
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Bawn
Général 20,185 2,277 552,475,117
Attaque 29,210 99 31,063,346
Défense 20,644 99 26,801,260
Force 17,469 99 76,794,865
Constitution 26,703 99 72,918,366
Combat à distance 54,167 99 54,031,230
Prières 82,581 99 13,122,137
Magie 19,271 99 40,403,380
Cuisine 77,509 99 15,127,771
Coupe de bois 53,376 99 14,708,824
Archerie 131,477 99 13,103,015
Pêche 43,521 99 14,537,067
Feu de camp 108,447 99 13,441,873
Artisanat 26,010 99 15,031,828
Métallurgie 55,374 99 13,202,681
Exploitation minière 27,149 99 16,175,855
Herboristerie 31,190 99 13,678,613
Agilité 43,624 99 13,377,989
Larcin 12,928 99 25,934,435
Pourfendeur 84,716 99 15,976,799
Agriculture 198,429 99 13,452,813
Création de runes 41,070 99 13,234,967
Trappeur 67,789 99 13,239,711
Construction 64,579 99 13,116,292
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 32,516 16
Clue Scrolls (all) 734,897 42
Clue Scrolls (medium) 1,453,843 1
Clue Scrolls (hard) 725,726 11
Clue Scrolls (elite) 286,715 12
Clue Scrolls (master) 121,044 18
LMS - Rank 317,628 512
Colosseum Glory 4,817 46,249
Abyssal Sire 199,891 50
Alchemical Hydra 185,618 150
Amoxliatl 69,533 20
Araxxor 55,639 310
Barrows Chests 351,368 157
Bryophyta 257,619 5
Callisto 105,223 105
Cerberus 170,973 321
Chambers of Xeric 45,159 481
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 26,787 95
Chaos Elemental 148,912 25
Chaos Fanatic 189,272 25
Commander Zilyana 112,370 138
Corporeal Beast 67,466 121
Crazy Archaeologist 272,945 25
Dagannoth Prime 275,287 55
Dagannoth Rex 428,332 51
Dagannoth Supreme 277,187 53
Deranged Archaeologist 80,620 25
Duke Sucellus 103,156 49
General Graardor 189,306 182
Giant Mole 381,493 25
Grotesque Guardians 226,326 50
Hespori 587,055 9
Kalphite Queen 140,052 92
King Black Dragon 393,137 58
Kraken 419,833 277
Kree'Arra 42,179 386
K'ril Tsutsaroth 121,644 100
Lunar Chests 165,052 25
Mimic 159,796 1
Nex 16,716 1,465
Nightmare 21,910 159
Phosani's Nightmare 29,095 39
Obor 292,627 5
Phantom Muspah 130,927 50
Sarachnis 254,571 25
Scorpia 25,509 223
Scurrius 267,702 16
Skotizo 256,898 22
Sol Heredit 8,744 18
Tempoross 684,501 11
The Gauntlet 218,753 11
The Corrupted Gauntlet 160,727 74
The Hueycoatl 77,201 26
The Leviathan 49,322 49
The Whisperer 43,275 49
Theatre of Blood 20,753 394
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 15,051 50
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 268,191 20
Tombs of Amascut 227,211 8
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 76,977 50
TzKal-Zuk 4,940 13
TzTok-Jad 129,733 9
Vardorvis 53,092 198
Venenatis 173,001 20
Vet'ion 67,118 95
Vorkath 46,479 1,382
Wintertodt 290,382 450
Zalcano 212,723 25
Zulrah 17,099 3,829

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