
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Avero
Général 24,647 2,277 512,448,924
Attaque 24,887 99 32,898,683
Défense 84,284 99 17,732,417
Force 35,485 99 51,849,141
Constitution 41,466 99 60,393,405
Combat à distance 57,345 99 52,534,456
Prières 99,929 99 13,085,396
Magie 14,192 99 45,189,257
Cuisine 113,465 99 13,993,979
Coupe de bois 11,391 99 30,003,949
Archerie 30,474 99 14,454,367
Pêche 64,145 99 13,546,942
Feu de camp 40,619 99 15,571,582
Artisanat 28,368 99 14,953,506
Métallurgie 39,622 99 13,351,695
Exploitation minière 80,001 99 13,396,050
Herboristerie 45,384 99 13,380,501
Agilité 22,590 99 14,008,698
Larcin 102,337 99 13,337,025
Pourfendeur 98,199 99 15,225,932
Agriculture 202,195 99 13,425,404
Création de runes 28,749 99 13,770,750
Trappeur 72,453 99 13,193,979
Construction 51,865 99 13,151,810
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 13,672 85
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 19,095 4
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 209,952 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 58,212 17
Clue Scrolls (all) 119,962 476
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 484,920 8
Clue Scrolls (easy) 111,700 63
Clue Scrolls (medium) 86,719 186
Clue Scrolls (hard) 142,068 162
Clue Scrolls (elite) 112,353 40
Clue Scrolls (master) 124,307 17
LMS - Rank 21,368 2,302
Colosseum Glory 75,581 4,859
Abyssal Sire 166,857 90
Alchemical Hydra 175,802 178
Amoxliatl 66,485 21
Araxxor 108,308 47
Artio 91,025 35
Barrows Chests 589,962 64
Bryophyta 95,098 15
Callisto 14,133 1,233
Calvar'ion 146,276 31
Cerberus 109,821 630
Chambers of Xeric 42,490 509
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 60,956 12
Chaos Elemental 89,628 53
Chaos Fanatic 11,449 378
Commander Zilyana 45,537 425
Corporeal Beast 27,702 331
Crazy Archaeologist 15,907 285
Dagannoth Prime 10,961 1,487
Dagannoth Rex 13,627 1,498
Dagannoth Supreme 12,735 1,385
Deranged Archaeologist 88,434 25
Duke Sucellus 85,054 76
General Graardor 44,907 831
Giant Mole 313,271 45
Grotesque Guardians 184,293 74
Hespori 396,628 23
Kalphite Queen 65,753 252
King Black Dragon 37,870 774
Kraken 108,266 2,252
Kree'Arra 25,734 591
K'ril Tsutsaroth 43,751 291
Lunar Chests 169,997 25
Nex 87,895 145
Nightmare 22,315 156
Phosani's Nightmare 42,025 5
Obor 307,753 5
Phantom Muspah 120,317 59
Sarachnis 214,316 35
Scorpia 24,360 235
Scurrius 265,429 17
Skotizo 275,667 20
Spindel 74,851 59
Tempoross 701,365 10
The Gauntlet 94,228 37
The Corrupted Gauntlet 195,532 30
The Hueycoatl 86,681 25
The Leviathan 29,861 142
The Whisperer 49,118 28
Theatre of Blood 26,538 296
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 12,569 78
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 30,555 1,697
Tombs of Amascut 128,141 39
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 97,440 26
TzKal-Zuk 28,500 1
TzTok-Jad 65,145 16
Vardorvis 51,039 223
Venenatis 23,339 518
Vet'ion 29,871 251
Vorkath 308,015 200
Wintertodt 282,385 465
Zalcano 208,937 27
Zulrah 53,902 1,861

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