January Patch Week - This Week In RuneScape

January Patch Week - This Week In RuneScape

While we're back today with our usual This Week In RuneScape, we want to make it clear we aren't shying away from the response to the recent membership survey. We know there are underlying points for us to still address, and much more we need to do to regain your trust.

If your feedback on the survey is the only thing you want to keeping discussing, please do so while we continue working on addressing your concerns. RuneScape is crafted by a team of passionate developers at the studio who work super hard. If you do love something in the update or have any feedback, all we ask is to remember there's a developer behind it who would love to hear from you.

Thanks for your continued feedback.

- The RuneScape Community Management Team

Ironman Status Changes
Safeguarding your account

With the release of Group Ironman we've been addressing some longstanding issues affecting all Ironman players. Previously, some Ironmen opted to lock their Ironman status permanently out of concern that a hijacker could access their account and downgrade it without their consent. Over time, however, we've noticed an increasing number of players regretting this decision.

Now that Jagex Accounts offer enhanced security measures to protect accounts from unauthorized access, we've decided to remove the old "permanent" lock option. Starting with today’s update, if you previously locked your Ironman status permanently but now wish to downgrade, you’ll be able to do so—provided your account is secured with a Jagex Account.

For Ironmen still concerned about potential downgrades, the process now includes a mandatory 7-day waiting period after requesting a downgrade. Additionally, we've introduced an optional 90-day cooldown as a replacement for the previous "never disable any Ironman game modes" option. Once the 90-day cooldown is activated, it cannot be reversed, and switching back to the 7-day cooldown will no longer be possible. This feature provides an added layer of protection for those who wish to safeguard their Ironman status.

Patch Notes
Fixes and Improvements in this Week's Game Update

110 Woodcutting and Fletching

  • Mk. 2-4 Eternal Ranged equipment can now be disassembled in similar ratios to Primal Melee upgradeable equipment.
  • A message is now displayed when an Enchanted Nest has dropped.
  • Hatchets now display "Cutting Power" (their Woodcutting success chance) in their tooltips.
  • All three ingredients can once again be reclaimed from Ramarno to create additional Hatchets of Bloom and Blight.
  • Corrected an issue where, if influenced by the party's Smithing or Fletching levels, the tier of Mining and Woodcutting resource nodes in Dungeoneering could default to tier 1 instead of tier 9 or 10.
  • The description of Masterwork Bow Shavings and Heedi now mention Eternal Magic Tree Sap to aid in discovering this step of the Masterwork Bow creation process.
  • Hotfixed: Fletching unstrung bows once again counts toward the Fletching: Bows daily challenge.

Beneath Scabaras' Sands

  • Leela now correctly says the "I'll meet you there, (player)" line when speaking to Osman for a reminder after the initial dialogue.
  • Updated the text of the Priest's Notes lore book.
  • Made small tweaks to the dialogue of the Beneath Scabaras' Sands quest to remove lore inaccuracies.
  • Fixed an issue that listed the quest incorrectly in the combat quest filter.
  • Fixed the quest journal mentioning an incorrect location for Scabaras.
  • The purple text is now easier to read against the background when used by mobile UI/full screen dialogue boxes during the quest.
  • Fixed typos relating to the melancholy scarab and the mind sequence.
  • The item "Scorched Sand" no longer appears in the Grand Exchange.


  • Ironman players who have previously said they would never like to downgrade their accounts are now able to do so if they are using a Jagex Account. After asking to downgrade, they will need to wait 7 days before this process takes place.
    • As a replacement for 'never disable any of the Ironman game modes', we've added an optional 90-day disable cooldown option. Setting the cooldown to 90 days is not reversible and once set it will be impossible to set it back to the 7 day cooldown.
  • Level milestone broadcasts have been added to Group Ironman.
  • Group Ironman broadcasts for personal best boss kill times will now display the improvement from the previous record.
  • Added a new broadcast to the Group Ironman mode that will display when a member of the group dies. Good luck trying to explain those embarrassing deaths to the rest of your group!
  • Collection Log progress will now be broadcast to Group Ironman groups.
  • Updated the names on the World First Plaque in the Iron Enclave.


  • Removed the cap on receiving Clue Scrolls from the Clue Capacity Upgrade unlock at the Treasure Trails Reward Shop. Happy hunting!
  • Fixed an issue where interacting with the Action Bar while stunned would block actions that would otherwise be usable.
  • Protean and Unstable Protean Logs will now stop and adhere to the protean action limit of 60 (or 120 under certain conditions).
  • The health boost of tending to a bonfire will now apply to other Firemaking methods that originally applied to only permanent bonfires.
  • Fixed an issue where the Freezing Blood debuff was only stacking to 10 the first time, and then disappearing randomly. The debuff now stacks appropriately each time.
  • Added an option to mute the vomiting sound effects during the Imp Catcher quest.
  • Corrected an incorrectly textured tile north of Draynor Manor.
  • The Invention tutorial now has additional checks preventing players from attempting to complete it while their Invention XP is blocked.
  • Fixed an issue where the Greater Runic Staff could not be charged with the Exsanguinate spell and would instead be charged with the Incite Fear spell.
  • Fixed an issue that caused unintended logouts when creating Primal Fruit Pulps while having ingredients in a Beast of Burden. While this issue has been fixed, it has caused the UX to show the Make-X option has more Pulp available.
  • Regular trees can now be cut for more than one log before they are felled.
  • Music tracks from Violet is Blue will be unlocked on next login for all players that have completed the quest.
  • Resolved a rare issue where a specific player was unable to progress the Imp Catcher quest.
  • Fixed an issue that blocked players from progressing the quest 'The Golem' after starting the 'Heartstealer' quest. Players will now get to choose which item they want to pickpocket from Curator Haig Halen.
  • Fixed an issue where in specific scenarios the Arch-Glacor's basic and special attacks could be interrupted by another attack too soon, causing the initial animation to be overridden early. The subsequent attack will now wait until the previous attack has finished firing.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented double yield from bushes while the wolpertinger is summoned.
  • The Dungeoneering party invite window will now show floors and players' highest skill, including those past level 99.
  • Players can toggle off invites to the capoeira dance so they are not interrupted whilst crafting.
  • Added an option to toggle "drag items" on and off in Legacy Interface Mode.
  • Fixed an issue with the Herby Werby D&D where Firemaking XP gained between Firemaking levels 99 - 110 was unintentionally lower than expected.
  • Implemented some changes and fixes to the Lexicus Runewright boss:
    • Added a 'Deflect Melee' head icon to the Lexicus Runewright to more clearly show the deflecting damage mechanic.
    • Fixed an issue that resulted in the player doing 0 damage to the boss if using melee. This has also now been fixed so you'll do 75% of the damage and take 25% as intended.
  • Updated penguin location hints in northern Kandarin and the Fremennik province:
    • Removed a thin strip of "near where they see" hint from the north of the province.
    • Added the "near where they see" hint to Seers' Village.
    • Readded the "on a small crescent island" hint to Waterbirth Island.
    • Added a hint to the area between Camelot and the Fremennik province that previously gave a "beyond detection" hint.
  • Players will no longer be prevented from completing the Druidic Ritual quest if they previously completed the old version.
  • Druidic Ritual is no longer a requirement to start the A Void Dance quest.
  • The Three's a Kiln achievement now specifies which combat styles are required to complete it.
  • If a Summoning familiar from a binding contract is overridden by a recolourable pet, its colours will now be correct.
  • Fixed an issue where the Friends Chat list was not updating and clearing players' nicknames when players leave the chat.
  • Removed skill requirements from Telos in the Beasts interface tab.
  • Igniting the Sharp Shell Shards can now reward the player with Bernie, the Firemaking pet.
  • Fixed an issue where defeating the Giant Mole in a group rewarded some players the incorrect Combat XP.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed a player's Slayer Task streak to remain if they chose to reset the Burthorpe paths system. The confirmation display has been updated to reflect this change.
  • Higher-level Planks can now be used to build Grapevine Frames and Farm Paddocks.
  • The Powerburst of Masterstroke now multiplies Smithing progress by 10, instead of 11.
  • Fixed an issue where players would be unable to teleport into Infernus if they happened to die and be saved by the Immortality ability as they were about to teleport in.
  • Bank tab icons now have the correct names.
  • The crystal sequence now correctly highlights all six necessary crystals during Three's Company.
  • Added the 'Skybox/Filters' option to the map icon in the Flash Powder Factory.
  • Players can no longer obtain more effigies from the Gate of Elidinis if they have more than five in total.
  • Fixed an issue where players with too many PoF animals stored in their banks couldn't use their Bank on a free-to-play world and would be kicked out of game.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing old accounts to be unable to log in after going through character creation.


  • Fixed positioning of Pickaxes when sheathed.
  • Fixed an issue where in specific scenarios the Arch-Glacor's basic attack animations may not be visible.
  • Both sides of the Rainbow and Phoenix auras are now equally vibrant.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Pestilent Torva outfit preview in the Treasure Hunter Interface from displaying correctly in minimum detail.
  • Robe of the First Necromancer's shoulder pads are no longer misaligned on female characters.
  • The Spikes and Wild Spikes hairstyles are now distinctly different match the hairstyles presented in the chatheads.
  • Fixed missing side on Overhead Tombstone skilling overrides.
  • Updated the Ruler of the Ancient Dead teleport animation to resolve the positioning of the orbs.
  • The Soul Witch Robe Bottom no longer clips with long capes.
  • Chatheads for monks in the Priest in Peril quest have been corrected and they will now show up correctly during dialogues.
  • Removed old wall models from the ruins in the Wilderness west of the Bandit Camp.
  • The waterfalls on Ape Atoll should now be more consistent.
  • Removed a transparent shape that was occluding Stratus Cloud.
  • Fixed the fence next to the Cooks' Guild.
  • Fixed a couple of graphical issues with Cryptbloom Armour.
  • Corrected Skippy's head animation.
  • Thalmund's beard no longer stretches or distorts.
  • Fixed an issue which caused stretching when the effect of the 'Necklace of Salamancy' is active.
  • Birds located in the Nature Altar entrance in Karamja are now displayed correctly.
  • Fixed 120 Skill Capes clipping.
  • Closed gaps in the ground inside The Barrows tunnels.
  • Removed the duplicate floating trees at Mos Le'Harmless.
  • Made some tweaks to how Magic, Ranged and Melee select projectiles and impact animations.
  • Stalling blood tendrils will no longer immediately play the animation.
  • Greater barged assault will no longer mistakenly play the assault animation.
  • Berserk ability overrides now use the correct animation for the equipped weapon.
  • Corruption shot impact and damage over time animations now line up more accurately.
  • Fixed an issue that caused extra projectiles to briefly be shown when using Chinchompas in combat.
  • Adjusted how ricochet impact animations display on AOE targets.
  • Adjusted the hit timing of Deadshot and Omnipower so the impact animations cannot start before the projectile arrives.
  • Adjusted the animation used for Deadshot whilst wielding a Blowpipe.

Golden Gnomes
Get Voting

With RuneFest just around the corner we are gathering up all the nominations for the Golden Gnomes, set to be live on the main stage of Runefest this year! The nominations are open - simply head to this link to nominate! Nominations will be open until Thursday, January 23rd.

Once those nominations are in, our Golden Gnomes Panel will review all the nominees, and the shortlist will be announced on Thursday, January 30th. Keep your eyes peeled!

Treasure Hunter Calendar
What's up next?

Starts 23rd January | Ends 27th January | Dungeon Delve

Get ready to navigate your way around dungeon floors as you gather up prizes, before squaring off with the boss at the end of your run! Each run awards you a token based on the dungeon which can be exchanged for new Warped and Frozen themed animation overrides!

The previous overrides are still available but are now joined by Warped and Frozen versions of Surge, Dive, Escape, Overpower , Deadshot and Omnipower.

The latest updates from our community

Community Showcase

MyNameIsPickles has made some very tasty looking macaRunes!
EmuCrow back again this time with the fearsome Raksha, The Shadow Colossus.

Scapers' Screenshots

Santa Nex wanted to know if Jay Sindab had been good this year.
Party rolled out of bed and decided it was time to see what was going on in the Desert.

Celebrating 10 Years of Pink Skirts Player Events

This week we’re delighted to celebrate a decade of the Pink Skirts Player Events team! Over the past 10 years, the Pink Skirts group has brought the RuneScape community together with a variety of fun and engaging activities, and this week is no exception. To mark the milestone, the Pink Skirts invite everyone to join them in celebrating by showing off as much pink as possible during the week's events.

How to Get Involved

It’s easy to join in the fun! Simply grab yourself a Pink Skirt from Thessalia's Fine Clothes in Varrock. Alternatively, if you're planning to take on a boss, or attending an event with gear requirements, consider keepsaking your Pink Skirt to ensure you can play in style! Or, for a bold new look, visit Thessalia for a makeover and swap your default pantaloons for a peachy pink skirt. Let’s paint the game pink together! Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or new to the community, these events are a perfect chance to connect, engage with the RuneScape community, and have some fun.

Celebration on Anniversary Island

The Pink Skirts team would like to invite you to their extra-special anniversary event:

Date: Thursday 23rd January 2025

Time: Begin arriving for 16:45 Gametime

Location: Anniversary Island

World: 76 From 17:00 Game time, we encourage everyone to release pink origami balloons on the island. Please come dressed in a Pink Skirt and/or your best pink outfit pieces and accessories! Then from 17:20, we'll head to Fort Forinthry to celebrate with a relaxed Skill 'n' Chill.

Ready to Dive In to the rest of the week?

Here's a list of events that you are welcome to don a Pink Skirt to - don't forget to check the calendar in-game for more information about the events below, as well as other events happening during the week.


  • Corporeal Beast mass: 19:00
  • Skill 'n' Chill: 23:00


  • Penguin Tour: 07:00
  • Nex mass: 17:00
  • Vindicta and Gorvek mass: 19:00


  • Gregorovic mass: 12:00
  • Croesus mass: 18:00
  • Penguin Tour: 20:00
  • Demon Flash Mobs: 21:00


  • Treasure Hunt: 07:00
  • Pink Skirt Anniversary Celebrations: 17:00
  • Osseous mass: 17:00
  • Skill 'n' Chill: 19:00
  • Kalphite King mass: 21:00


  • Nex: Angel of Death mass: 01:00
  • Mega Duck runs: 19:00
  • Nex: Angel of Death mass: 20:00
  • Non-combat Stealing Creation: 20:15
  • Zemouregal and Vorkath mass: 21:30


  • Kalphite King mass: 13:00
  • Group Achievement: 18:00
  • Arch-Glacor mass: 19:00
  • Nex: Angel of Death mass: 20:00


  • Free-to-play King Black Dragon mass: 00:00
  • Mazcab Raids: 17:00
  • Vorago mass: 18:00
  • Nex Angel of Death mass: 19:00
  • Penguin Tour: 19:15
  • Kalphite King mass: 20:00

Community Spotlight


F2PIronmanFC is a supportive community focused on helping free-to-play Ironman players, both new and experienced, progress through their journey and have fun while doing so! We are celebrating our 10th Anniversary this week!

Whether you're just starting out, looking to form Group Ironman team, or wanting to refine your methods, we provide a space where players can share tips, ask for advice, and connect with others who are passionate about the F2P Ironman playstyle. Join our family today!

Fancy Dress Parade + Skill n Chill

Time: 20:00 on January 23

World: 11

Location: Burthorpe Lodestone

FC: F2PIronmanFC

Description: Bring your fanciest clothes and join us on a parade to celebrate the FC's 10 Year Anniversary! Afterwards, hang out and skill at the Well of Goodwill -- don't forget to stock up on bankables!

F2P KBD Mass

Time: 00:00 on January 26 and 00:00 on January 27

World: 29

Location: Edgeville Bank

FC: F2PIronmanFC

Description: Join the F2P community for a King Black Dragon mass to celebrate F2PIronmanFC's 10 Year Anniversary!

- The RuneScape Team

Mods Astar, Alex, Azanna, Bak, Balkan, Bam, Blkwitch, Boko, Brat, Breezy, Brig, Camel, Colibri, Chaose, Dark, Daze, Desert, Dorn, Dragon, Drew, Drewid, Easty, Echo, Fallen, Forza, Fowl, Fox, Frosch, Grace, Gunner, Helen, Hooli, Ink, Jack, Keyser, Kitsune, Kristy, Luma, Lunatear, Lykos, Lynx, Makkari, MIC, Mickey, Morty, Muse, Nemo, Neong, Nixon, Noms, Pearce, Pebble, Phoenix, Pigeon, Rain, Raiwtch, Ramen, Rowley, Rsguy, Ryan, Samy, Sakura, Shrew, Shrike, Skyefall, Soul, Sponge, Spyro, Stead, Stu, Sukotto, Taelae, Tiger, Timbo, Titus, Toebeans, Tri, Vegard, Volta, Who, Wov, Yuey & Zura

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