
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for AliChurass
Général 103,396 2,206 567,330,183
Attaque 80,521 99 21,435,934
Défense 14,088 99 30,291,706
Force 14,997 99 84,085,113
Constitution 16,592 99 89,101,999
Combat à distance 23,621 99 80,676,501
Prières 72,047 99 13,166,048
Magie 14,306 99 45,410,964
Cuisine 411,818 98 12,422,208
Coupe de bois 267,830 93 7,447,694
Archerie 53,003 99 13,657,122
Pêche 269,685 91 6,176,264
Feu de camp 375,780 96 9,719,640
Artisanat 67,613 99 13,885,629
Métallurgie 178,270 90 5,831,033
Exploitation minière 182,837 94 8,703,871
Herboristerie 20,884 99 14,348,445
Agilité 199,936 87 4,162,925
Larcin 176,354 96 9,860,841
Pourfendeur 4,944 99 41,376,179
Agriculture 15,828 99 35,297,049
Création de runes 187,018 86 3,920,089
Trappeur 124,821 96 10,357,749
Construction 142,980 91 5,995,180
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 21,180 41
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 257,638 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 7,836 2,495
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 411,413 10
Clue Scrolls (easy) 37,741 186
Clue Scrolls (medium) 66,869 236
Clue Scrolls (hard) 789 1,511
Clue Scrolls (elite) 2,368 343
Clue Scrolls (master) 8,559 209
LMS - Rank 14,619 3,035
PvP Arena - Rank 2,143 3,141
Rifts closed 188,917 175
Colosseum Glory 22,287 38,494
Collections Logged 5,303 910
Abyssal Sire 64,342 469
Alchemical Hydra 177,649 176
Amoxliatl 13,012 126
Araxxor 5,581 1,632
Artio 15,242 752
Barrows Chests 21,087 1,046
Bryophyta 35,893 39
Callisto 28,708 634
Calvar'ion 39,259 287
Cerberus 176,083 309
Chambers of Xeric 73,649 291
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 19,663 151
Chaos Elemental 79,406 63
Chaos Fanatic 4,043 711
Commander Zilyana 51,525 379
Corporeal Beast 215,164 8
Crazy Archaeologist 12,200 337
Dagannoth Prime 158,164 172
Dagannoth Rex 102,754 406
Dagannoth Supreme 143,000 196
Deranged Archaeologist 121,340 25
Duke Sucellus 24,491 622
General Graardor 9,785 1,927
Giant Mole 298,153 51
Grotesque Guardians 18,678 759
Hespori 6,467 325
Kalphite Queen 171,931 59
King Black Dragon 71,687 475
Kraken 35,684 3,834
Kree'Arra 15,383 850
K'ril Tsutsaroth 30,605 384
Lunar Chests 36,295 170
Mimic 5,368 22
Nex 56,403 359
Obor 376,298 5
Phantom Muspah 12,226 595
Sarachnis 30,698 435
Scorpia 13,998 400
Scurrius 363,307 5
Skotizo 6,517 100
Sol Heredit 5,652 30
Spindel 7,492 1,130
Tempoross 212,191 104
The Gauntlet 186,806 16
The Corrupted Gauntlet 26,321 684
The Hueycoatl 26,094 104
The Leviathan 10,569 800
The Royal Titans 17,310 229
The Whisperer 29,567 116
Theatre of Blood 23,212 355
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 126,365 474
Tombs of Amascut 54,604 98
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 13,622 372
TzKal-Zuk 111,859 1
TzTok-Jad 110,228 11
Vardorvis 15,672 1,326
Venenatis 70,265 139
Vet'ion 27,736 275
Vorkath 217,600 359
Wintertodt 392,995 295
Zalcano 97,325 125
Zulrah 134,296 861

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