42 Players’ Gallery: Edible Creations

Player Gallery 42

Calling all artists and food lovers! For this month's Player Gallery we would like to challenge your creativity, cooking and crafting skills. It is no secret that all JMods like cookies, but can you surprise us with your culinary delights? For instance, can you turn that famous noodle soup you make, or a simple basket of fruit, into art?

Stock up on food supplies and let your imagination flow. Once you finished your artwork, however tempted you are, don't eat it yet! Take a picture of your creation and send it to gallery@jagex.com (we will share some nifty photography tips on the forums to help you get the best results).

As usual, let us know about the creative process, your ideas and suggestions – you can do it on our forums and by tweeting to us with the hashtag #RSart! We also have a deviantART group that you should definitely check out, so why not join us there too?

Nom nom nom... I mean good luck everyone!

Deadline: 3rd March 2013


  • It has to be RuneScape related artwork
  • It's got to be your own work – no knock-offs, please!
  • Minimum resolution: 1280 x 720 px
  • Maximum size: 2 MB
  • Accepted formats: .jpg, .png, .gif
  • Email your entry to gallery@jagex.com with your display name and title of your artwork.


  • Winner:
    • RuneScape concept art print – signed by our artists
    • 50 spins
  • 2 runner-ups:
    • 25 spins

Mod Phoenix

RuneScape Community Team

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