
Personal Hiscores
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Personal scores for Martip
Général 2,410 2,277 732,375,582
Attaque 4,790 99 31,077,293
Défense 6,231 99 23,582,859
Force 2,115 99 102,144,109
Constitution 2,103 99 111,873,014
Combat à distance 1,293 99 130,178,808
Prières 2,588 99 14,563,354
Magie 3,169 99 45,094,811
Cuisine 9,182 99 17,655,926
Coupe de bois 3,532 99 21,355,965
Archerie 4,685 99 15,044,266
Pêche 12,560 99 13,679,970
Feu de camp 15,221 99 15,425,169
Artisanat 1,779 99 19,192,937
Métallurgie 2,527 99 14,632,905
Exploitation minière 9,447 99 14,379,090
Herboristerie 3,874 99 18,823,472
Agilité 6,827 99 13,522,447
Larcin 23,957 99 13,978,451
Pourfendeur 2,877 99 30,026,542
Agriculture 9,394 99 22,921,949
Création de runes 7,520 99 13,205,151
Trappeur 5,317 99 16,883,192
Construction 11,005 99 13,133,902
Minigame Rank Score
Bounty Hunter (Legacy) - Hunter 9,304 9
Clue Scrolls (all) 6,083 1,527
Clue Scrolls (beginner) 3,632 385
Clue Scrolls (easy) 27,444 108
Clue Scrolls (medium) 52,398 92
Clue Scrolls (hard) 4,545 500
Clue Scrolls (elite) 1,386 292
Clue Scrolls (master) 2,397 150
LMS - Rank 85,253 518
Colosseum Glory 495 47,375
Abyssal Sire 13,138 540
Alchemical Hydra 19,898 843
Araxxor 4,819 843
Artio 994 2,044
Barrows Chests 28,526 675
Bryophyta 5,266 73
Callisto 13,419 163
Calvar'ion 2,078 1,175
Cerberus 1,871 2,120
Chambers of Xeric 5,359 732
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode 8,009 50
Chaos Elemental 2,499 338
Chaos Fanatic 8,414 128
Commander Zilyana 16,616 297
Corporeal Beast 12,013 50
Crazy Archaeologist 32,647 63
Dagannoth Prime 10,252 366
Dagannoth Rex 18,399 397
Dagannoth Supreme 9,951 374
Deranged Archaeologist 7,385 50
Duke Sucellus 4,670 729
General Graardor 36,510 188
Giant Mole 37,870 50
Grotesque Guardians 6,270 276
Hespori 5,575 204
Kalphite Queen 6,710 355
King Black Dragon 31,526 63
Kraken 4,179 3,944
Kree'Arra 5,073 657
K'ril Tsutsaroth 8,604 432
Lunar Chests 6,192 277
Mimic 1,096 23
Nex 317 3,843
Nightmare 9,132 13
Phosani's Nightmare 1,834 327
Obor 6,818 29
Phantom Muspah 2,122 664
Sarachnis 31,445 53
Scorpia 13,625 51
Scurrius 20,730 56
Skotizo 8,844 58
Sol Heredit 765 40
Spindel 1,673 1,502
Tempoross 112,952 50
The Gauntlet 16,338 50
The Corrupted Gauntlet 12,172 624
The Leviathan 4,135 478
The Whisperer 355 1,312
Theatre of Blood 4,287 435
Theatre of Blood: Hard Mode 2,835 50
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 23,030 338
Tombs of Amascut 5,315 144
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode 600 666
TzKal-Zuk 1,525 9
TzTok-Jad 656 45
Vardorvis 268 3,046
Venenatis 20,195 51
Vet'ion 14,702 92
Vorkath 447 2,528
Wintertodt 108,042 515
Zalcano 44,942 25
Zulrah 2,226 3,005

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