Cleanse the Gate of Elidinis in RuneScapes second skilling boss encounter atop the Sanctum of Rebirth.
Gate of Elidinis
Runescape's Second-Ever Skilling Boss
High atop the Sanctum of Rebirth lies the Gate of Elidinis, a crucial part of the cycle of rebirth - but now, it's under attack by Amascut and her followers. Here, you'll need to use your non-combat skills to put a stop to the corruption that has taken hold of this sacred place.

Dive into a fast-paced skilling encounter where you'll cleanse the corruption amassing in the Statue of Elidinis. Face it alone for a solo experience or bring along up to nine other adventurers as you craft, mine, divine and dodge your way to victory! Earn powerful rewards such as Runecrafting and Divination skilling off-hands, a new God book and Combat Prayer, and, if you complete the encounter 100 times, a beautiful skybox!

Check out our recent blog for more details about the boss and rewards!
Gate of Elidinis Hunt
Gather Shards to Earn new rewards!
With the launch of this boss, Priestesses of Elidinis have appeared outside the Sanctum of Rebirth and at the Grand Exchange.
They're looking for adventurers to take part in the Gate of Elidinis Hunt until October 6th. We highly recommend joining in, as there's a mountain of benefits for participating heroes!
Complete tasks to earn Moonstone Shards, which you can then exchange for new cosmetic items and handy short-term buffs! Here's what goodies you can unlock...
Divine Moon Guard and Lantern Overrides

Punish your foes in the name of the moon with these snazzy new Lantern and Death Guard overrides! These cosmetic overrides will be added to the Gate of Elidinis loot table as very rare drops once this event ends.
Completing the hunt event will also earn you a couple of gameplay buffs!
- Infinite Porters: Provides a guaranteed 'porter' effect (which transports valid items to the Bank when gathered) while the buff is active.
- Skilling Cauldrons: Provides access to Skilling Cauldrons at War's Retreat which will give you the benefits of the Agility, Crafting, Super Mining and Extreme Divination potions when interacted with.
- 10% Increased Rare Drop Chance for the Gate of Elidinis encounter during the Hunt event.
Buffs can be enabled or disabled any time after you have completed the hunt. The buffs are available to use for 14 days once you complete the Hunt - disabling the buff will not stop the 14-day timer that begins once you earn the buffs.
This event will run from September 23rd until October 6th and follows the design of previous hunt events, where you'll set out to collect eight shards by completing a variety of tasks.
As with other, similar events, we've made sure the tasks cover a broad spectrum - if you're not usually the PvMing type, you can still pick up these rewards by completing non-boss tasks.
There are a total of 12 tasks available to gather Shards from but you will only need to collect 8 Shards in total. Take a look:
Task List (click to expand)
Task List (click to expand)
- Repair the Gate of Elidinis (infinitely repeatable until all shards have been collected).
- One Shard for your first completion, subsequent shards every 20th completion.
- Complete the Ode of the Devourer quest (given on login if the quest is completed before the event starts).
- Have an active Premier Membership (given on login if active as the event starts).
- Log in on seven separate days throughout the event period.
- Train Gathering skills.
- Train Artisan skills.
- Train Combat skills.
- Train Support skills.
- Players will be guaranteed these shards after three hours of training in each particular skill, but have a high chance to obtain them beforehand.
- Complete Treasure Trail steps.
- Players will be guaranteed this shard after either 90 Easy, 45 Medium, 30 Hard, 23 Elite or 18 Master steps - or any combination of the above!
- Earning Marks of War by defeating repeatable bosses.
- Players will be guaranteed this shard at 2,500 Marks but have a chance to obtain it beforehand.
- Buy for 15 million coins or 5,000 Protean items from the Shady Crafter in the Grand Exchange.
- Earning RuneScore.
- Players will be guaranteed this shard at 200 Runescore but have a chance to obtain it beforehand.
- If a player has over 31,000 Runescore already they will earn this shard upon earning any Runescore.
Developer discussions, livestreams and more!
September 23rd: Gate of Elidinis Creator Streams
Check out these fearless adventurers as they dive head first into the Gate of Elidinis live on launch day!
Creator | Time | What's planned |
2slaya | 16:00 EST | Challenging the Gate of Elidinis. |
Ashshley | 09.30 EST | Battling the new boss. |
Breacheese | 12:00 - 14:00 EST | Checking out the Gate. |
ChevalricRS | Update Launch | Slaying bosses and making bank. |
Imxcrystal | Update Launch | Learning the boss and working on log. |
Krityars | 17:30 BST | Drop hunting and group perspective. |
Maikeru | Update Launch | Boss Bashing and Skillful Skilling. |
Sarahdominist | Update Launch | Boss learning and drop getting. |
September 24th: Gate of Elidinis J-Mod Showcase
Join Mod RsGuy as he catches up with some creators after the launch of the Gate of Elidinis! Catch the stream live on our Official Twitch Channel at 13:00 Game Time.
Patch Notes
Fixes and Improvements in this Week's Game Update
- Fixed a very rare issue that could cause a particular world to crash.
- Fixed an issue where particle effects could flicker or appear in incorrect positions in some situations.
- Fixed an issue where the Poison Wastes Divination rift could become unresponsive.
- Fixed artifacts occurring within refractions.
- Fixed an issue where some models rendered as solid light-blue.
- Fixed an issue where the application console appears when opening the in-game console on Windows.
- Removed some unused chat functionality in the lobby.
- Engine support for future cursor size changes.
- Fixed an issue where the extra health UI was not removed on leaving the Shadowsands in the Sanctum of Rebirth.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing Zamorak's health UI from appearing red.
Xsolla Exclusive Weapon Cosmetics
Rule the Shadows
Coming to you later in October, be ready to snatch up some exclusive Umbral Crypt Lord in game weapon cosmetics, as we team up with Xsolla as part of their Xsolla Rewards programme.
You are able to pre-register with them from this week and collect these new rewards when they launch later this year!

Treasure Hunter Calendar
What's up next?
Starts September 26th | Ends September 30th | Academy of Skillers
The Academy has opened its doors one again, but this time it is to test your skills instead of your combat prowess! Level up your aspiring adventurer by training at specific locations and reach level milestones to unlock two new sets of Enchanter Robes and Halos.

The Halo sits in the Aura slot and so it can mix and match with all manner of headwear!

The latest updates from our community
Community Showcase


Scaper's Screenshots

Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:

- Hosted By: M e r c y and Dung Titan
- Date/Time: Saturday September 28th, 13:00 Gametime
- Location: Exiled Kalphite Hive
- World: 35
- FC: Dung Titan

- Hosted By: Pippyspot and Boss Guild
- Date/Time: Sunday September 29th, 20:00 Gametime
- Location: Rex Matriarch Lair
- World: 88
- FC: Boss Guild

- Hosted By: Apazos and L0lf2p FC
- Date/Time: Sunday September 29th, 18:00 Gametime
- Location: Daemonheim
- World: 215
- FC: L0lf2p
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!
Community Spotlight
4000% enrage 200 killstreak at Glacor

A massive congratulations to Sonders for being the first known player to have completed a 200 kill streak on the Arch Glacor boss at 4000% Enrage! Absolutely inspirational!

RuneHQ is a fantastic source for RS3 and OSRS guides, databases, clues, and more! RuneHQ will be hosting the following events this week on world 60. Join the FC at "EventHQ" to keep up to date!
- Tuesday, September 24th - 23:59 - Tues-Di-Straction Stream. Come join in at
- Saturday, September 28th - 18:00 - Dragonkin Laboratory (ED2)
- Sunday, September 29th - 18:00 - New Skilling Boss - The Gate of Elidinis
- The RuneScape Team
Mods Astar, Alex, Azanna, Bak, Balkan, Bam, Blkwitch, Boko, Brat, Breezy, Brig, Camel, Colibri, Chaose, Dark, Daze, Desert, Dorn, Dragon, Drew, Drewid, Easty, Echo, Fallen, Forza, Fowl, Fox, Frosch, Grace, Gunner, Helen, Hooli, Ink, Jack, Keyser, Kitsune, Kristy, Luma, Lunatear, Lykos, Lynx, Makkari, MIC, Mickey, Morty, Muse, Nemo, Neong, Nixon, Noms, Pearce, Pebble, Phoenix, Pigeon, Rain, Ramen, Rowley, Rsguy, Ryan, Samy, Sakura, Shrew, Shrike, Skyefall, Soul, Sponge, Spyro, Stead, Stu, Sukotto, Taelae, Tiger, Timbo, Titus, Toebeans, Tri, Vegard, Volta, Who, Wov, Yuey & Zura