
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Delano
Général 348,879 2,002 233,754,160
Attaque 211,109 99 14,802,188
Défense 122,187 99 15,980,325
Force 86,427 99 30,751,294
Constitution 90,367 99 42,038,722
Combat à distance 120,772 99 34,129,290
Prières 147,581 99 13,040,173
Magie 90,081 99 22,619,252
Cuisine 367,782 99 13,036,636
Coupe de bois 974,552 75 1,228,491
Archerie 915,485 75 1,248,810
Pêche 475,012 84 3,171,700
Feu de camp 649,860 86 3,654,481
Artisanat 651,586 78 1,707,053
Métallurgie 530,770 79 1,804,580
Exploitation minière 282,201 90 5,351,942
Herboristerie 468,966 80 2,085,553
Agilité 589,287 76 1,405,673
Larcin 759,534 73 1,018,299
Pourfendeur 341,912 93 7,565,559
Agriculture 281,065 99 13,054,176
Création de runes 579,575 68 661,220
Trappeur 775,274 72 905,591
Construction 554,569 82 2,493,152
Minigame Rank Score
Clue Scrolls (all) 662,056 54
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 1,631,414 1
Clue Scrolls (medium) 534,877 17
Clue Scrolls (hard) 518,252 30
Clue Scrolls (elite) 401,552 6
LMS - Rank 159,077 643
Rifts closed 578,824 28
Colosseum Glory 26,678 36,845
Abyssal Sire 191,932 56
Amoxliatl 56,909 29
Araxxor 66,538 259
Artio 111,524 20
Barrows Chests 204,581 294
Bryophyta 234,862 6
Calvar'ion 116,564 59
Cerberus 183,069 285
Chambers of Xeric 88,323 231
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 67,975 8
Chaos Elemental 165,970 25
Chaos Fanatic 118,892 48
Commander Zilyana 160,104 73
Corporeal Beast 116,897 51
Crazy Archaeologist 132,448 54
Dagannoth Prime 282,273 53
Dagannoth Rex 218,671 196
Dagannoth Supreme 309,263 38
Deranged Archaeologist 177,082 25
Duke Sucellus 25,119 610
General Graardor 119,765 356
Giant Mole 411,128 25
Grotesque Guardians 191,823 70
Hespori 213,203 51
Kalphite Queen 245,697 18
King Black Dragon 519,128 28
Kraken 484,785 100
Kree'Arra 126,059 70
K'ril Tsutsaroth 98,671 132
Lunar Chests 246,330 9
Nex 136,424 39
Nightmare 92,045 11
Obor 265,272 6
Phantom Muspah 90,722 106
Sarachnis 234,092 31
Scorpia 132,150 28
Scurrius 217,306 31
Skotizo 148,602 34
Spindel 103,358 23
Tempoross 137,393 148
The Gauntlet 210,180 13
The Corrupted Gauntlet 46,862 483
The Hueycoatl 76,937 29
The Leviathan 19,695 365
The Whisperer 15,748 382
Theatre of Blood 42,375 138
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 276,994 20
Tombs of Amascut 9,861 219
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 19,771 292
TzKal-Zuk 99,389 1
Vardorvis 36,714 510
Vorkath 335,425 168
Wintertodt 624,806 161
Zulrah 241,711 341

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