
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for sweethome
Général 26,689 2,277 496,004,082
Attaque 67,850 99 22,807,630
Défense 98,306 99 16,941,846
Force 24,917 99 63,218,135
Constitution 38,177 99 62,617,119
Combat à distance 49,437 99 56,681,566
Prières 32,267 99 13,502,325
Magie 33,618 99 32,910,382
Cuisine 137,536 99 13,607,317
Coupe de bois 68,215 99 13,998,785
Archerie 62,443 99 13,502,082
Pêche 51,096 99 14,064,260
Feu de camp 107,359 99 13,454,524
Artisanat 30,691 99 14,879,322
Métallurgie 54,867 99 13,206,033
Exploitation minière 90,310 99 13,249,416
Herboristerie 43,415 99 13,405,875
Agilité 44,867 99 13,362,934
Larcin 65,390 99 14,157,802
Pourfendeur 56,297 99 18,382,082
Agriculture 70,546 99 18,064,137
Création de runes 39,957 99 13,260,301
Trappeur 59,797 99 13,407,213
Construction 22,423 99 13,322,996
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 26,795 24
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 48,087 68
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Rogue 82,220 10
Clue Scrolls (all) 144,625 407
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 248,879 19
Clue Scrolls (easy) 33,433 204
Clue Scrolls (medium) 906,951 5
Clue Scrolls (hard) 537,473 27
Clue Scrolls (elite) 230,075 17
Clue Scrolls (master) 16,586 135
LMS - Rank 528,339 500
Colosseum Glory 5,264 45,984
Collections Logged 42,214 507
Abyssal Sire 173,025 77
Alchemical Hydra 120,850 507
Artio 40,422 217
Barrows Chests 300,947 193
Bryophyta 208,250 6
Callisto 85,898 150
Calvar'ion 31,394 346
Cerberus 29,796 1,660
Chambers of Xeric 29,136 678
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 40,510 41
Chaos Elemental 34,912 158
Chaos Fanatic 119,556 46
Commander Zilyana 81,510 221
Corporeal Beast 45,163 199
Crazy Archaeologist 255,332 26
Dagannoth Prime 36,438 713
Dagannoth Rex 42,325 763
Dagannoth Supreme 37,459 703
Deranged Archaeologist 76,998 25
Duke Sucellus 89,740 64
General Graardor 59,830 676
Giant Mole 8,268 3,150
Grotesque Guardians 15,267 859
Hespori 121,730 77
Kalphite Queen 9,108 970
King Black Dragon 59,326 550
Kraken 58,013 3,134
Kree'Arra 92,715 131
K'ril Tsutsaroth 121,736 100
Mimic 39,128 6
Nex 100,875 102
Nightmare 50,342 50
Phosani's Nightmare 24,894 62
Obor 290,087 5
Phantom Muspah 57,935 188
Sarachnis 7,482 1,445
Scorpia 15,625 359
Scurrius 92,259 107
Skotizo 106,705 40
Tempoross 523,402 29
The Gauntlet 238,498 9
The Corrupted Gauntlet 177,322 50
The Leviathan 49,443 49
The Whisperer 24,355 169
Theatre of Blood 27,185 285
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 4,340 288
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 17,827 2,263
Tombs of Amascut 111,549 48
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 70,885 60
TzKal-Zuk 6,575 10
TzTok-Jad 2,151 79
Vardorvis 44,540 309
Venenatis 162,779 24
Vet'ion 90,905 57
Vorkath 286,122 228
Wintertodt 237,205 519
Zalcano 87,277 141
Zulrah 84,481 1,319

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