
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Icen
Général 8,138 2,277 765,758,352
Attaque 13,063 99 41,306,508
Défense 4,347 99 44,657,444
Force 8,722 99 107,755,601
Constitution 9,302 99 109,487,710
Combat à distance 12,372 99 104,300,487
Prières 10,035 99 14,491,484
Magie 17,759 99 41,803,366
Cuisine 9,875 99 48,105,819
Coupe de bois 24,184 99 20,123,961
Archerie 20,596 99 15,620,580
Pêche 25,307 99 16,958,637
Feu de camp 28,114 99 17,347,669
Artisanat 2,198 99 28,967,939
Métallurgie 21,738 99 14,412,605
Exploitation minière 33,230 99 15,378,768
Herboristerie 18,753 99 14,511,683
Agilité 17,136 99 14,448,731
Larcin 52,283 99 14,889,612
Pourfendeur 116,162 99 14,419,620
Agriculture 68,141 99 18,341,003
Création de runes 8,648 99 19,011,122
Trappeur 37,096 99 15,012,009
Construction 5,253 99 14,405,994
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 30,841 19
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 102,659 18
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 4,183 200
Clue Scrolls (all) 562,459 74
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 1,397,386 1
Clue Scrolls (easy) 1,177,686 2
Clue Scrolls (medium) 605,473 13
Clue Scrolls (hard) 674,840 14
Clue Scrolls (elite) 197,467 21
Clue Scrolls (master) 101,714 23
LMS - Rank 31,137 1,758
PvP Arena - Rank 23,665 2,672
Soul Wars Zeal 7,930 15,326
Rifts closed 19,648 618
Colosseum Glory 26,766 36,494
Abyssal Sire 15,991 1,125
Alchemical Hydra 105,802 632
Amoxliatl 9,910 150
Araxxor 72,888 212
Artio 49,774 154
Barrows Chests 366,143 150
Bryophyta 107,332 13
Callisto 32,629 548
Calvar'ion 166,543 20
Cerberus 230,123 150
Chambers of Xeric 77,796 271
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 20,462 142
Chaos Elemental 45,841 125
Chaos Fanatic 43,313 125
Commander Zilyana 45,407 427
Corporeal Beast 62,333 135
Crazy Archaeologist 47,393 125
Dagannoth Prime 45,343 607
Dagannoth Rex 44,064 745
Dagannoth Supreme 46,523 599
Deranged Archaeologist 3,026 125
Duke Sucellus 85,027 78
General Graardor 32,914 1,009
Giant Mole 24,673 1,509
Grotesque Guardians 71,053 260
Hespori 197,125 54
Kalphite Queen 6,156 1,227
King Black Dragon 2,152 4,465
Kraken 261,245 1,000
Kree'Arra 23,313 636
K'ril Tsutsaroth 7,471 906
Mimic 158,724 1
Nex 22,149 1,148
Nightmare 12,783 290
Phosani's Nightmare 39,952 7
Obor 69,496 20
Phantom Muspah 66,435 162
Sarachnis 5,319 1,896
Scorpia 15,754 358
Scurrius 3,931 1,755
Skotizo 118,000 38
Spindel 66,120 80
Tempoross 130,297 153
The Gauntlet 18,669 104
The Corrupted Gauntlet 224,364 11
The Hueycoatl 49,321 51
The Leviathan 35,588 100
The Whisperer 65,274 5
Theatre of Blood 26,092 304
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 7,975 168
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 65,303 1,000
Tombs of Amascut 22,300 158
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 60,281 84
TzKal-Zuk 34,202 1
TzTok-Jad 26,290 26
Vardorvis 48,370 262
Venenatis 37,064 318
Vet'ion 53,393 127
Vorkath 17,601 2,567
Wintertodt 243,193 515
Zalcano 74,248 169
Zulrah 11,221 4,877

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