
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for ZzJ0SH
Général 21,918 2,197 458,730,006
Attaque 15,684 99 19,106,951
Défense 21,857 99 15,299,535
Force 11,046 99 38,447,756
Constitution 6,227 99 72,269,931
Combat à distance 3,752 99 91,313,017
Prières 31,367 88 4,528,717
Magie 3,654 99 43,265,720
Cuisine 35,298 98 11,895,774
Coupe de bois 52,386 90 5,779,977
Archerie 23,765 95 9,464,396
Pêche 29,418 97 11,768,310
Feu de camp 38,463 99 13,417,584
Artisanat 39,284 94 8,364,096
Métallurgie 29,971 90 5,367,205
Exploitation minière 28,952 97 11,339,182
Herboristerie 12,507 99 13,536,302
Agilité 29,654 91 6,325,641
Larcin 3,203 99 24,840,529
Pourfendeur 13,589 99 17,839,082
Agriculture 22,167 99 16,755,241
Création de runes 31,214 88 4,593,352
Trappeur 23,927 96 10,211,624
Construction 46,628 84 3,000,084
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 4,233 14
Clue Scrolls (all) 22,834 691
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 330,382 1
Clue Scrolls (easy) 65,460 38
Clue Scrolls (medium) 10,727 358
Clue Scrolls (hard) 27,116 206
Clue Scrolls (elite) 17,098 65
Clue Scrolls (master) 16,556 23
LMS - Rank 4,363 2,143
Rifts closed 5,343 629
Colosseum Glory 4,477 36,491
Collections Logged 10,194 627
Abyssal Sire 42,946 50
Alchemical Hydra 16,075 1,022
Amoxliatl 12,891 32
Araxxor 9,819 537
Artio 1,639 1,670
Barrows Chests 41,082 548
Bryophyta 28,158 8
Callisto 14,176 153
Calvar'ion 20,742 179
Cerberus 30,175 528
Chambers of Xeric 17,230 266
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 9,000 39
Chaos Elemental 25,966 26
Chaos Fanatic 34,688 25
Commander Zilyana 15,167 337
Corporeal Beast 15,012 21
Crazy Archaeologist 86,498 25
Dagannoth Prime 24,372 194
Dagannoth Rex 31,348 295
Dagannoth Supreme 55,102 48
Deranged Archaeologist 40,548 25
Duke Sucellus 3,084 966
General Graardor 20,597 516
Giant Mole 12,580 495
Grotesque Guardians 21,241 78
Hespori 42,696 73
Kalphite Queen 38,087 33
King Black Dragon 11,397 232
Kraken 52,289 655
Kree'Arra 19,493 190
K'ril Tsutsaroth 3,597 689
Lunar Chests 54,481 14
Mimic 23,816 2
Nex 1,869 1,775
Obor 55,414 5
Phantom Muspah 3,335 571
Sarachnis 21,188 99
Scorpia 25,315 25
Scurrius 43,804 15
Skotizo 41,562 26
Spindel 3,371 1,026
Tempoross 169,578 15
The Gauntlet 62,338 6
The Corrupted Gauntlet 14,654 569
The Hueycoatl 20,389 22
The Leviathan 12,494 15
The Royal Titans 19,157 31
The Whisperer 1,479 774
Theatre of Blood 6,602 285
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 4,432 10
Tombs of Amascut 11,638 94
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 2,605 399
TzKal-Zuk 10,421 1
Vardorvis 6,268 929
Vet'ion 3,289 499
Vorkath 26,004 113
Wintertodt 86,199 559
Zulrah 24,994 1,059

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