
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Flamed
Général 8,666 2,277 749,062,435
Attaque 30,914 99 30,540,307
Défense 21,565 99 26,505,357
Force 22,504 99 67,243,625
Constitution 18,240 99 85,496,220
Combat à distance 14,585 99 98,004,783
Prières 6,394 99 15,169,751
Magie 23,337 99 37,790,852
Cuisine 4,656 99 120,633,546
Coupe de bois 52,816 99 14,771,793
Archerie 26,235 99 14,826,893
Pêche 14,502 99 20,789,926
Feu de camp 28,952 99 17,161,504
Artisanat 39,093 99 14,642,697
Métallurgie 15,138 99 15,947,075
Exploitation minière 25,079 99 16,613,554
Herboristerie 12,737 99 15,464,659
Agilité 6,961 99 17,160,039
Larcin 49,786 99 15,070,828
Pourfendeur 28,757 99 23,151,053
Agriculture 40,788 99 22,651,408
Création de runes 15,839 99 15,661,988
Trappeur 8,332 99 29,244,090
Construction 4,674 99 14,520,487
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 2,408 596
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 2,351 48
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 108,907 16
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 45,737 23
Clue Scrolls (all) 51,011 871
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 855,764 3
Clue Scrolls (easy) 866,118 4
Clue Scrolls (medium) 17,953 560
Clue Scrolls (hard) 367,041 58
Clue Scrolls (elite) 306,160 10
Clue Scrolls (master) 6,867 236
LMS - Rank 55,440 1,180
Soul Wars Zeal 82,577 1,014
Rifts closed 318,603 90
Colosseum Glory 53,031 22,491
Collections Logged 32,120 581
Abyssal Sire 86,662 336
Alchemical Hydra 43,524 1,428
Araxxor 60,468 285
Artio 72,227 71
Barrows Chests 81,947 567
Bryophyta 19,219 64
Callisto 69,656 209
Calvar'ion 57,810 184
Cerberus 12,112 2,614
Chambers of Xeric 44,672 487
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 40,056 43
Chaos Elemental 14,885 315
Chaos Fanatic 194,215 25
Commander Zilyana 9,576 1,220
Corporeal Beast 18,148 493
Crazy Archaeologist 119,341 59
Dagannoth Prime 21,085 1,023
Dagannoth Rex 20,586 1,190
Dagannoth Supreme 18,023 1,136
Deranged Archaeologist 102,462 25
Duke Sucellus 28,973 510
General Graardor 45,999 817
Giant Mole 16,435 2,052
Grotesque Guardians 52,783 342
Hespori 279,136 38
Kalphite Queen 10,102 904
King Black Dragon 38,031 772
Kraken 88,801 2,533
Kree'Arra 69,512 213
K'ril Tsutsaroth 185,193 46
Mimic 10,210 15
Nex 54,336 378
Nightmare 14,853 247
Obor 22,882 46
Phantom Muspah 113,768 67
Sarachnis 23,149 563
Scorpia 2,203 1,709
Skotizo 183,901 29
Spindel 91,173 34
Tempoross 158,473 131
The Gauntlet 153,007 21
The Corrupted Gauntlet 128,881 153
The Leviathan 42,544 59
The Whisperer 29,098 116
Theatre of Blood 17,787 464
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 13,939 2,558
Tombs of Amascut 93,485 60
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 42,105 141
TzKal-Zuk 40,797 1
TzTok-Jad 4,874 54
Vardorvis 47,397 275
Venenatis 5,162 1,733
Vet'ion 38,768 189
Vorkath 34,228 1,680
Wintertodt 182,868 557
Zalcano 19,255 529
Zulrah 2,802 9,542

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