
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for scelf
Général 360,869 1,993 298,315,588
Attaque 12,798 99 41,606,520
Défense 56,804 99 20,006,524
Force 60,393 99 38,064,301
Constitution 37,099 99 63,834,799
Combat à distance 103,144 99 37,587,796
Prières 399,527 83 2,706,732
Magie 25,491 99 36,728,594
Cuisine 739,058 84 2,993,472
Coupe de bois 483,074 85 3,362,346
Archerie 784,594 79 1,799,166
Pêche 795,262 77 1,551,440
Feu de camp 1,064,998 76 1,378,309
Artisanat 518,683 82 2,438,054
Métallurgie 394,799 84 2,958,807
Exploitation minière 508,453 82 2,500,912
Herboristerie 504,375 79 1,959,340
Agilité 498,066 78 1,651,361
Larcin 464,783 80 2,152,350
Pourfendeur 37,659 99 21,182,993
Agriculture 467,645 89 5,039,928
Création de runes 382,905 77 1,501,340
Trappeur 473,083 80 1,997,956
Construction 259,378 85 3,312,548
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 58,088 2
Clue Scrolls (all) 417,724 125
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 645,137 6
Clue Scrolls (easy) 441,260 13
Clue Scrolls (medium) 355,530 34
Clue Scrolls (hard) 412,469 48
Clue Scrolls (elite) 195,843 22
Clue Scrolls (master) 350,943 2
Rifts closed 228,319 148
Colosseum Glory 146,744 573
Abyssal Sire 180,350 69
Alchemical Hydra 90,688 774
Araxxor 37,837 537
Artio 11,583 971
Barrows Chests 807,534 25
Bryophyta 65,376 22
Callisto 6,317 2,448
Calvar'ion 28,793 381
Cerberus 205,741 201
Chambers of Xeric 51,209 431
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 60,290 13
Chaos Elemental 15,999 302
Chaos Fanatic 209,119 25
Commander Zilyana 6,005 1,532
Corporeal Beast 67,820 121
Crazy Archaeologist 21,549 232
Dagannoth Prime 65,961 447
Dagannoth Rex 64,293 577
Dagannoth Supreme 64,305 459
Deranged Archaeologist 152,359 25
Duke Sucellus 19,639 760
General Graardor 1,787 4,715
Giant Mole 45,642 914
Grotesque Guardians 185,601 74
Hespori 347,601 29
King Black Dragon 267,060 118
Kraken 3,044 8,230
Kree'Arra 15,617 840
K'ril Tsutsaroth 43,179 297
Nex 105,784 92
Obor 217,922 7
Phantom Muspah 51,167 215
Sarachnis 47,055 270
Scorpia 30,630 187
Scurrius 149,887 60
Skotizo 41,091 58
Spindel 5,607 1,356
Tempoross 253,554 89
The Gauntlet 164,193 20
The Corrupted Gauntlet 138,758 127
The Hueycoatl 121,184 10
The Royal Titans 64,269 47
The Whisperer 55,254 16
Theatre of Blood 45,429 117
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 135,522 424
Tombs of Amascut 76,215 75
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 34,057 182
TzKal-Zuk 96,005 1
TzTok-Jad 72,931 15
Vardorvis 50,543 241
Venenatis 15,871 740
Vet'ion 2,273 1,710
Vorkath 88,356 896
Wintertodt 1,151,526 47
Zalcano 190,811 36
Zulrah 185,542 561

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