
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Patyfatycake
Général 10,273 2,277 706,933,593
Attaque 15,726 99 38,697,146
Défense 15,643 99 29,267,805
Force 6,490 99 121,820,098
Constitution 8,239 99 114,049,363
Combat à distance 17,047 99 92,113,637
Prières 24,712 99 13,646,730
Magie 10,878 99 49,864,494
Cuisine 166,336 99 13,358,549
Coupe de bois 20,273 99 21,956,400
Archerie 147,260 99 13,077,061
Pêche 66,781 99 13,482,807
Feu de camp 33,241 99 16,439,393
Artisanat 33,719 99 14,792,374
Métallurgie 59,489 99 13,182,718
Exploitation minière 84,590 99 13,330,044
Herboristerie 31,710 99 13,669,506
Agilité 34,602 99 13,541,361
Larcin 59,241 99 14,464,597
Pourfendeur 21,310 99 25,532,261
Agriculture 49,438 99 20,856,587
Création de runes 55,163 99 13,089,983
Trappeur 57,513 99 13,495,212
Construction 38,476 99 13,205,467
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 23,099 33
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 13,456 6
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 127,519 11
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 152,063 3
Clue Scrolls (all) 188,833 322
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 863,254 3
Clue Scrolls (easy) 86,227 83
Clue Scrolls (medium) 342,989 35
Clue Scrolls (hard) 166,157 143
Clue Scrolls (elite) 93,377 47
Clue Scrolls (master) 156,531 11
LMS - Rank 135,402 689
Soul Wars Zeal 174,963 298
Rifts closed 28,517 500
Colosseum Glory 12,277 42,663
Collections Logged 50,467 505
Abyssal Sire 101,288 271
Alchemical Hydra 130,331 453
Amoxliatl 69,423 20
Araxxor 71,651 217
Artio 119,473 15
Barrows Chests 209,194 286
Bryophyta 257,086 5
Callisto 31,042 578
Calvar'ion 155,996 25
Cerberus 146,237 429
Chambers of Xeric 17,928 922
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 6,467 379
Chaos Elemental 5,757 512
Chaos Fanatic 59,173 94
Commander Zilyana 36,750 514
Corporeal Beast 17,528 508
Crazy Archaeologist 58,290 106
Dagannoth Prime 6,993 1,897
Dagannoth Rex 4,704 2,569
Dagannoth Supreme 5,737 2,114
Deranged Archaeologist 93,567 25
Duke Sucellus 50,007 232
General Graardor 5,223 2,669
Giant Mole 30,574 1,270
Grotesque Guardians 80,857 231
Hespori 231,861 47
Kalphite Queen 40,691 316
King Black Dragon 17,191 1,333
Kraken 13,886 5,263
Kree'Arra 46,146 354
K'ril Tsutsaroth 20,279 503
Lunar Chests 169,132 25
Mimic 95,744 2
Nex 48,015 460
Nightmare 61,831 33
Phosani's Nightmare 19,524 107
Obor 292,156 5
Phantom Muspah 55,881 198
Sarachnis 157,058 56
Scorpia 13,463 409
Scurrius 76,673 131
Skotizo 113,404 39
Sol Heredit 6,679 26
Spindel 109,452 20
Tempoross 94,563 195
The Gauntlet 91,661 38
The Corrupted Gauntlet 146,544 106
The Hueycoatl 42,623 61
The Leviathan 32,975 113
The Royal Titans 13,850 184
The Whisperer 21,398 225
Theatre of Blood 7,656 877
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 6,673 203
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 85,417 769
Tombs of Amascut 3,172 315
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 16,868 323
TzKal-Zuk 5,236 13
TzTok-Jad 6,874 47
Vardorvis 29,900 696
Venenatis 15,919 736
Vet'ion 19,915 375
Vorkath 220,894 350
Wintertodt 250,157 508
Zalcano 111,591 102
Zulrah 150,354 751

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