
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for 5reak
Général 6,400 2,277 503,345,783
Attaque 11,768 99 21,672,679
Défense 10,544 99 19,908,095
Force 10,645 99 39,841,181
Constitution 9,157 99 60,155,026
Combat à distance 6,674 99 70,354,221
Prières 7,238 99 13,378,251
Magie 6,820 99 34,598,374
Cuisine 4,748 99 22,270,568
Coupe de bois 20,249 99 13,215,779
Archerie 11,206 99 13,443,349
Pêche 9,035 99 14,495,716
Feu de camp 48,850 99 13,233,740
Artisanat 7,313 99 15,305,538
Métallurgie 6,222 99 13,425,477
Exploitation minière 16,549 99 13,403,231
Herboristerie 7,495 99 15,458,800
Agilité 13,173 99 13,115,425
Larcin 18,890 99 14,745,785
Pourfendeur 9,357 99 20,512,033
Agriculture 11,979 99 21,001,336
Création de runes 11,339 99 13,065,848
Trappeur 13,213 99 13,462,452
Construction 5,868 99 13,282,879
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter - Hunter 1,448 4
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 5,835 11
Clue Scrolls (all) 2,435 2,382
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 233,372 3
Clue Scrolls (easy) 9,801 282
Clue Scrolls (medium) 266 1,300
Clue Scrolls (hard) 4,589 503
Clue Scrolls (elite) 3,113 206
Clue Scrolls (master) 5,048 88
LMS - Rank 37,872 673
Rifts closed 40,099 208
Colosseum Glory 13,062 5,254
Collections Logged 3,257 844
Abyssal Sire 19,191 400
Alchemical Hydra 21,903 776
Amoxliatl 9,960 50
Araxxor 13,346 404
Artio 1,813 1,597
Barrows Chests 13,674 928
Bryophyta 1,523 184
Callisto 2,352 899
Calvar'ion 10,244 401
Cerberus 2,819 1,876
Chambers of Xeric 8,617 539
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 5,661 99
Chaos Elemental 8,156 150
Chaos Fanatic 10,364 104
Commander Zilyana 14,146 371
Corporeal Beast 5,675 295
Crazy Archaeologist 12,626 130
Dagannoth Prime 6,175 488
Dagannoth Rex 9,425 541
Dagannoth Supreme 6,475 479
Deranged Archaeologist 11,621 50
Duke Sucellus 12,830 121
General Graardor 19,083 555
Giant Mole 7,150 923
Grotesque Guardians 7,584 248
Hespori 6,793 188
Kalphite Queen 3,493 555
King Black Dragon 1,168 1,338
Kraken 12,845 2,414
Kree'Arra 7,147 550
K'ril Tsutsaroth 9,823 402
Lunar Chests 51,724 22
Mimic 3,332 13
Nex 8,473 310
Nightmare 6,373 29
Obor 34,222 6
Phantom Muspah 4,469 511
Sarachnis 10,956 215
Scorpia 3,795 271
Scurrius 24,320 50
Skotizo 11,279 54
Spindel 13,035 212
Tempoross 63,270 103
The Gauntlet 18,625 46
The Corrupted Gauntlet 53,657 155
The Hueycoatl 7,430 98
The Leviathan 12,978 12
The Royal Titans 18,835 66
The Whisperer 11,247 6
Theatre of Blood 13,804 70
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 15,367 541
Tombs of Amascut 15,346 75
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 13,340 94
TzTok-Jad 6,850 18
Vardorvis 12,349 252
Venenatis 8,452 214
Vet'ion 10,195 163
Vorkath 8,885 467
Wintertodt 107,228 519
Zalcano 8,764 310
Zulrah 6,292 2,125

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