
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Maindalorian
Général 437,195 1,941 286,296,202
Attaque 177,471 99 15,699,076
Défense 137,063 99 15,430,327
Force 23,421 99 65,468,690
Constitution 38,544 99 62,420,541
Combat à distance 46,233 99 58,650,297
Prières 337,153 85 3,398,874
Magie 57,592 99 26,788,325
Cuisine 1,231,528 71 875,470
Coupe de bois 775,449 78 1,674,034
Archerie 862,693 76 1,410,760
Pêche 947,906 74 1,136,528
Feu de camp 1,184,843 75 1,213,612
Artisanat 663,615 78 1,634,668
Métallurgie 360,897 85 3,264,134
Exploitation minière 495,305 82 2,554,952
Herboristerie 365,820 84 3,251,090
Agilité 442,719 79 1,921,322
Larcin 596,089 76 1,345,565
Pourfendeur 237,492 96 10,380,929
Agriculture 579,096 85 3,316,200
Création de runes 582,947 68 639,870
Trappeur 753,653 72 926,465
Construction 376,171 83 2,894,473
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 20,472 41
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 12,164 7
Clue Scrolls (all) 1,029,948 17
Clue Scrolls (medium) 1,411,247 1
Clue Scrolls (hard) 862,868 5
Clue Scrolls (elite) 310,799 10
Clue Scrolls (master) 415,872 1
LMS - Rank 356,609 505
Colosseum Glory 8,621 44,286
Abyssal Sire 202,093 50
Alchemical Hydra 186,799 150
Amoxliatl 60,642 23
Araxxor 24,251 741
Artio 89,396 37
Barrows Chests 770,255 29
Bryophyta 280,931 5
Callisto 202,124 21
Calvar'ion 164,808 20
Cerberus 219,423 166
Chambers of Xeric 29,374 675
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 19,030 154
Chaos Elemental 152,079 25
Chaos Fanatic 126,437 43
Commander Zilyana 48,483 400
Corporeal Beast 72,387 110
Crazy Archaeologist 242,901 28
Dagannoth Prime 84,630 354
Dagannoth Rex 90,705 446
Dagannoth Supreme 81,032 370
Deranged Archaeologist 106,916 25
Duke Sucellus 91,064 62
General Graardor 93,310 462
Giant Mole 278,631 59
Grotesque Guardians 150,562 104
Hespori 535,477 12
Kalphite Queen 160,512 68
King Black Dragon 170,206 211
Kraken 474,930 106
Kree'Arra 97,945 118
K'ril Tsutsaroth 45,163 283
Lunar Chests 169,428 25
Mimic 175,125 1
Nex 16,773 1,464
Nightmare 38,245 76
Phosani's Nightmare 6,344 436
Obor 154,376 10
Phantom Muspah 101,038 85
Sarachnis 121,412 80
Scorpia 91,027 50
Scurrius 261,034 18
Skotizo 300,223 18
Sol Heredit 11,317 10
Tempoross 701,810 10
The Gauntlet 128,814 26
The Corrupted Gauntlet 178,255 50
The Hueycoatl 54,462 44
The Leviathan 49,683 49
The Whisperer 43,636 49
Theatre of Blood 13,663 581
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 6,645 202
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 272,246 20
Tombs of Amascut 63,730 86
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 53,137 102
TzKal-Zuk 3,560 17
TzTok-Jad 120,530 10
Vardorvis 76,536 58
Venenatis 147,075 33
Vet'ion 196,517 8
Vorkath 127,335 650
Wintertodt 1,175,708 43
Zalcano 214,592 25
Zulrah 195,664 510

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