
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Huntyz
Général 142,337 2,159 291,853,526
Attaque 247,584 99 14,012,185
Défense 114,149 99 16,236,879
Force 92,538 99 29,105,978
Constitution 90,483 99 41,691,995
Combat à distance 95,884 99 39,104,366
Prières 46,356 99 13,379,257
Magie 143,280 99 18,663,843
Cuisine 444,626 95 9,078,873
Coupe de bois 349,943 89 5,120,982
Archerie 343,450 92 6,641,696
Pêche 350,813 89 4,857,739
Feu de camp 74,384 99 14,024,987
Artisanat 185,780 99 13,040,171
Métallurgie 238,236 88 4,514,857
Exploitation minière 282,313 89 5,245,274
Herboristerie 86,518 99 13,114,507
Agilité 148,671 90 5,811,263
Larcin 109,185 99 13,271,753
Pourfendeur 269,100 95 9,411,508
Agriculture 453,693 89 5,333,174
Création de runes 233,078 84 3,098,809
Trappeur 256,360 86 3,904,459
Construction 288,166 84 3,188,971
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 34,158 14
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 26,285 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 199,248 305
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 618,522 6
Clue Scrolls (easy) 211,554 31
Clue Scrolls (medium) 79,842 201
Clue Scrolls (hard) 433,742 43
Clue Scrolls (elite) 270,755 13
Clue Scrolls (master) 159,437 11
LMS - Rank 324,113 511
Soul Wars Zeal 32,427 3,078
Rifts closed 70,408 299
Colosseum Glory 10,099 43,630
Abyssal Sire 188,566 57
Alchemical Hydra 179,671 167
Artio 116,054 17
Barrows Chests 132,969 416
Bryophyta 263,193 5
Callisto 36,766 474
Calvar'ion 112,844 60
Cerberus 163,246 350
Chambers of Xeric 185,658 53
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 25,554 103
Chaos Elemental 46,173 123
Chaos Fanatic 173,781 28
Commander Zilyana 130,672 107
Corporeal Beast 48,992 181
Crazy Archaeologist 202,738 36
Dagannoth Prime 153,322 178
Dagannoth Rex 287,929 132
Dagannoth Supreme 120,504 242
Deranged Archaeologist 84,267 25
Duke Sucellus 80,118 89
General Graardor 115,424 369
Giant Mole 106,783 337
Grotesque Guardians 182,857 75
Hespori 453,323 18
Kalphite Queen 120,866 119
King Black Dragon 447,422 42
Kraken 217,660 1,256
Kree'Arra 168,367 30
K'ril Tsutsaroth 179,292 50
Lunar Chests 142,858 33
Mimic 177,168 1
Nex 91,812 130
Nightmare 38,950 74
Obor 27,076 41
Phantom Muspah 87,628 108
Sarachnis 51,740 236
Scorpia 200,484 11
Scurrius 59,777 167
Skotizo 201,994 27
Spindel 135,859 5
Tempoross 21,835 494
The Gauntlet 166,543 19
The Corrupted Gauntlet 123,916 166
The Hueycoatl 13,568 165
The Leviathan 57,088 24
The Whisperer 60,732 8
Theatre of Blood 53,894 71
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 97,813 657
Tombs of Amascut 6,293 254
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 9,999 438
TzKal-Zuk 70,116 1
TzTok-Jad 164,913 7
Vardorvis 44,046 321
Venenatis 70,480 137
Vet'ion 10,548 628
Vorkath 231,058 326
Wintertodt 55,674 651
Zalcano 49,700 251
Zulrah 221,868 404

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