
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Oregeta
Général 349,168 2,000 288,934,712
Attaque 1,154,999 80 1,986,140
Défense 1,565,812 70 757,317
Force 38,754 99 49,263,028
Constitution 55,426 99 52,785,220
Combat à distance 36,610 99 65,787,938
Prières 621,567 77 1,579,017
Magie 23,777 99 37,471,047
Cuisine 509,071 92 6,574,633
Coupe de bois 361,284 88 4,817,370
Archerie 563,199 85 3,259,301
Pêche 378,708 87 4,292,760
Feu de camp 524,231 90 5,362,084
Artisanat 449,052 84 3,070,287
Métallurgie 336,186 85 3,445,599
Exploitation minière 484,685 82 2,636,763
Herboristerie 321,317 86 3,702,302
Agilité 381,796 80 2,156,196
Larcin 386,133 83 2,809,207
Pourfendeur 32,450 99 22,183,868
Agriculture 354,442 94 8,075,583
Création de runes 417,920 75 1,258,371
Trappeur 362,019 83 2,693,945
Construction 361,263 84 2,966,736
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 57,659 2
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 52,018 61
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 208,862 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 6,684 2,669
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 16,275 300
Clue Scrolls (easy) 12,974 500
Clue Scrolls (medium) 22,112 500
Clue Scrolls (hard) 3,295 855
Clue Scrolls (elite) 9,890 200
Clue Scrolls (master) 4,064 314
LMS - Rank 18,774 2,530
PvP Arena - Rank 9,368 2,884
Colosseum Glory 101,695 1,597
Collections Logged 13,885 719
Abyssal Sire 58,760 503
Alchemical Hydra 97,674 700
Amoxliatl 71,418 20
Araxxor 15,063 1,000
Artio 29,026 352
Barrows Chests 141,348 400
Bryophyta 11,047 98
Callisto 6,265 2,422
Calvar'ion 20,518 500
Cerberus 94,794 734
Chambers of Xeric 101,607 187
Chaos Elemental 134,919 30
Chaos Fanatic 28,996 183
Commander Zilyana 86,361 205
Corporeal Beast 191,638 13
Crazy Archaeologist 27,751 191
Dagannoth Prime 1,795 3,573
Dagannoth Rex 2,054 3,813
Dagannoth Supreme 1,895 3,517
Deranged Archaeologist 100,367 25
Duke Sucellus 80,492 88
General Graardor 79,860 534
Giant Mole 159,561 184
Grotesque Guardians 72,841 253
Hespori 381,145 25
Kalphite Queen 39,610 323
King Black Dragon 2,632 4,074
Kraken 294,515 819
Kree'Arra 891 4,311
K'ril Tsutsaroth 1,384 2,180
Lunar Chests 135,906 36
Mimic 7,226 19
Nex 52,592 397
Nightmare 83,260 15
Obor 172,533 9
Phantom Muspah 82,554 119
Sarachnis 8,021 1,378
Scorpia 5,843 814
Scurrius 129,539 72
Skotizo 88,566 44
Spindel 101,407 23
Tempoross 406,480 50
The Gauntlet 45,193 63
The Corrupted Gauntlet 239,916 5
The Hueycoatl 14,175 160
The Leviathan 32,731 114
The Royal Titans 45,373 20
The Whisperer 29,238 114
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 20,759 2,100
Tombs of Amascut 66,388 84
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 68,773 65
TzTok-Jad 140,489 8
Vardorvis 57,784 157
Venenatis 58,322 181
Vet'ion 2,399 1,652
Vorkath 363,488 135
Wintertodt 473,730 234
Zalcano 34,729 340
Zulrah 93,375 1,215

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