
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Jobseeker
Général 90,281 2,221 473,794,234
Attaque 98,021 99 19,823,610
Défense 40,109 99 22,077,875
Force 16,637 99 78,806,848
Constitution 24,130 99 75,989,800
Combat à distance 40,194 99 62,759,095
Prières 62,583 99 13,222,090
Magie 32,267 99 33,413,817
Cuisine 134,588 99 13,642,689
Coupe de bois 217,899 97 11,325,923
Archerie 175,117 99 13,050,514
Pêche 220,435 93 7,463,791
Feu de camp 128,974 99 13,280,870
Artisanat 72,969 99 13,754,858
Métallurgie 179,534 90 5,688,332
Exploitation minière 245,496 91 6,263,983
Herboristerie 85,413 99 13,117,161
Agilité 214,600 86 3,828,982
Larcin 172,219 96 10,212,998
Pourfendeur 172,190 99 13,070,840
Agriculture 96,105 99 16,150,629
Création de runes 166,828 88 4,460,469
Trappeur 130,175 95 9,335,909
Construction 98,510 99 13,053,151
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 13,286 87
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 37,841 29
Clue Scrolls (all) 266,633 224
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 425,632 10
Clue Scrolls (easy) 155,214 44
Clue Scrolls (medium) 196,727 76
Clue Scrolls (hard) 444,340 41
Clue Scrolls (elite) 106,307 42
Clue Scrolls (master) 158,750 11
Rifts closed 120,512 224
Alchemical Hydra 193,976 125
Barrows Chests 283,626 206
Bryophyta 282,107 5
Callisto 112,868 94
Calvar'ion 205,694 5
Cerberus 137,109 473
Chambers of Xeric 3,767 1,837
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 13,438 219
Chaos Elemental 20,827 250
Chaos Fanatic 195,677 25
Commander Zilyana 124,254 116
Corporeal Beast 89,232 80
Crazy Archaeologist 281,395 25
Dagannoth Prime 273,776 56
Dagannoth Rex 394,177 66
Dagannoth Supreme 283,593 50
Deranged Archaeologist 111,653 25
Duke Sucellus 118,287 27
General Graardor 181,106 197
Giant Mole 387,345 25
Hespori 209,423 51
Kalphite Queen 140,135 92
King Black Dragon 442,018 44
Kraken 196,487 1,402
Kree'Arra 146,781 47
K'ril Tsutsaroth 247,860 17
Nex 82,652 166
Nightmare 47,277 54
Obor 257,587 6
Phantom Muspah 55,274 198
Sarachnis 262,400 25
Scorpia 27,487 207
Scurrius 102,841 98
Skotizo 33,156 61
Spindel 72,005 65
Tempoross 430,995 44
The Gauntlet 184,585 16
The Corrupted Gauntlet 177,444 50
The Leviathan 36,111 91
The Whisperer 46,379 36
Theatre of Blood 5,068 1,106
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 19,561 17
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 149,686 347
Tombs of Amascut 162,183 24
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 10,187 433
TzKal-Zuk 19,064 2
TzTok-Jad 76,709 14
Vardorvis 40,678 380
Venenatis 54,331 198
Vet'ion 160,193 18
Vorkath 318,723 184
Wintertodt 200,231 545
Zulrah 150,670 746

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