
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for RichardNLFTW
Général 16,860 2,277 590,677,625
Attaque 34,645 99 29,269,189
Défense 53,828 99 20,270,777
Force 13,412 99 87,709,049
Constitution 17,888 99 85,844,354
Combat à distance 27,952 99 74,587,234
Prières 38,640 99 13,433,609
Magie 23,386 99 37,628,085
Cuisine 180,475 99 13,276,410
Coupe de bois 17,036 99 23,980,716
Archerie 9,074 99 21,034,986
Pêche 70,204 99 13,398,833
Feu de camp 29,987 99 16,957,064
Artisanat 59,875 99 14,059,181
Métallurgie 43,328 99 13,298,944
Exploitation minière 75,717 99 13,468,778
Herboristerie 52,025 99 13,304,924
Agilité 18,722 99 14,277,179
Larcin 102,596 99 13,332,900
Pourfendeur 67,167 99 17,309,817
Agriculture 143,370 99 14,339,817
Création de runes 44,542 99 13,177,946
Trappeur 58,483 99 13,449,575
Construction 28,171 99 13,268,258
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 207,012 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 181,698 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 49,124 888
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 605,734 6
Clue Scrolls (easy) 262,542 24
Clue Scrolls (medium) 167,375 93
Clue Scrolls (hard) 33,891 358
Clue Scrolls (elite) 3,214 300
Clue Scrolls (master) 23,008 107
LMS - Rank 220,288 574
Rifts closed 73,691 291
Colosseum Glory 2,999 47,527
Abyssal Sire 17,386 1,080
Alchemical Hydra 103,338 648
Artio 137,325 5
Barrows Chests 15,263 1,170
Bryophyta 263,973 5
Callisto 128,240 73
Calvar'ion 137,675 37
Cerberus 54,578 1,149
Chambers of Xeric 30,124 662
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 6,354 381
Chaos Elemental 68,403 76
Chaos Fanatic 160,879 32
Commander Zilyana 31,703 576
Corporeal Beast 14,675 590
Crazy Archaeologist 271,889 25
Dagannoth Prime 17,544 1,140
Dagannoth Rex 12,844 1,544
Dagannoth Supreme 17,074 1,171
Deranged Archaeologist 74,255 25
Duke Sucellus 121,247 24
General Graardor 101,988 422
Giant Mole 251,666 75
Grotesque Guardians 159,718 98
Hespori 303,912 34
Kalphite Queen 121,942 117
King Black Dragon 249,339 130
Kraken 55,972 3,186
Kree'Arra 68,226 218
K'ril Tsutsaroth 7,804 880
Mimic 16,917 11
Nex 79,786 180
Nightmare 63,543 30
Phosani's Nightmare 25,850 56
Obor 299,976 5
Phantom Muspah 107,119 75
Sarachnis 253,592 25
Scorpia 58,395 88
Skotizo 263,180 21
Sol Heredit 3,194 49
Tempoross 699,151 10
The Gauntlet 211,109 12
The Corrupted Gauntlet 24,004 714
The Hueycoatl 111,470 11
The Leviathan 52,519 37
The Whisperer 27,083 134
Theatre of Blood 10,205 721
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 9,621 128
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 149,381 349
Tombs of Amascut 19,792 166
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 13,482 369
TzKal-Zuk 12,835 4
TzTok-Jad 5,795 50
Vardorvis 82,717 49
Venenatis 132,143 43
Vet'ion 154,903 20
Vorkath 164,252 503
Wintertodt 246,735 511
Zalcano 175,320 44
Zulrah 66,925 1,587

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