
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for MrSloot
Général 71,109 2,252 435,890,372
Attaque 185,879 99 15,427,851
Défense 82,138 99 17,857,156
Force 43,876 99 45,621,899
Constitution 42,310 99 59,733,014
Combat à distance 37,242 99 65,223,864
Prières 196,725 94 8,023,978
Magie 41,756 99 30,319,706
Cuisine 254,130 99 13,092,481
Coupe de bois 101,912 99 13,410,306
Archerie 250,569 99 13,034,456
Pêche 222,539 93 7,387,481
Feu de camp 319,127 99 13,036,992
Artisanat 59,152 99 14,078,628
Métallurgie 136,738 95 8,771,568
Exploitation minière 169,186 95 9,418,961
Herboristerie 27,500 99 13,834,819
Agilité 99,322 98 11,918,905
Larcin 94,229 99 13,428,851
Pourfendeur 109,618 99 14,664,900
Agriculture 161,016 99 13,947,417
Création de runes 101,410 96 9,789,371
Trappeur 121,434 97 10,744,187
Construction 61,741 99 13,123,581
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 40,712 8
Bounty Hunter - Rogue 12,143 7
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 120,774 13
Clue Scrolls (all) 110,177 507
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 217,028 22
Clue Scrolls (easy) 85,745 83
Clue Scrolls (medium) 110,802 146
Clue Scrolls (hard) 137,066 166
Clue Scrolls (elite) 108,819 41
Clue Scrolls (master) 55,145 49
LMS - Rank 179,181 614
Rifts closed 156,638 195
Colosseum Glory 24,298 37,236
Collections Logged 23,776 613
Abyssal Sire 104,788 255
Alchemical Hydra 73,745 955
Araxxor 75,475 183
Artio 30,365 330
Barrows Chests 104,668 492
Bryophyta 199,857 6
Callisto 47,054 351
Calvar'ion 128,072 45
Cerberus 45,648 1,290
Chambers of Xeric 55,071 398
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 42,252 37
Chaos Elemental 65,580 80
Chaos Fanatic 39,670 135
Commander Zilyana 13,113 1,030
Corporeal Beast 37,353 245
Crazy Archaeologist 89,264 75
Dagannoth Prime 139,324 203
Dagannoth Rex 196,531 220
Dagannoth Supreme 137,032 206
Deranged Archaeologist 32,882 50
Duke Sucellus 101,281 50
General Graardor 27,354 1,121
Giant Mole 65,163 617
Grotesque Guardians 71,682 256
Hespori 200,177 53
Kalphite Queen 103,790 149
King Black Dragon 273,667 113
Kraken 220,226 1,238
Kree'Arra 36,260 445
K'ril Tsutsaroth 92,579 140
Lunar Chests 159,672 27
Mimic 37,885 6
Nex 26,856 952
Nightmare 100,435 7
Phosani's Nightmare 28,211 43
Obor 269,242 5
Phantom Muspah 87,492 108
Sarachnis 170,440 50
Scorpia 58,378 88
Scurrius 186,525 40
Skotizo 166,303 31
Sol Heredit 12,681 7
Spindel 105,102 20
Tempoross 346,232 60
The Gauntlet 157,792 20
The Corrupted Gauntlet 44,513 495
The Hueycoatl 37,626 68
The Leviathan 31,067 128
The Whisperer 47,083 34
Theatre of Blood 30,932 237
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 99,887 641
Tombs of Amascut 36,188 125
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 19,545 290
TzKal-Zuk 25,413 2
TzTok-Jad 47,170 19
Vardorvis 36,847 475
Venenatis 26,149 463
Vet'ion 35,294 209
Vorkath 240,102 307
Wintertodt 252,799 505
Zalcano 73,731 169
Zulrah 76,681 1,428

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