Fresh Start Worlds competitive

Fresh Start Worlds competitive results

Fresh Start Worlds - Overall

Skills are the abilities of player characters, which may be improved by practising them. Performing actions using skills rewards the player with experience in the appropriate skill(s).

Competitive results - 2022-11-21.

Rank Player Level XP
26 An Doubt An Doubt 2,700 412,135,010
27 AmoreOdium AmoreOdium 2,700 405,505,588
28 Yakke Yakke 2,695 471,717,156
29 Fresh Cel Fresh Cel 2,693 403,517,447
30 Mistime Mistime 2,691 1,026,607,695
31 Vorital Vorital 2,681 714,102,353
32 Wally West Wally West 2,680 810,510,353
33 YewLoseAgain YewLoseAgain 2,679 396,861,069
34 zapyzapyzapy zapyzapyzapy 2,670 650,861,697
35 GutNuzzler73 GutNuzzler73 2,670 339,735,172
36 Gigglure Gigglure 2,666 635,569,516
37 FSW Antv2 FSW Antv2 2,665 408,652,031
38 Krvavi Kurac Krvavi Kurac 2,664 360,439,342
39 Madriu Madriu 2,663 431,971,086
40 OF Link OF Link 2,662 483,303,755
41 Summitodo Summitodo 2,662 361,182,272
42 Feeeeeeeeels Feeeeeeeeels 2,661 1,032,772,111
43 D ayv e D ayv e 2,660 457,169,881
44 C4rnade C4rnade 2,659 793,511,584
45 Mumi Mumi 2,659 498,753,297
46 chaewons bf chaewons bf 2,658 455,168,395
47 ActualSlave ActualSlave 2,657 340,803,880
48 GUARDED FSW GUARDED FSW 2,655 339,963,920
49 Chimeria Chimeria 2,654 430,339,075
50 Dicedxx Dicedxx 2,653 882,288,878