
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Nex2Dex
Général 19,793 2,277 557,442,367
Attaque 91,566 99 20,372,449
Défense 73,354 99 18,474,730
Force 20,001 99 71,676,386
Constitution 23,802 99 76,624,452
Combat à distance 17,008 99 92,049,671
Prières 57,104 99 13,276,339
Magie 40,194 99 30,812,182
Cuisine 153,243 99 13,454,298
Coupe de bois 126,870 99 13,201,004
Archerie 130,935 99 13,104,712
Pêche 23,256 99 17,424,301
Feu de camp 43,512 99 15,332,351
Artisanat 85,507 99 13,551,827
Métallurgie 33,236 99 13,504,545
Exploitation minière 75,234 99 13,483,185
Herboristerie 60,540 99 13,237,345
Agilité 35,950 99 13,509,681
Larcin 57,407 99 14,563,227
Pourfendeur 35,574 99 21,507,183
Agriculture 74,159 99 17,749,367
Création de runes 53,684 99 13,097,003
Trappeur 44,926 99 14,211,017
Construction 34,713 99 13,225,112
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 23,068 33
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 20,665 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 173,718 6
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 210,004 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 5,466 2,938
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 6,848 600
Clue Scrolls (easy) 9,268 550
Clue Scrolls (medium) 17,363 570
Clue Scrolls (hard) 8,267 606
Clue Scrolls (elite) 1,810 380
Clue Scrolls (master) 7,056 232
LMS - Rank 2,121 10,498
PvP Arena - Rank 22,422 2,678
Soul Wars Zeal 159,900 356
Rifts closed 91,544 260
Colosseum Glory 28,374 35,714
Collections Logged 3,564 966
Abyssal Sire 49,786 576
Alchemical Hydra 97,583 700
Amoxliatl 41,857 40
Araxxor 18,207 900
Artio 6,188 1,500
Barrows Chests 135,947 410
Bryophyta 72,662 20
Callisto 93,966 130
Calvar'ion 37,177 300
Cerberus 58,007 1,103
Chambers of Xeric 174,402 63
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 71,862 6
Chaos Elemental 99 1,640
Chaos Fanatic 111,932 50
Commander Zilyana 40,744 470
Corporeal Beast 5,879 1,240
Crazy Archaeologist 116,643 60
Dagannoth Prime 44,994 610
Dagannoth Rex 59,208 610
Dagannoth Supreme 45,384 610
Deranged Archaeologist 43,047 50
Duke Sucellus 11,805 1,050
General Graardor 147,588 270
Giant Mole 10,881 2,690
Grotesque Guardians 40,537 430
Hespori 29,286 160
Kalphite Queen 24,911 470
King Black Dragon 87,365 401
Kraken 42,549 3,573
Kree'Arra 55,065 290
K'ril Tsutsaroth 42,295 300
Lunar Chests 128,518 40
Mimic 3,681 26
Nex 9,440 2,230
Nightmare 40,511 70
Phosani's Nightmare 10,746 250
Obor 160,071 10
Phantom Muspah 17,502 490
Sarachnis 2,724 2,962
Scorpia 28,733 200
Scurrius 168,695 50
Skotizo 20,235 71
Spindel 16,161 600
Tempoross 350,411 60
The Gauntlet 49,294 60
The Corrupted Gauntlet 22,215 750
The Hueycoatl 59,056 40
The Leviathan 1,705 2,060
The Royal Titans 57,875 7
The Whisperer 37,873 60
Theatre of Blood 48,857 95
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 69,309 947
Tombs of Amascut 101,422 55
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 71,368 60
TzKal-Zuk 68,284 1
TzTok-Jad 15,795 33
Vardorvis 26,875 800
Venenatis 113,353 60
Vet'ion 81,303 70
Vorkath 12,827 3,150
Wintertodt 222,778 530
Zalcano 28,519 400
Zulrah 30,774 2,680

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