
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Yeoz
Général 9,896 2,277 715,878,216
Attaque 18,045 99 36,879,348
Défense 13,162 99 30,874,154
Force 10,920 99 97,404,687
Constitution 9,880 99 107,154,610
Combat à distance 15,726 99 95,049,750
Prières 14,601 99 14,065,791
Magie 5,965 99 61,577,569
Cuisine 50,387 99 17,311,794
Coupe de bois 81,147 99 13,704,433
Archerie 17,524 99 16,310,803
Pêche 22,295 99 17,682,269
Feu de camp 78,531 99 13,927,120
Artisanat 43,421 99 14,518,999
Métallurgie 28,063 99 13,757,026
Exploitation minière 12,883 99 21,121,352
Herboristerie 15,577 99 14,891,676
Agilité 21,322 99 14,096,086
Larcin 79,301 99 13,702,296
Pourfendeur 6,522 99 37,767,869
Agriculture 97,942 99 16,076,404
Création de runes 25,459 99 14,084,409
Trappeur 16,820 99 20,546,680
Construction 18,894 99 13,373,091
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 22,847 34
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 15,259 5
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 256,476 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 81,380 636
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 56,935 91
Clue Scrolls (easy) 21,525 307
Clue Scrolls (medium) 919,493 5
Clue Scrolls (hard) 488,678 34
Clue Scrolls (elite) 227,877 17
Clue Scrolls (master) 10,678 182
LMS - Rank 7,907 4,556
Soul Wars Zeal 2,452 40,085
Rifts closed 428,068 52
Colosseum Glory 15,715 41,056
Collections Logged 41,184 538
Abyssal Sire 193,042 54
Alchemical Hydra 23,072 2,056
Amoxliatl 69,400 20
Araxxor 15,925 973
Barrows Chests 444,644 111
Bryophyta 258,941 5
Callisto 82,533 161
Calvar'ion 48,367 226
Cerberus 8,754 3,033
Chambers of Xeric 23,340 788
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 9,884 285
Chaos Elemental 10,178 392
Chaos Fanatic 87,329 62
Commander Zilyana 28,613 626
Corporeal Beast 75,327 104
Crazy Archaeologist 275,787 25
Dagannoth Prime 7,646 1,806
Dagannoth Rex 10,293 1,738
Dagannoth Supreme 7,565 1,835
Deranged Archaeologist 87,704 25
Duke Sucellus 104,402 49
General Graardor 4,592 2,856
Giant Mole 28,592 1,342
Grotesque Guardians 4,647 1,671
Hespori 156,586 65
Kalphite Queen 1,785 2,440
King Black Dragon 134,138 271
Kraken 3,310 8,000
Kree'Arra 47,644 342
K'ril Tsutsaroth 32,338 367
Lunar Chests 168,416 25
Mimic 9,476 16
Nex 45,224 503
Nightmare 50,597 50
Obor 294,548 5
Phantom Muspah 104,081 81
Sarachnis 21,557 604
Scorpia 32,291 175
Scurrius 4,036 1,720
Skotizo 59,348 51
Tempoross 133,810 150
The Gauntlet 180,172 17
The Corrupted Gauntlet 178,304 50
The Leviathan 33,466 110
The Royal Titans 52,601 39
The Whisperer 42,351 50
Theatre of Blood 52,878 76
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 12,817 2,666
Tombs of Amascut 14,574 189
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 14,902 350
TzKal-Zuk 32,618 1
TzTok-Jad 2,174 79
Vardorvis 49,467 246
Venenatis 7,893 1,287
Vet'ion 150,120 20
Vorkath 70,587 1,050
Wintertodt 270,154 485
Zalcano 138,574 71
Zulrah 18,508 3,645

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