Grand Exchange

Price Rises

Top 100 price rise (by average % increase of total price)

Item Members Icon Start Price End Price Total Rise Change
LockpickLockpick Yes 2 3 1 +50%
Rune dartRune dart 28 39 11 +39%
Mithril arrowMithril arrow 40 53 13 +32%
Iron stone spiritIron stone spirit 7 9 2 +28%
Crustacea armour tokenCrustacea armour token... 6,295 7,785 1,490 +23%
Captain Deathbeard's Doublet tokenCaptain Deathbeard's D... 1.3m 1.6m 275.8k +20%
Iron barIron bar 3,196 3,842 646 +20%
Bucket head tokenBucket head token 103.6k 124.4k 20.8k +20%
Earth talismanEarth talisman 273 330 57 +20%
Steel nailsSteel nails 52 62 10 +19%
CoalCoal 361 430 69 +19%
Ghostly essenceGhostly essence Yes 1,892 2,236 344 +18%
Blood Ice Barricade cosmetic ability scrollBlood Ice Barricade co... 41.4m 49.0m 7.5m +18%
EmeraldEmerald 773 907 134 +17%
Fire talismanFire talisman 279 328 49 +17%
CannonballCannonball Yes 1,641 1,931 290 +17%
Off-hand steel dartOff-hand steel dart 6 7 1 +16%
Resonant anima of Wen (tradeable)Resonant anima of Wen ... Yes 6 7 1 +16%
EggEgg 287 333 46 +16%
SeaweedSeaweed Yes 109 127 18 +16%
Pollnivneach TeleportPollnivneach Teleport Yes 633 729 96 +15%
Puzzle box skipping ticketPuzzle box skipping ti... Yes 1.1m 1.3m 177.0k +15%
Wooden bookcaseWooden bookcase Yes 7 8 1 +14%
Fungal Assault cosmetic ability scrollFungal Assault cosmeti... 14.5m 16.6m 2.1m +14%
Spirit mementoSpirit memento Yes 25.5k 29.1k 3,622 +14%
Hard leatherHard leather 1,180 1,348 168 +14%
Cottontail knight upper body tokenCottontail knight uppe... 116.5k 131.9k 15.4k +13%
Christmas lootbeam tokenChristmas lootbeam tok... 14.5k 16.5k 1,972 +13%
Fragile mementoFragile memento Yes 3,902 4,439 537 +13%
Teak wood spiritTeak wood spirit 1,701 1,937 236 +13%
Knot skipping ticketKnot skipping ticket Yes 495.9k 561.1k 65.2k +13%
Tyrian purpleTyrian purple Yes 9,716 11.0k 1,304 +13%
Manuscript of WenManuscript of Wen Yes 128.3k 143.7k 15.4k +12%
Beach Towel Outfit tokenBeach Towel Outfit tok... 14.8k 16.7k 1,855 +12%
CharcoalCharcoal 3,652 4,103 451 +12%
Medium plated adamant salvageMedium plated adamant ... 4,037 4,488 451 +11%
Powerful ghostly inkPowerful ghostly ink Yes 14.8k 16.6k 1,773 +11%
BowstringBowstring 900 1,000 100 +11%
Zarosian insigniaZarosian insignia 10.2k 11.3k 1,191 +11%
LuminiteLuminite 2,229 2,472 243 +10%
Spider venomSpider venom Yes 1,358 1,497 139 +10%
ImphideImphide 712 786 74 +10%
Eternal magic shortbow Mk. 5Eternal magic shortbow... Yes 240.1k 264.7k 24.6k +10%
Garden pieGarden pie Yes 1,431 1,578 147 +10%
Cactus spineCactus spine Yes 1,706 1,882 176 +10%
Impious ashesImpious ashes 804 890 86 +10%
Super restore (4)Super restore (4) Yes 2,245 2,487 242 +10%
Silver barSilver bar 2,074 2,286 212 +10%
Beach ball tokenBeach ball token 115.2k 127.9k 12.7k +10%
Bucket of sandBucket of sand Yes 112 124 12 +10%
ThreadThread 20 22 2 +10%
Ruby ringRuby ring 2,401 2,658 257 +10%
JadeJade 1,617 1,789 172 +10%
Leather glovesLeather gloves 527 580 53 +10%
Iron arrowIron arrow 50 55 5 +10%
Ancient gravelAncient gravel 1,320 1,462 142 +10%
Hellfire metalHellfire metal Yes 11.4k 12.6k 1,150 +10%
Binding contract (blood reaver)Binding contract (bloo... Yes 93.3k 103.1k 9,833 +10%
Grimy harralanderGrimy harralander Yes 1,318 1,456 138 +10%
Lantadyme incense sticksLantadyme incense stic... Yes 22.3k 24.4k 2,101 +9%
Rune platebodyRune platebody 20.5k 22.5k 2,019 +9%
UltracompostUltracompost Yes 6,581 7,192 611 +9%
Seasinger's hoodSeasinger's hood Yes 4.0m 4.4m 392.8k +9%
Lumberjack's courageLumberjack's courage Yes 84.4k 92.7k 8,285 +9%
Primal crossbow Mk. 5Primal crossbow Mk. 5 Yes 181.8k 199.3k 17.5k +9%
Skeka's hypnowand baseSkeka's hypnowand base... Yes 6.6m 7.2m 597.4k +9%
Skeka's hypnowand projectorSkeka's hypnowand proj... Yes 8.0m 8.8m 740.3k +9%
Lost Grove Creature WildcardLost Grove Creature Wi... Yes 48.1k 52.4k 4,362 +9%
Vorkath's spikeVorkath's spike Yes 3.7m 4.1m 368.2k +9%
Mahogany logsMahogany logs 352 387 35 +9%
Slayer WildcardSlayer Wildcard Yes 89.2k 97.6k 8,404 +9%
Aggression flask (6)Aggression flask (6) Yes 112.7k 123.9k 11.1k +9%
Sharp shell shardSharp shell shard Yes 580 634 54 +9%
Wen arrowWen arrow Yes 809 882 73 +9%
Sapphire necklaceSapphire necklace 3,556 3,902 346 +9%
Uncut emeraldUncut emerald 792 865 73 +9%
Blood talismanBlood talisman Yes 33.4k 36.7k 3,273 +9%
Searing ashesSearing ashes Yes 40.6k 44.4k 3,714 +9%
KnifeKnife 444 486 42 +9%
Gold oreGold ore 992 1,086 94 +9%
Iron oreIron ore 1,449 1,583 134 +9%
Super prayer renewal potion (6)Super prayer renewal p... Yes 27.9k 30.7k 2,745 +9%
Chaotic brimstoneChaotic brimstone Yes 8,234 9,027 793 +9%
Grimy avantoeGrimy avantoe Yes 416 454 38 +9%
Weapon poison+++ flask (6)Weapon poison+++ flask... Yes 69.3k 74.9k 5,593 +8%
Flickering energyFlickering energy Yes 346 374 28 +8%
Lava titan pouchLava titan pouch Yes 17.5k 18.9k 1,427 +8%
Copper stone spiritCopper stone spirit 443 480 37 +8%
Super Saradomin brew flask (6)Super Saradomin brew f... Yes 83.5k 90.6k 7,104 +8%
Chinchompa residueChinchompa residue Yes 71 77 6 +8%
Aurora Santa hatAurora Santa hat 2.8b 3.0b 242.3m +8%
Skeka's hypnowandSkeka's hypnowand Yes 195.1m 211.8m 16.6m +8%
Impure essenceImpure essence 331 358 27 +8%
WatermelonWatermelon Yes 896 976 80 +8%
Magic frameMagic frame Yes 74.3k 80.4k 6,074 +8%
Mammoth tuskMammoth tusk Yes 30.3k 32.8k 2,496 +8%
Miscellania TeleportMiscellania Teleport Yes 435 473 38 +8%
Apple pieApple pie 1,197 1,302 105 +8%
Soft claySoft clay 2,217 2,408 191 +8%
Uncut red topazUncut red topaz 808 874 66 +8%