
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for arenae2
Général 201,985 2,106 509,048,614
Attaque 104,108 99 19,411,275
Défense 64,887 99 19,217,418
Force 2,962 99 164,945,403
Constitution 10,463 99 105,558,409
Combat à distance 39,049 99 64,107,782
Prières 293,094 88 4,401,394
Magie 17,578 99 42,151,375
Cuisine 565,398 90 5,435,939
Coupe de bois 459,374 85 3,560,451
Archerie 436,176 90 5,347,669
Pêche 302,275 91 5,910,402
Feu de camp 162,555 99 13,148,939
Artisanat 245,901 93 7,744,638
Métallurgie 292,159 86 3,821,263
Exploitation minière 396,161 85 3,396,073
Herboristerie 360,213 85 3,288,722
Agilité 211,716 86 3,937,005
Larcin 192,216 94 8,315,713
Pourfendeur 225,671 97 10,903,232
Agriculture 515,308 87 4,174,804
Création de runes 201,374 86 3,660,963
Trappeur 295,737 85 3,339,614
Construction 280,628 85 3,270,131
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 15,118 74
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 18,823 4
Clue Scrolls (all) 39,854 1,023
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 762,592 4
Clue Scrolls (easy) 231,302 28
Clue Scrolls (medium) 9,236 810
Clue Scrolls (hard) 147,377 158
Clue Scrolls (elite) 259,572 14
Clue Scrolls (master) 177,246 9
LMS - Rank 39,603 1,488
PvP Arena - Rank 42,242 2,548
Soul Wars Zeal 38,761 2,535
Colosseum Glory 44,850 29,389
Collections Logged 31,054 597
Abyssal Sire 26,342 878
Alchemical Hydra 187,772 150
Amoxliatl 47,626 36
Araxxor 39,308 521
Barrows Chests 236,783 253
Bryophyta 241,810 5
Callisto 152,083 51
Cerberus 27,986 1,725
Chambers of Xeric 110,649 164
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 23,010 122
Chaos Elemental 96,201 50
Chaos Fanatic 110,839 50
Commander Zilyana 103,337 160
Corporeal Beast 114,013 53
Crazy Archaeologist 151,031 50
Dagannoth Prime 109,753 272
Dagannoth Rex 257,259 158
Dagannoth Supreme 165,380 159
Deranged Archaeologist 36,145 50
Duke Sucellus 59,754 171
General Graardor 228,860 128
Giant Mole 296,665 51
Grotesque Guardians 51,682 350
Hespori 444,442 19
Kalphite Queen 179,707 53
King Black Dragon 418,056 51
Kraken 362,478 514
Kree'Arra 89,107 143
K'ril Tsutsaroth 109,517 115
Lunar Chests 150,452 32
Mimic 185,750 1
Nex 27,547 937
Nightmare 30,116 108
Phosani's Nightmare 25,698 59
Obor 272,798 5
Phantom Muspah 75,732 138
Sarachnis 57,454 213
Scorpia 25,109 229
Scurrius 207,776 34
Skotizo 114,743 39
Tempoross 229,148 98
The Gauntlet 124,667 28
The Corrupted Gauntlet 180,170 50
The Hueycoatl 8,072 248
The Leviathan 23,030 267
The Royal Titans 30,780 142
The Whisperer 31,071 104
Theatre of Blood 975 2,308
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 2,992 372
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 273,269 20
Tombs of Amascut 51,067 102
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 42,689 141
TzKal-Zuk 16,733 3
TzTok-Jad 197,562 6
Vardorvis 66,212 109
Venenatis 108,040 67
Vet'ion 100,661 50
Vorkath 149,026 561
Wintertodt 263,750 495
Zalcano 173,358 47
Zulrah 314,509 153

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