Personal scores for PooperCheeks |
Skill | Rank | Level | XP |
| | | | |
42,687 |
2,100 |
247,666,996 |
18,667 |
99 |
17,615,579 |
19,301 |
99 |
15,945,114 |
18,759 |
99 |
25,259,049 |
20,255 |
99 |
37,409,719 |
Combat à distance
28,073 |
99 |
27,208,213 |
37,402 |
86 |
3,673,294 |
16,814 |
99 |
23,208,578 |
36,780 |
97 |
11,042,628 |
Coupe de bois
71,091 |
86 |
3,942,196 |
33,837 |
92 |
6,748,529 |
91,570 |
85 |
3,508,411 |
Feu de camp
77,039 |
99 |
13,073,852 |
51,943 |
93 |
7,347,777 |
42,168 |
87 |
4,239,690 |
Exploitation minière
72,218 |
87 |
4,348,799 |
34,033 |
93 |
7,220,465 |
61,074 |
83 |
2,932,101 |
74,553 |
89 |
5,013,345 |
24,182 |
99 |
14,243,519 |
62,114 |
94 |
7,955,894 |
Création de runes
71,803 |
77 |
1,595,319 |
125,331 |
77 |
1,614,358 |
72,091 |
82 |
2,520,567 |
Minigame |
Rank |
Score |
Clue Scrolls (all) |
8,296 |
1,295 |
Clue Scrolls (beginner) |
7,630 |
207 |
Clue Scrolls (easy) |
6,965 |
366 |
Clue Scrolls (medium) |
21,978 |
217 |
Clue Scrolls (hard) |
10,064 |
355 |
Clue Scrolls (elite) |
9,275 |
106 |
Clue Scrolls (master) |
10,014 |
44 |
LMS - Rank |
18,714 |
933 |
Soul Wars Zeal |
6,864 |
1,930 |
Rifts closed |
105,391 |
55 |
Colosseum Glory |
22,725 |
630 |
Collections Logged |
3,191 |
827 |
Abyssal Sire |
11,113 |
604 |
Alchemical Hydra |
39,931 |
184 |
Amoxliatl |
1,845 |
169 |
Araxxor |
24,849 |
32 |
Artio |
23,166 |
33 |
Barrows Chests |
42,996 |
530 |
Bryophyta |
16,921 |
16 |
Callisto |
27,862 |
28 |
Calvar'ion |
34,820 |
63 |
Cerberus |
35,851 |
417 |
Chambers of Xeric |
19,765 |
218 |
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode |
9,089 |
38 |
Chaos Elemental |
24,220 |
30 |
Chaos Fanatic |
15,613 |
65 |
Commander Zilyana |
31,448 |
67 |
Corporeal Beast |
15,574 |
15 |
Crazy Archaeologist |
10,671 |
148 |
Dagannoth Prime |
24,182 |
195 |
Dagannoth Rex |
19,236 |
389 |
Dagannoth Supreme |
34,898 |
126 |
Deranged Archaeologist |
23,967 |
25 |
Duke Sucellus |
13,069 |
108 |
General Graardor |
30,335 |
309 |
Giant Mole |
25,725 |
136 |
Grotesque Guardians |
12,270 |
151 |
Hespori |
74,778 |
40 |
Kalphite Queen |
27,579 |
87 |
King Black Dragon |
10,174 |
258 |
Kraken |
4,140 |
3,961 |
Kree'Arra |
26,840 |
57 |
Lunar Chests |
29,275 |
72 |
Mimic |
18,143 |
3 |
Nightmare |
12,550 |
5 |
Obor |
19,463 |
11 |
Phantom Muspah |
11,795 |
237 |
Sarachnis |
4,974 |
466 |
Scorpia |
15,432 |
43 |
Scurrius |
14,829 |
82 |
Skotizo |
13,757 |
50 |
Spindel |
22,311 |
46 |
Tempoross |
77,010 |
85 |
The Gauntlet |
41,628 |
18 |
The Corrupted Gauntlet |
45,925 |
235 |
The Hueycoatl |
11,550 |
52 |
The Whisperer |
9,829 |
16 |
Theatre of Blood |
13,427 |
74 |
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil |
17,406 |
478 |
Tombs of Amascut |
2,465 |
195 |
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode |
7,809 |
189 |
TzTok-Jad |
12,174 |
13 |
Vardorvis |
11,032 |
337 |
Venenatis |
28,868 |
12 |
Vet'ion |
7,049 |
253 |
Vorkath |
22,875 |
141 |
Wintertodt |
72,671 |
581 |
Zalcano |
53,488 |
10 |
Zulrah |
14,876 |
1,453 |
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