
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Ayybel
Général 19,209 2,277 567,767,585
Attaque 72,399 99 22,338,746
Défense 20,531 99 26,967,404
Force 18,302 99 76,203,662
Constitution 18,522 99 85,451,974
Combat à distance 31,596 99 70,996,928
Prières 38,573 99 13,438,669
Magie 10,031 99 51,633,820
Cuisine 230,224 99 13,129,220
Coupe de bois 66,659 99 14,084,386
Archerie 183,555 99 13,047,131
Pêche 80,679 99 13,243,532
Feu de camp 113,234 99 13,407,224
Artisanat 27,270 99 15,003,143
Métallurgie 46,452 99 13,271,552
Exploitation minière 77,909 99 13,453,067
Herboristerie 33,276 99 13,633,694
Agilité 31,577 99 13,627,394
Larcin 66,117 99 14,155,218
Pourfendeur 107,181 99 14,852,102
Agriculture 162,351 99 13,955,574
Création de runes 45,895 99 13,164,156
Trappeur 34,681 99 15,378,482
Construction 22,157 99 13,330,507
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 37,443 12
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 15,365 266
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 3,008 249
Clue Scrolls (all) 128,760 453
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 954,491 3
Clue Scrolls (easy) 812,613 5
Clue Scrolls (medium) 192,495 79
Clue Scrolls (hard) 69,762 259
Clue Scrolls (elite) 43,713 85
Clue Scrolls (master) 106,226 22
LMS - Rank 183,975 612
Colosseum Glory 10,178 43,802
Abyssal Sire 122,035 205
Alchemical Hydra 144,905 352
Amoxliatl 73,529 20
Araxxor 124,985 16
Artio 13,898 822
Barrows Chests 269,062 221
Bryophyta 216,144 6
Callisto 27,678 660
Calvar'ion 168,106 20
Cerberus 193,652 244
Chambers of Xeric 15,071 1,015
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 29,345 84
Chaos Elemental 151,338 25
Chaos Fanatic 106,259 51
Commander Zilyana 90,989 193
Corporeal Beast 158,796 25
Crazy Archaeologist 278,861 25
Dagannoth Prime 325,843 31
Dagannoth Rex 476,458 34
Dagannoth Supreme 308,196 38
Deranged Archaeologist 92,694 25
Duke Sucellus 80,749 93
General Graardor 151,267 263
Giant Mole 143,725 220
Grotesque Guardians 91,343 204
Hespori 662,039 6
Kalphite Queen 180,177 53
King Black Dragon 346,143 76
Kraken 435,131 226
Kree'Arra 106,242 103
K'ril Tsutsaroth 105,613 121
Lunar Chests 101,277 60
Mimic 34,118 7
Nex 125,292 54
Nightmare 37,896 78
Phosani's Nightmare 30,951 33
Obor 312,727 5
Phantom Muspah 76,256 137
Sarachnis 169,874 51
Scorpia 102,062 42
Scurrius 176,200 47
Skotizo 45,005 56
Sol Heredit 6,843 26
Spindel 122,477 13
Tempoross 685,586 12
The Gauntlet 187,657 16
The Corrupted Gauntlet 176,894 53
The Hueycoatl 54,804 48
The Leviathan 33,832 111
The Whisperer 34,801 79
Theatre of Blood 13,631 590
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 21,494 12
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 257,072 38
Tombs of Amascut 35,736 126
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 8,212 489
TzKal-Zuk 16,337 3
TzTok-Jad 72,926 15
Vardorvis 53,930 207
Venenatis 147,999 33
Vet'ion 25,554 300
Vorkath 285,600 233
Wintertodt 291,284 453
Zalcano 171,004 49
Zulrah 43,852 2,148

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