
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for 3TickRick
Général 80,878 2,237 567,294,924
Attaque 52,928 99 25,156,650
Défense 34,417 99 23,169,749
Force 3,254 99 159,360,717
Constitution 15,167 99 92,312,456
Combat à distance 72,349 99 46,481,701
Prières 161,840 99 13,035,544
Magie 61,985 99 26,215,903
Cuisine 409,814 98 12,912,021
Coupe de bois 126,273 99 13,212,314
Archerie 266,520 97 11,268,755
Pêche 32,388 99 15,721,988
Feu de camp 453,996 91 6,406,608
Artisanat 81,189 99 13,629,516
Métallurgie 134,117 95 9,336,200
Exploitation minière 48,553 99 14,331,873
Herboristerie 166,318 93 7,496,662
Agilité 100,307 98 12,095,647
Larcin 164,166 98 12,436,860
Pourfendeur 122,593 99 14,213,260
Agriculture 384,416 92 7,032,153
Création de runes 22,662 99 14,445,787
Trappeur 139,383 94 8,588,928
Construction 128,007 94 8,433,632
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 49,448 5
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 254,569 2
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 149,123 4
Clue Scrolls (all) 119,343 482
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 583,356 6
Clue Scrolls (easy) 331,772 18
Clue Scrolls (medium) 234,584 61
Clue Scrolls (hard) 64,736 270
Clue Scrolls (elite) 65,878 63
Clue Scrolls (master) 43,195 64
LMS - Rank 287,654 525
Soul Wars Zeal 188,823 262
Colosseum Glory 593 50,818
Abyssal Sire 202,315 50
Alchemical Hydra 102,870 658
Araxxor 90,433 116
Artio 51,482 149
Barrows Chests 797,472 26
Bryophyta 267,567 5
Callisto 45,309 377
Cerberus 231,564 150
Chambers of Xeric 117,686 148
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 75,703 5
Chaos Elemental 118,539 36
Chaos Fanatic 104,597 52
Commander Zilyana 100,531 167
Corporeal Beast 96,302 71
Crazy Archaeologist 77,610 85
Dagannoth Prime 114,095 261
Dagannoth Rex 174,800 252
Dagannoth Supreme 112,078 265
Deranged Archaeologist 28,340 50
Duke Sucellus 120,558 28
General Graardor 258,548 99
Giant Mole 95,333 400
Grotesque Guardians 222,079 52
Hespori 355,426 28
Kalphite Queen 132,021 104
King Black Dragon 423,199 50
Kraken 369,415 484
Kree'Arra 102,896 109
K'ril Tsutsaroth 125,318 100
Lunar Chests 147,142 34
Mimic 47,561 5
Nex 68,486 254
Nightmare 45,592 58
Obor 295,463 5
Phantom Muspah 126,264 55
Sarachnis 260,617 25
Scorpia 19,699 292
Scurrius 321,056 10
Skotizo 426,587 10
Sol Heredit 1,708 87
Spindel 83,961 46
Tempoross 399,005 50
The Gauntlet 289,896 5
The Corrupted Gauntlet 154,366 91
The Hueycoatl 85,911 25
The Leviathan 60,682 19
The Royal Titans 46,566 96
The Whisperer 54,442 18
Theatre of Blood 36,416 186
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 21,899 11
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 231,037 100
Tombs of Amascut 103,133 54
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 24,577 247
TzKal-Zuk 25,333 2
TzTok-Jad 152,099 8
Vardorvis 78,174 59
Venenatis 4,430 1,921
Vet'ion 41,894 174
Vorkath 203,382 394
Wintertodt 573,806 180
Zalcano 84,187 150
Zulrah 371,962 67

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