
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Fzangs
Général 15,182 2,277 618,785,776
Attaque 72,715 99 22,299,339
Défense 21,852 99 26,459,687
Force 12,571 99 91,855,891
Constitution 12,734 99 98,429,712
Combat à distance 15,514 99 96,073,548
Prières 41,113 99 13,418,098
Magie 9,034 99 53,569,891
Cuisine 257,187 99 13,091,664
Coupe de bois 142,237 99 13,136,125
Archerie 202,718 99 13,040,203
Pêche 116,533 99 13,062,710
Feu de camp 132,748 99 13,266,830
Artisanat 39,666 99 14,636,493
Métallurgie 103,601 99 13,049,060
Exploitation minière 112,191 99 13,095,905
Herboristerie 38,467 99 13,506,051
Agilité 59,204 99 13,183,350
Larcin 115,623 99 13,230,079
Pourfendeur 83,605 99 16,142,109
Agriculture 121,869 99 15,044,089
Création de runes 69,453 99 13,050,344
Trappeur 90,036 99 13,093,729
Construction 101,567 99 13,050,869
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 1,380 876
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 855 104
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 14,956 273
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 5,095 174
Clue Scrolls (all) 469,540 104
Clue Scrolls (easy) 1,474,686 1
Clue Scrolls (medium) 1,145,922 2
Clue Scrolls (hard) 833,672 6
Clue Scrolls (elite) 208,065 20
Clue Scrolls (master) 36,466 75
LMS - Rank 2,634 9,164
PvP Arena - Rank 1,384 3,299
Colosseum Glory 9,673 44,025
Abyssal Sire 93,824 306
Alchemical Hydra 180,440 169
Amoxliatl 81,662 20
Araxxor 22,587 816
Barrows Chests 467,671 103
Bryophyta 177,783 8
Callisto 20,881 877
Cerberus 216,930 176
Chambers of Xeric 202,581 41
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 3,444 540
Chaos Elemental 174,401 25
Chaos Fanatic 62,059 90
Commander Zilyana 37,616 508
Corporeal Beast 47,422 189
Crazy Archaeologist 337,289 25
Dagannoth Prime 346,311 25
Dagannoth Rex 492,903 29
Dagannoth Supreme 339,825 26
Deranged Archaeologist 216,064 25
Duke Sucellus 60,718 167
General Graardor 27,264 1,126
Giant Mole 419,041 25
Grotesque Guardians 198,848 65
Hespori 143,566 70
Kalphite Queen 186,230 51
King Black Dragon 200,874 175
Kraken 174,043 1,586
Kree'Arra 65,994 232
K'ril Tsutsaroth 117,304 106
Lunar Chests 192,614 25
Mimic 69,821 4
Nex 155,377 25
Nightmare 66,042 29
Phosani's Nightmare 26,557 54
Obor 375,400 5
Phantom Muspah 103,496 85
Sarachnis 237,306 30
Scorpia 165,175 25
Scurrius 255,445 21
Skotizo 305,521 18
Sol Heredit 9,458 17
Spindel 131,167 8
Tempoross 806,047 5
The Gauntlet 228,865 11
The Corrupted Gauntlet 185,641 44
The Hueycoatl 76,383 30
The Leviathan 53,886 37
The Royal Titans 89,908 25
Theatre of Blood 46,435 112
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 13,675 68
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 277,264 20
Tombs of Amascut 46,973 108
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 1,174 1,021
TzKal-Zuk 5,805 12
TzTok-Jad 3,560 63
Vardorvis 56,910 177
Venenatis 62,678 165
Vet'ion 158,584 20
Vorkath 119,393 696
Wintertodt 1,532,757 7
Zalcano 228,584 25
Zulrah 5,507 6,929

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