
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Sogula
Général 18,143 2,277 579,004,300
Attaque 11,879 99 42,701,362
Défense 23,484 99 25,914,197
Force 22,584 99 67,672,044
Constitution 22,339 99 79,189,966
Combat à distance 44,064 99 60,498,359
Prières 9,269 99 14,602,510
Magie 24,467 99 37,362,940
Cuisine 120,722 99 13,870,796
Coupe de bois 68,613 99 14,016,853
Archerie 100,730 99 13,203,957
Pêche 85,487 99 13,194,337
Feu de camp 60,951 99 14,457,238
Artisanat 9,642 99 17,061,882
Métallurgie 42,383 99 13,316,704
Exploitation minière 15,509 99 19,788,110
Herboristerie 36,660 99 13,543,156
Agilité 18,653 99 14,313,824
Larcin 32,837 99 17,157,170
Pourfendeur 56,033 99 18,531,794
Agriculture 47,893 99 21,206,516
Création de runes 38,916 99 13,289,122
Trappeur 16,604 99 20,776,880
Construction 21,813 99 13,334,583
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 28,683 23
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 181,224 5
Clue Scrolls (all) 104,227 534
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 131,658 39
Clue Scrolls (easy) 39,799 177
Clue Scrolls (medium) 160,382 99
Clue Scrolls (hard) 164,857 145
Clue Scrolls (elite) 114,138 40
Clue Scrolls (master) 77,690 34
LMS - Rank 113,981 757
Rifts closed 20,777 601
Colosseum Glory 26,192 36,980
Collections Logged 16,142 712
Abyssal Sire 77,727 389
Alchemical Hydra 108,823 614
Amoxliatl 56,309 29
Araxxor 13,691 1,083
Artio 66,450 88
Barrows Chests 322,923 178
Bryophyta 285,254 5
Callisto 51,896 318
Cerberus 169,144 333
Chambers of Xeric 115,498 153
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 6,071 397
Chaos Elemental 129,300 33
Chaos Fanatic 158,085 34
Commander Zilyana 136,278 102
Corporeal Beast 122,190 50
Crazy Archaeologist 69,040 95
Dagannoth Prime 342,627 25
Dagannoth Rex 504,436 25
Dagannoth Supreme 341,047 25
Deranged Archaeologist 113,175 25
Duke Sucellus 86,493 77
General Graardor 65,839 632
Giant Mole 52,038 800
Grotesque Guardians 81,050 232
Hespori 44,337 132
Kalphite Queen 165,298 65
King Black Dragon 267,331 118
Kraken 32,864 3,957
Kree'Arra 109,618 100
K'ril Tsutsaroth 126,141 100
Lunar Chests 111,187 53
Mimic 53,882 5
Nex 102,166 102
Nightmare 103,933 7
Obor 251,408 6
Phantom Muspah 45,322 245
Sarachnis 93,627 115
Scorpia 44,668 125
Scurrius 28,191 335
Skotizo 172,231 31
Sol Heredit 14,960 5
Spindel 51,909 131
Tempoross 216,455 102
The Gauntlet 190,297 16
The Corrupted Gauntlet 230,531 10
The Hueycoatl 40,087 69
The Leviathan 27,067 189
The Royal Titans 1,110 782
The Whisperer 44,064 50
Theatre of Blood 38,843 165
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 6,673 206
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 75,376 878
Tombs of Amascut 56,942 95
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 4,095 658
TzKal-Zuk 26,649 2
TzTok-Jad 55,061 18
Vardorvis 39,281 444
Venenatis 50,870 218
Vet'ion 71,868 87
Vorkath 132,995 629
Wintertodt 473,000 236
Zalcano 42,989 290
Zulrah 143,643 800

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