
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for EggyChipz
Général 8,839 2,277 742,712,594
Attaque 29,239 99 31,096,741
Défense 22,453 99 26,180,299
Force 5,826 99 126,523,791
Constitution 8,419 99 112,994,572
Combat à distance 14,625 99 97,906,683
Prières 16,960 99 13,922,167
Magie 8,897 99 53,395,590
Cuisine 138,186 99 13,603,168
Coupe de bois 41,634 99 15,857,301
Archerie 38,608 99 14,028,703
Pêche 42,982 99 14,586,795
Feu de camp 44,392 99 15,271,549
Artisanat 6,055 99 18,967,289
Métallurgie 11,467 99 17,411,796
Exploitation minière 20,837 99 17,598,719
Herboristerie 26,179 99 13,909,787
Agilité 13,498 99 14,895,323
Larcin 17,607 99 22,145,438
Pourfendeur 28,000 99 23,324,491
Agriculture 105,501 99 15,678,579
Création de runes 74,794 99 13,042,296
Trappeur 5,283 99 37,087,837
Construction 26,367 99 13,283,680
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 27,142 24
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 183,188 5
Clue Scrolls (all) 6,076 2,790
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 2,958 681
Clue Scrolls (easy) 3,611 998
Clue Scrolls (medium) 14,360 634
Clue Scrolls (hard) 75,595 246
Clue Scrolls (elite) 28,331 112
Clue Scrolls (master) 19,983 119
LMS - Rank 221,677 573
PvP Arena - Rank 11,328 2,833
Rifts closed 166,781 188
Colosseum Glory 2,526 47,959
Abyssal Sire 47,582 600
Alchemical Hydra 91,818 759
Amoxliatl 2,051 500
Araxxor 2,082 2,400
Barrows Chests 9,064 1,401
Bryophyta 249,391 5
Callisto 27,745 647
Calvar'ion 41,825 263
Cerberus 31,748 1,605
Chambers of Xeric 118,906 144
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 24,271 111
Chaos Elemental 1,426 844
Chaos Fanatic 50,131 108
Commander Zilyana 82,533 218
Corporeal Beast 116,296 51
Crazy Archaeologist 17,186 270
Dagannoth Prime 48,673 574
Dagannoth Rex 64,518 574
Dagannoth Supreme 48,969 574
Deranged Archaeologist 40,916 50
Duke Sucellus 144 6,077
General Graardor 21,546 1,277
Giant Mole 121,114 283
Grotesque Guardians 98,189 186
Hespori 87,556 94
Kalphite Queen 50,219 269
King Black Dragon 257,751 124
Kraken 156,089 1,733
Kree'Arra 67,687 221
K'ril Tsutsaroth 41,919 301
Lunar Chests 134,080 37
Mimic 8,526 17
Nex 11,085 2,003
Nightmare 16,719 218
Phosani's Nightmare 11,866 219
Obor 1,705 200
Phantom Muspah 114,282 66
Sarachnis 29,201 446
Scorpia 21,359 267
Scurrius 2,015 2,900
Skotizo 28,352 64
Sol Heredit 4,035 39
Tempoross 212,233 103
The Gauntlet 37,320 70
The Corrupted Gauntlet 109,517 216
The Hueycoatl 97,845 17
The Leviathan 2,133 1,875
The Whisperer 1,082 1,882
Theatre of Blood 16,534 496
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 12,689 76
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 20,756 2,100
Tombs of Amascut 4,291 288
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 13,186 375
TzKal-Zuk 42,262 1
TzTok-Jad 31,699 24
Vardorvis 2,280 3,119
Venenatis 124,363 50
Vet'ion 99,585 50
Vorkath 302,329 206
Wintertodt 231,862 523
Zalcano 39,324 308
Zulrah 95,854 1,188

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