
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for RakingPurple
Général 1,662 2,277 1,249,994,730
Attaque 11,441 99 43,133,396
Défense 1,878 99 63,604,635
Force 551 99 200,000,000
Constitution 458 99 200,000,000
Combat à distance 561 99 200,000,000
Prières 51,544 99 13,344,631
Magie 3,669 99 73,052,338
Cuisine 16,317 99 30,974,631
Coupe de bois 40,239 99 16,032,618
Archerie 18,939 99 15,967,153
Pêche 13,222 99 21,530,096
Feu de camp 7,764 99 31,539,625
Artisanat 48,156 99 14,386,113
Métallurgie 24,791 99 14,017,191
Exploitation minière 20,338 99 17,739,220
Herboristerie 9,492 99 16,599,330
Agilité 6,713 99 17,254,934
Larcin 1,352 99 155,349,286
Pourfendeur 51,262 99 19,002,158
Agriculture 50,935 99 20,568,824
Création de runes 8,353 99 19,352,930
Trappeur 6,737 99 32,519,064
Construction 6,559 99 14,026,557
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 9,608 146
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 10,332 9
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 30,727 125
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 52,014 19
Clue Scrolls (all) 344,504 163
Clue Scrolls (easy) 1,095,655 2
Clue Scrolls (medium) 954,750 4
Clue Scrolls (hard) 241,432 100
Clue Scrolls (elite) 100,379 44
Clue Scrolls (master) 143,025 13
LMS - Rank 46,646 1,318
Colosseum Glory 50,128 24,734
Abyssal Sire 6,621 1,665
Alchemical Hydra 146,909 336
Araxxor 98,802 70
Barrows Chests 1,005,175 6
Callisto 10,396 1,603
Cerberus 9,843 2,882
Chambers of Xeric 261 4,213
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 481 1,276
Chaos Elemental 152,776 25
Chaos Fanatic 45,604 118
Commander Zilyana 5,711 1,562
Corporeal Beast 4,209 1,598
Crazy Archaeologist 68,106 95
Dagannoth Prime 25,973 896
Dagannoth Rex 21,460 1,161
Dagannoth Supreme 25,044 926
Deranged Archaeologist 122,262 25
General Graardor 47,344 801
Giant Mole 8,390 3,129
Grotesque Guardians 88,829 208
Hespori 484,761 15
Kalphite Queen 5,368 1,327
King Black Dragon 40,257 739
Kraken 75,014 2,770
Kree'Arra 38,395 423
K'ril Tsutsaroth 84,395 156
Nex 1,543 6,446
Nightmare 1,813 1,342
Phosani's Nightmare 31,057 31
Phantom Muspah 105,983 77
Sarachnis 372,555 6
Scorpia 94,023 47
Scurrius 97,414 102
Skotizo 238,589 23
The Gauntlet 246,149 8
The Corrupted Gauntlet 222,894 11
The Leviathan 64,941 10
Theatre of Blood 4,327 1,202
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 290 929
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 73,925 888
Tombs of Amascut 10,524 213
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 145 1,889
TzKal-Zuk 21,215 2
TzTok-Jad 25,840 26
Vardorvis 62,639 121
Venenatis 66,475 150
Vet'ion 4,720 1,095
Vorkath 39,977 1,521
Wintertodt 9,231 1,006
Zalcano 1,400 2,697
Zulrah 55,266 1,827

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