
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Becky
Général 117,341 2,187 495,142,345
Attaque 111,389 99 18,836,568
Défense 34,473 99 23,102,407
Force 15,811 99 80,991,819
Constitution 20,038 99 82,162,883
Combat à distance 19,594 99 86,913,028
Prières 14,199 99 14,090,058
Magie 17,517 99 41,898,797
Cuisine 194,290 99 13,219,583
Coupe de bois 302,885 91 6,072,617
Archerie 299,883 94 8,471,139
Pêche 263,229 91 6,260,742
Feu de camp 88,881 99 13,711,146
Artisanat 325,833 89 5,123,161
Métallurgie 148,579 93 7,256,633
Exploitation minière 254,073 91 5,963,332
Herboristerie 198,760 91 5,994,615
Agilité 172,644 89 4,956,217
Larcin 184,053 95 8,914,942
Pourfendeur 38,625 99 20,917,182
Agriculture 47,975 99 21,101,351
Création de runes 157,877 89 4,897,062
Trappeur 162,301 92 6,835,255
Construction 129,678 93 7,451,808
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 11,046 119
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 11,250 8
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 209,961 3
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 45,998 23
Clue Scrolls (all) 8,893 2,324
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 2,770 699
Clue Scrolls (easy) 15,054 439
Clue Scrolls (medium) 23,565 482
Clue Scrolls (hard) 32,996 362
Clue Scrolls (elite) 82,299 53
Clue Scrolls (master) 4,745 289
LMS - Rank 2,251 10,138
PvP Arena - Rank 951 3,465
Soul Wars Zeal 185,201 266
Rifts closed 299,421 100
Colosseum Glory 7,092 45,036
Collections Logged 3,711 957
Abyssal Sire 68,112 442
Alchemical Hydra 60,673 1,125
Amoxliatl 5,032 237
Araxxor 14,075 1,026
Artio 37,617 246
Barrows Chests 48,514 743
Bryophyta 105,870 13
Callisto 12,417 1,382
Calvar'ion 108,961 66
Cerberus 84,005 823
Chambers of Xeric 18,294 911
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 7,329 349
Chaos Elemental 12,112 355
Chaos Fanatic 25,345 206
Commander Zilyana 84,893 210
Corporeal Beast 60,676 140
Crazy Archaeologist 5,962 492
Dagannoth Prime 54,460 524
Dagannoth Rex 42,855 757
Dagannoth Supreme 58,247 498
Deranged Archaeologist 17,537 53
Duke Sucellus 35,435 391
General Graardor 140,517 289
Giant Mole 59,988 678
Grotesque Guardians 51,906 347
Hespori 178,026 59
Kalphite Queen 24,242 481
King Black Dragon 42,760 706
Kraken 111,549 2,210
Kree'Arra 70,559 208
K'ril Tsutsaroth 69,784 192
Lunar Chests 65,386 94
Mimic 14,422 13
Nex 97,817 111
Nightmare 44,585 60
Obor 24,210 44
Phantom Muspah 8,961 684
Sarachnis 30,088 431
Scorpia 38,219 150
Scurrius 23,380 390
Skotizo 44,052 56
Spindel 77,250 54
Tempoross 109,014 175
The Gauntlet 19,110 103
The Corrupted Gauntlet 63,133 392
The Hueycoatl 46,767 53
The Leviathan 27,601 170
The Royal Titans 6,486 77
The Whisperer 18,950 277
Theatre of Blood 38,976 159
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 86,681 755
Tombs of Amascut 837 460
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 33,269 184
TzKal-Zuk 33,788 1
TzTok-Jad 7,656 45
Vardorvis 54,560 185
Venenatis 80,902 110
Vet'ion 20,547 364
Vorkath 23,057 2,167
Wintertodt 284,332 462
Zalcano 89,413 137
Zulrah 109,394 1,055

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