
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for dpi
Général 9,677 2,277 725,795,400
Attaque 107,792 99 19,156,458
Défense 64,277 99 19,293,597
Force 4,964 99 136,526,307
Constitution 8,269 99 114,432,887
Combat à distance 11,429 99 107,770,289
Prières 25,818 99 13,626,439
Magie 13,219 99 46,862,558
Cuisine 231,532 99 13,127,163
Coupe de bois 7,462 99 38,542,180
Archerie 48,557 99 13,749,178
Pêche 75,349 99 13,319,470
Feu de camp 32,768 99 16,544,851
Artisanat 35,815 99 14,741,686
Métallurgie 35,553 99 13,447,279
Exploitation minière 36,919 99 15,054,972
Herboristerie 39,119 99 13,494,561
Agilité 18,485 99 14,333,670
Larcin 56,682 99 14,633,780
Pourfendeur 11,851 99 31,300,407
Agriculture 105,799 99 15,718,465
Création de runes 44,072 99 13,189,044
Trappeur 52,526 99 13,745,684
Construction 43,558 99 13,184,475
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 21,865 39
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 256,688 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 50,623 882
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 1,372,331 1
Clue Scrolls (easy) 679,576 7
Clue Scrolls (medium) 39,063 367
Clue Scrolls (hard) 200,265 122
Clue Scrolls (elite) 228,898 17
Clue Scrolls (master) 3,023 368
LMS - Rank 69,610 1,028
Colosseum Glory 63,900 11,276
Collections Logged 24,306 644
Abyssal Sire 169,642 88
Alchemical Hydra 4,856 4,045
Amoxliatl 39,362 49
Araxxor 838 3,402
Artio 76,829 63
Barrows Chests 586,643 66
Bryophyta 148,301 10
Callisto 120,404 86
Calvar'ion 15,511 628
Cerberus 17,643 2,189
Chambers of Xeric 384 3,774
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 7,645 344
Chaos Elemental 134,298 30
Chaos Fanatic 86,341 64
Commander Zilyana 53,189 368
Corporeal Beast 48,447 184
Crazy Archaeologist 169,345 45
Dagannoth Prime 110,499 271
Dagannoth Rex 157,200 281
Dagannoth Supreme 105,142 285
Deranged Archaeologist 98,297 25
Duke Sucellus 22,304 685
General Graardor 64,210 645
Giant Mole 41,224 1,002
Grotesque Guardians 44,253 403
Hespori 219,555 50
Kalphite Queen 8,884 1,000
King Black Dragon 199,891 176
Kraken 119,073 2,127
Kree'Arra 109,409 100
K'ril Tsutsaroth 7,905 885
Lunar Chests 173,208 26
Mimic 4,148 25
Nex 55,616 368
Nightmare 19,895 180
Phosani's Nightmare 9,627 286
Obor 296,820 5
Phantom Muspah 92,347 104
Sarachnis 9,874 1,215
Scorpia 43,142 131
Scurrius 30,374 315
Skotizo 41,307 58
Spindel 116,286 19
Tempoross 704,881 11
The Gauntlet 204,075 14
The Corrupted Gauntlet 164,478 72
The Hueycoatl 76,356 30
The Leviathan 23,987 250
The Royal Titans 97,735 21
The Whisperer 20,451 255
Theatre of Blood 23,257 355
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 20,867 2,104
Tombs of Amascut 8,857 227
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 103,137 23
TzKal-Zuk 26,730 2
TzTok-Jad 7,827 45
Vardorvis 11,916 1,568
Vorkath 83,030 944
Wintertodt 277,268 477
Zalcano 199,611 32
Zulrah 91,336 1,246

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