clue Scrolls (easy) 167,747 41
Clue Scrolls (medium) 301,526 43
Clue Scrolls (hard) 248,836 98
Clue Scrolls (elite) 326,877 9
Clue Scrolls (master) 66,656 41
Rifts closed 138,672 211
Colosseum Glory 34,733 33,811
Alchemical Hydra 36,631 1,596
Araxxor 32,775 633
Artio 37,388 255
Barrows Chests 79,994 577
Bryophyta 334,372 5
Callisto 101,145 117
Calvar'ion 104,370 75
Cerberus 130,255 513
Chambers of Xeric 13,548 1,073
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 16,232 187
Chaos Elemental 167,368 25
Chaos Fanatic 59,644 94
Commander Zilyana 14,697 981
Crazy Archaeologist 122,042 58
Dagannoth Prime 231,867 87
Dagannoth Rex 149,725 294
Dagannoth Supreme 224,051 92
Deranged Archaeologist 182,835 25
Duke Sucellus 2,557 2,147
General Graardor 100,209 433
Giant Mole 408,293 25
Hespori 212,630 51
Kalphite Queen 110,684 138
King Black Dragon 545,319 25
Kraken 367,835 493
Kree'Arra 87,635 148
K'ril Tsutsaroth 208,384 33
Mimic 209,202 1
Nex 28,269 914
Nightmare 95,044 10
Obor 373,177 5
Phantom Muspah 75,475 140
Sarachnis 256,162 26
Scorpia 157,825 25
Scurrius 249,989 22
Skotizo 237,738 24
Sol Heredit 14,172 6
Tempoross 210,007 105
The Gauntlet 94,739 37
The Corrupted Gauntlet 75,634 343
The Leviathan 14,507 575
The Whisperer 13,215 474
Theatre of Blood 12,879 617
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 18,195 28
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 274,916 20
Tombs of Amascut 42,016 115
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 36,318 171
TzKal-Zuk 105,682 1
Vardorvis 2,757 2,942
Venenatis 233,933 6
Vet'ion 85,711 65
Vorkath 168,626 496
Wintertodt 391,001 298
Zalcano 262,908 11
Zulrah 123,210 952

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