
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Cxonnor
Général 198,846 2,109 313,263,604
Attaque 176,546 99 15,785,071
Défense 84,838 99 17,751,179
Force 62,365 99 37,478,354
Constitution 67,742 99 48,338,608
Combat à distance 74,799 99 45,612,432
Prières 250,603 90 5,448,510
Magie 46,154 99 29,440,242
Cuisine 281,534 99 13,072,024
Coupe de bois 142,207 99 13,136,399
Archerie 629,445 82 2,536,881
Pêche 309,069 91 5,904,104
Feu de camp 580,467 88 4,513,471
Artisanat 345,391 88 4,547,227
Métallurgie 391,494 84 2,971,553
Exploitation minière 247,914 91 6,348,092
Herboristerie 213,394 90 5,726,627
Agilité 279,684 84 3,207,388
Larcin 410,709 82 2,558,229
Pourfendeur 54,542 99 18,707,711
Agriculture 52,113 99 20,477,959
Création de runes 319,659 79 1,945,953
Trappeur 501,360 79 1,806,417
Construction 144,120 91 5,949,173
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 19,008 50
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 16,579 5
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 108,256 16
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 128,139 5
Clue Scrolls (all) 76,708 667
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 70,984 74
Clue Scrolls (easy) 129,216 55
Clue Scrolls (medium) 217,446 68
Clue Scrolls (hard) 68,574 262
Clue Scrolls (elite) 19,897 141
Clue Scrolls (master) 41,225 67
LMS - Rank 72,429 1,002
Rifts closed 212,426 160
Colosseum Glory 33,029 34,398
Collections Logged 44,413 540
Abyssal Sire 22,493 962
Alchemical Hydra 104,121 649
Amoxliatl 22,534 85
Araxxor 5,146 1,700
Artio 113,865 20
Barrows Chests 467,752 103
Bryophyta 327,254 5
Callisto 141,111 61
Calvar'ion 114,578 61
Cerberus 12,556 2,577
Chambers of Xeric 71,324 303
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 22,833 124
Chaos Elemental 88,981 54
Chaos Fanatic 187,924 26
Commander Zilyana 162,041 71
Corporeal Beast 227,780 6
Crazy Archaeologist 249,552 28
Dagannoth Prime 40,922 659
Dagannoth Rex 49,175 694
Dagannoth Supreme 39,168 686
Deranged Archaeologist 184,755 25
Duke Sucellus 50,233 237
General Graardor 206,841 157
Giant Mole 188,710 138
Grotesque Guardians 68,515 271
Hespori 67,280 108
Kalphite Queen 165,209 65
King Black Dragon 420,017 51
Kraken 255,939 1,034
Kree'Arra 79,705 174
K'ril Tsutsaroth 70,756 192
Lunar Chests 81,142 80
Mimic 31,149 8
Nex 37,148 662
Obor 365,810 5
Phantom Muspah 62,236 179
Sarachnis 281,508 25
Scorpia 161,532 25
Scurrius 261,895 19
Skotizo 25,365 67
Spindel 111,986 20
Tempoross 732,930 10
The Gauntlet 196,167 15
The Corrupted Gauntlet 198,156 30
The Hueycoatl 82,358 26
The Leviathan 40,345 72
The Royal Titans 26,755 176
The Whisperer 38,700 60
Theatre of Blood 55,281 69
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 65,994 1,000
Tombs of Amascut 60,530 91
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 101,764 24
TzKal-Zuk 27,786 2
TzTok-Jad 156,726 8
Vardorvis 38,841 456
Vet'ion 75,732 80
Vorkath 397,367 107
Wintertodt 641,835 155
Zalcano 223,792 25
Zulrah 209,133 461

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