
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Garyy
Général 167,570 2,134 405,042,951
Attaque 1,005,166 82 2,421,278
Force 17,691 99 76,430,958
Constitution 46,929 99 56,989,486
Combat à distance 38,514 99 64,158,799
Prières 917,908 73 993,259
Magie 37,197 99 31,692,391
Cuisine 78,337 99 15,090,470
Coupe de bois 72,030 99 13,893,012
Archerie 293,543 95 8,793,959
Pêche 77,829 99 13,270,043
Feu de camp 316,357 99 13,037,540
Artisanat 226,256 95 8,822,702
Métallurgie 136,695 95 8,771,561
Exploitation minière 106,367 99 13,116,232
Herboristerie 149,492 95 8,772,548
Agilité 111,039 95 8,775,235
Larcin 182,059 95 9,053,274
Pourfendeur 70,602 99 17,015,290
Agriculture 157,613 99 14,014,233
Création de runes 115,478 93 7,550,222
Trappeur 164,647 92 6,702,898
Construction 146,647 90 5,614,764
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 10,120 135
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 7,177 15
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 201,435 4
Clue Scrolls (all) 143,950 409
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 360,682 12
Clue Scrolls (easy) 279,980 22
Clue Scrolls (medium) 305,300 42
Clue Scrolls (hard) 140,868 163
Clue Scrolls (elite) 78,081 55
Clue Scrolls (master) 20,912 115
LMS - Rank 22,444 2,218
Soul Wars Zeal 21,764 5,102
Rifts closed 242,696 135
Colosseum Glory 53,885 19,954
Abyssal Sire 106,520 250
Alchemical Hydra 155,052 300
Amoxliatl 39,371 42
Araxxor 14,734 1,000
Artio 105,882 20
Barrows Chests 627,397 55
Bryophyta 134,438 10
Callisto 70,354 204
Calvar'ion 165,019 20
Cerberus 229,089 150
Chambers of Xeric 60,404 362
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 14,836 200
Chaos Elemental 4,734 555
Chaos Fanatic 107,982 50
Commander Zilyana 51,880 372
Corporeal Beast 91,206 77
Crazy Archaeologist 144,738 50
Dagannoth Prime 115,586 255
Dagannoth Rex 106,039 394
Dagannoth Supreme 134,231 211
Deranged Archaeologist 25,563 50
Duke Sucellus 70,956 114
General Graardor 117,777 360
Giant Mole 218,380 101
Grotesque Guardians 71,930 255
Hespori 38,439 140
Kalphite Queen 66,413 250
King Black Dragon 277,393 111
Kraken 339,473 600
Kree'Arra 56,510 280
K'ril Tsutsaroth 48,042 269
Lunar Chests 148,674 30
Mimic 32,474 7
Nex 30,318 830
Nightmare 2,411 1,111
Phosani's Nightmare 23,884 69
Obor 148,622 10
Phantom Muspah 103,966 80
Sarachnis 124,568 77
Scorpia 26,930 212
Scurrius 93,768 105
Skotizo 113,875 39
Spindel 105,536 20
Tempoross 345,349 60
The Gauntlet 34,748 73
The Corrupted Gauntlet 176,963 50
The Hueycoatl 13,679 163
The Leviathan 41,936 60
The Whisperer 37,026 62
Theatre of Blood 32,078 224
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 2,346 422
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 111,786 555
Tombs of Amascut 34,390 128
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 22,009 265
TzKal-Zuk 51,370 1
TzTok-Jad 28,048 25
Vardorvis 73,775 66
Venenatis 50,280 219
Vet'ion 55,389 120
Vorkath 343,516 155
Wintertodt 304,304 425
Zalcano 18,043 550
Zulrah 286,120 208

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