
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for TheMetaLife
Général 216,675 2,093 295,330,617
Attaque 271,108 99 13,673,168
Défense 119,129 99 16,059,437
Force 37,392 99 50,397,995
Constitution 56,330 99 52,456,130
Combat à distance 78,997 99 43,962,748
Prières 230,451 91 5,932,483
Magie 64,616 99 25,659,674
Cuisine 564,192 90 5,428,893
Coupe de bois 619,619 81 2,298,110
Archerie 385,349 91 5,909,785
Pêche 532,184 83 2,713,762
Feu de camp 618,072 87 3,978,815
Artisanat 241,057 94 7,956,828
Métallurgie 369,385 84 3,176,386
Exploitation minière 356,239 86 3,738,921
Herboristerie 403,491 83 2,680,036
Agilité 222,720 86 3,721,376
Larcin 245,529 91 6,092,421
Pourfendeur 188,869 98 12,797,080
Agriculture 325,924 95 9,548,942
Création de runes 302,943 80 2,034,971
Trappeur 464,477 80 2,021,359
Construction 76,384 99 13,091,297
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 24,609 29
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 17,281 4
Clue Scrolls (all) 211,927 288
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 141,599 36
Clue Scrolls (easy) 438,289 13
Clue Scrolls (medium) 229,039 63
Clue Scrolls (hard) 243,244 100
Clue Scrolls (elite) 97,295 46
Clue Scrolls (master) 84,974 30
PvP Arena - Rank 22,169 2,684
Rifts closed 173,810 184
Colosseum Glory 23,436 37,778
Abyssal Sire 195,047 53
Alchemical Hydra 148,203 332
Amoxliatl 22,533 79
Araxxor 9,136 1,289
Artio 5,615 1,597
Barrows Chests 707,104 40
Bryophyta 220,999 6
Callisto 32,103 557
Calvar'ion 147,003 31
Cerberus 111,912 618
Chambers of Xeric 115,777 151
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 47,743 27
Chaos Elemental 93,592 51
Chaos Fanatic 89,125 61
Commander Zilyana 113,862 136
Corporeal Beast 78,010 100
Crazy Archaeologist 88,077 76
Dagannoth Prime 99,593 301
Dagannoth Rex 137,024 317
Dagannoth Supreme 92,289 325
Deranged Archaeologist 122,990 25
Duke Sucellus 11,602 1,062
General Graardor 184,878 191
Giant Mole 245,575 80
Grotesque Guardians 163,533 94
Hespori 288,026 37
Kalphite Queen 105,206 147
King Black Dragon 201,935 173
Kraken 260,303 1,003
Kree'Arra 85,812 152
K'ril Tsutsaroth 154,961 67
Lunar Chests 179,787 25
Mimic 66,918 4
Nex 29,693 854
Nightmare 89,182 12
Phosani's Nightmare 28,406 43
Obor 250,232 6
Phantom Muspah 54,306 202
Sarachnis 240,866 28
Scorpia 60,652 84
Scurrius 148,220 60
Skotizo 205,047 27
Sol Heredit 13,626 6
Spindel 16,215 600
Tempoross 215,142 102
The Gauntlet 80,641 43
The Corrupted Gauntlet 222,292 12
The Hueycoatl 38,540 68
The Leviathan 44,969 54
The Whisperer 9,733 612
Theatre of Blood 41,053 144
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 16,756 36
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 220,806 129
Tombs of Amascut 45,092 110
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 29,856 205
TzKal-Zuk 70,826 1
TzTok-Jad 190,806 6
Vardorvis 25,408 863
Venenatis 20,408 589
Vet'ion 36,744 201
Vorkath 182,896 446
Wintertodt 615,986 163
Zalcano 201,575 30
Zulrah 161,570 684

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