
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Moathog63
Général 29,799 2,277 475,299,445
Attaque 92,328 99 20,321,240
Défense 33,871 99 23,234,921
Force 34,381 99 52,919,576
Constitution 44,085 99 58,823,875
Combat à distance 87,168 99 41,497,245
Prières 155,178 99 13,036,786
Magie 35,914 99 32,217,567
Cuisine 44,942 99 18,085,555
Coupe de bois 99,466 99 13,442,563
Archerie 35,925 99 14,147,117
Pêche 50,531 99 14,105,953
Feu de camp 92,649 99 13,650,874
Artisanat 11,221 99 16,574,681
Métallurgie 83,679 99 13,086,758
Exploitation minière 50,821 99 14,198,861
Herboristerie 11,294 99 15,906,113
Agilité 66,028 99 13,121,450
Larcin 103,060 99 13,330,688
Pourfendeur 68,081 99 17,264,356
Agriculture 82,611 99 17,053,170
Création de runes 66,409 99 13,058,261
Trappeur 85,481 99 13,109,884
Construction 66,810 99 13,111,951
Minigame Rank Score
Clue Scrolls (all) 72,663 688
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 703,720 5
Clue Scrolls (easy) 177,944 38
Clue Scrolls (medium) 37,564 377
Clue Scrolls (hard) 144,920 160
Clue Scrolls (elite) 39,009 91
Clue Scrolls (master) 125,108 17
LMS - Rank 236,131 560
Rifts closed 199,343 167
Colosseum Glory 51,164 24,294
Collections Logged 22,853 638
Abyssal Sire 139,086 150
Alchemical Hydra 98,482 692
Amoxliatl 56,051 27
Araxxor 27,809 687
Artio 93,431 32
Barrows Chests 62,809 655
Bryophyta 205,356 6
Callisto 40,892 421
Calvar'ion 190,928 11
Cerberus 82,246 840
Chambers of Xeric 40,023 535
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 33,316 65
Chaos Elemental 65,095 81
Chaos Fanatic 81,350 68
Commander Zilyana 71,363 263
Corporeal Beast 153,435 27
Crazy Archaeologist 222,226 33
Dagannoth Prime 141,850 199
Dagannoth Rex 173,280 253
Dagannoth Supreme 125,861 230
Deranged Archaeologist 26,099 50
General Graardor 58,064 693
Giant Mole 106,633 339
Grotesque Guardians 186,758 72
Hespori 50,682 123
Kalphite Queen 70,319 236
King Black Dragon 143,693 253
Kraken 76,142 2,752
Kree'Arra 44,639 367
K'ril Tsutsaroth 65,450 205
Lunar Chests 41,504 146
Mimic 173,738 1
Nex 85,425 156
Nightmare 41,269 68
Obor 281,469 5
Phantom Muspah 9,295 675
Sarachnis 40,331 316
Scorpia 154,734 25
Scurrius 238,243 24
Skotizo 52,333 53
Tempoross 340,362 62
The Gauntlet 56,427 55
The Corrupted Gauntlet 13,089 1,001
The Hueycoatl 40,770 64
The Leviathan 62,994 13
The Royal Titans 73,270 11
The Whisperer 37,730 61
Theatre of Blood 28,400 271
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 214,248 143
Tombs of Amascut 30,388 137
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 20,536 281
TzKal-Zuk 24,988 2
TzTok-Jad 133,818 9
Vardorvis 28,678 735
Venenatis 16,099 730
Vet'ion 37,617 196
Vorkath 342,928 157
Wintertodt 275,081 477
Zalcano 94,211 129
Zulrah 76,918 1,427

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