
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Jarobu
Général 123,815 2,179 553,622,761
Attaque 60,201 99 23,880,382
Défense 42,960 99 21,648,507
Force 16,786 99 78,478,778
Constitution 12,257 99 98,914,057
Combat à distance 9,246 99 115,076,535
Prières 60,733 99 13,239,012
Magie 18,072 99 41,348,353
Cuisine 451,392 95 8,813,180
Coupe de bois 494,999 85 3,285,311
Archerie 285,775 95 9,139,878
Pêche 309,795 91 5,903,053
Feu de camp 75,018 99 14,006,387
Artisanat 218,248 96 9,688,567
Métallurgie 203,287 90 5,351,080
Exploitation minière 241,525 92 6,517,664
Herboristerie 26,565 99 13,884,065
Agilité 258,627 85 3,323,682
Larcin 246,722 91 6,074,856
Pourfendeur 30,902 99 22,522,956
Agriculture 18,428 99 32,573,091
Création de runes 215,325 86 3,598,109
Trappeur 101,210 99 13,042,563
Construction 257,046 85 3,312,695
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 38,544 10
Clue Scrolls (all) 25,505 1,320
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 973,772 3
Clue Scrolls (easy) 10,552 520
Clue Scrolls (medium) 14,493 630
Clue Scrolls (hard) 176,001 136
Clue Scrolls (elite) 309,502 10
Clue Scrolls (master) 108,169 21
LMS - Rank 49,622 1,263
Rifts closed 159,077 193
Colosseum Glory 17,797 39,952
Collections Logged 11,694 738
Abyssal Sire 205,117 50
Alchemical Hydra 70,212 1,000
Amoxliatl 16,768 100
Araxxor 43,499 450
Artio 16,034 700
Barrows Chests 73,827 601
Bryophyta 191,345 7
Callisto 7,913 2,000
Calvar'ion 7,623 1,000
Cerberus 66,733 1,000
Chambers of Xeric 27,823 700
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 17,195 172
Chaos Elemental 812 1,000
Chaos Fanatic 90,081 60
Commander Zilyana 7,832 1,350
Corporeal Beast 232,061 5
Crazy Archaeologist 283,580 25
Dagannoth Prime 67,591 435
Dagannoth Rex 147,990 295
Dagannoth Supreme 137,440 205
Deranged Archaeologist 141,379 25
Duke Sucellus 17,915 800
General Graardor 57,216 700
Giant Mole 302,807 50
Grotesque Guardians 61,121 300
Hespori 2,289 500
Kalphite Queen 26,279 450
King Black Dragon 178,897 200
Kraken 317,781 700
Kree'Arra 20,300 700
K'ril Tsutsaroth 28,395 400
Lunar Chests 149,167 30
Mimic 183,816 1
Nex 7,269 2,650
Obor 254,864 6
Phantom Muspah 11,644 600
Sarachnis 270,564 25
Scorpia 144,089 25
Scurrius 306,881 10
Skotizo 6,371 100
Spindel 58,228 100
Tempoross 714,741 10
The Gauntlet 159,543 20
The Corrupted Gauntlet 36,210 560
The Leviathan 15,043 525
The Whisperer 9,410 625
Theatre of Blood 19,921 412
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 139,097 400
Tombs of Amascut 1,926 367
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 16,150 330
TzKal-Zuk 56,790 1
TzTok-Jad 166,018 7
Vardorvis 9,791 1,700
Venenatis 24,180 500
Vet'ion 36,733 200
Vorkath 307,846 200
Wintertodt 41,726 670
Zalcano 217,931 25
Zulrah 90,174 1,250

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