
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Chaboul
Général 6,122 2,277 833,955,470
Attaque 22,173 99 34,212,346
Défense 7,796 99 36,242,065
Force 22,641 99 66,596,368
Constitution 17,375 99 86,829,615
Combat à distance 20,287 99 85,561,687
Prières 1,491 99 21,603,034
Magie 17,506 99 41,854,261
Cuisine 19,508 99 27,402,770
Coupe de bois 17,513 99 23,620,229
Archerie 5,499 99 27,703,157
Pêche 15,274 99 20,329,932
Feu de camp 7,096 99 33,133,747
Artisanat 3,521 99 22,693,278
Métallurgie 8,177 99 20,446,403
Exploitation minière 44,289 99 14,499,961
Herboristerie 1,849 99 29,733,533
Agilité 14,054 99 14,780,725
Larcin 22,117 99 20,026,793
Pourfendeur 9,943 99 32,861,021
Agriculture 1,777 99 124,561,452
Création de runes 26,586 99 13,962,158
Trappeur 17,633 99 20,057,293
Construction 3,385 99 15,243,642
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 53,165 3
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 19,798 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 74,777 33
Clue Scrolls (all) 12,248 1,976
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 11,535 407
Clue Scrolls (easy) 32,966 207
Clue Scrolls (medium) 16,658 584
Clue Scrolls (hard) 14,931 489
Clue Scrolls (elite) 11,788 188
Clue Scrolls (master) 24,976 101
LMS - Rank 12,187 3,413
Soul Wars Zeal 18,229 6,270
Rifts closed 418,994 54
Colosseum Glory 4,023 46,767
Collections Logged 5,884 864
Abyssal Sire 45,409 618
Alchemical Hydra 96,956 704
Araxxor 74,480 193
Artio 37,158 249
Barrows Chests 34,784 860
Bryophyta 9,849 104
Callisto 8,560 1,875
Calvar'ion 89,106 99
Cerberus 29,997 1,654
Chambers of Xeric 52,925 415
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 39,404 44
Chaos Elemental 23,359 227
Chaos Fanatic 6,215 555
Commander Zilyana 133,551 103
Corporeal Beast 139,276 35
Crazy Archaeologist 8,026 420
Dagannoth Prime 14,161 1,290
Dagannoth Rex 11,323 1,653
Dagannoth Supreme 15,249 1,250
Deranged Archaeologist 37,436 50
Duke Sucellus 109,914 38
General Graardor 61,972 658
Giant Mole 209 12,175
Grotesque Guardians 84,301 220
Hespori 5,613 343
Kalphite Queen 28,566 421
King Black Dragon 4,229 3,217
Kraken 60,244 3,081
Kree'Arra 43,972 371
K'ril Tsutsaroth 35,398 342
Lunar Chests 166,593 25
Mimic 15,512 12
Nex 99,039 107
Nightmare 59,949 35
Phosani's Nightmare 19,293 108
Obor 9,315 82
Phantom Muspah 22,136 422
Sarachnis 3,198 2,645
Scorpia 3,790 1,137
Scurrius 26,275 350
Skotizo 4,324 113
Sol Heredit 13,878 5
Spindel 7,074 1,158
Tempoross 84,212 210
The Gauntlet 22,592 96
The Corrupted Gauntlet 21,509 762
The Hueycoatl 82,496 25
The Leviathan 59,835 18
Theatre of Blood 36,019 184
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 21,203 11
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 6,109 3,678
Tombs of Amascut 95,228 59
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 38,276 157
TzKal-Zuk 19,577 2
TzTok-Jad 69,220 15
Vardorvis 82,190 50
Venenatis 2,789 2,486
Vet'ion 18,015 409
Vorkath 39,087 1,543
Wintertodt 5,541 1,315
Zalcano 5,480 1,160
Zulrah 62,573 1,668

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