Patch Notes (15/06/20)

Patch Notes (15/06/20)

It's Patch Notes time again!

Last week we found a mysterious message left behind by our equally mysterious Ninja Team. We expected some ancient words of wisdom, but it turned out to be a shopping list. This can only mean one thing - they've targeted the Grand Exchange!

Let's head there now and see what they've been up to.

Ninja Strike #6: Grand Exchange

Oh yes, it's clear the Ninjas came through here. There's dozens of empty ramen packets and more shurikens than we can count. Oh, and what's this? Why, it's a whole bunch of improvements! Let's take a closer look...

Core Improvements

  • Client side prediction has been added to the Grand Exchange interface.
    • This will result in a more responsive and smooth experience while using the interface, all of the various buttons, and the search function.
  • A 'Favourites' tab has been added to the Grand Exchange.
    • Items can be favourited by searching for an item in the tab, or by using the star icon when buying or selling an item.
    • Favourited items will show their guide price.
    • Items can be selected from here to take you directly to a buy offer.
    • Keybinds have been added to favourite an item when in the Buy or Sell interface.
    • Members can favourite 18 items, while free-to-play players can favourite six.
  • Players can now edit existing offers.
    • There is now an 'edit' button on the Overview page and within In-progress offers.
    • If you change your mind whilst editing an offer, you can cancel the edit and come back where you left off.
    • An 'edit' keybind has also been added, and can be accessed when viewing a live offer.
    • Note that editing an offer will reset your place in the offer queue.
  • + and - 20% buttons for editing the buy/sell price have been added next to the current + and - 5% buttons.
  • The Overview interface has been adjusted for increased usability and readability.
    • There is now an Abort Offer option.
    • The wording for slots has been changed from 'Empty' to 'Slot X' and the words 'buy' and 'sell' have been added to the buttons for better usability.
    • Existing offers will show a number next to their buy or sell wording.
    • Current offers will now show their progress with a number.
    • The drop-shadow in the Current Offers box has been removed.
  • The Search Results window has been extended to show more results.
    • The selected item will now be highlighted with a yellow outline.
    • Any items you have in your favourites will also be marked with a yellow star icon.
    • Clicking outside of the Search Bar will no longer clear your results. They can be cleared with the 'X' button or the ESC key.
  • Additional Improvements

  • The 'Sets' right-click/long-press option on Grand Exchange clerks has been changed to 'Favourites'.
    • Sets can still be accessed via the interface or by talking to the clerks.
  • There have been various text changes and font size increases for better description and increased readability, especially on mobile.
  • The Inventory displayed on mobile when using the Grand Exchange has been changed to a 4x7 view.
  • Long item names, especially for translated languages, are now truncated with an ellipsis on the overview page to stop them breaking out of their boxes.
  • The Quantity, Price and Total Value boxes have been increased in size to better accommodate for translated languages.
  • The log in message which tells you about items in your collection box now has a 10 minute cooldown to reduce chat spam when hopping worlds.
  • Fixes

    While working on this update, the Ninjas also fixed some live issues:

  • Clicking or tapping out of the Quantity and Price input boxes will now deselect them.
  • Dragging untradeable items to the Buy/Sell box on the Overview interface will no longer initiate an empty offer.
  • Right click options on the Overview interface that remained on-screen after using keybinds to buy/sell will no longer change the selected offer type.
  • On mobile, selecting the Price or Quantity boxes no longer moves the Search box, so you can now see what you're typing more clearly.
  • Mobile

    While the Ninja Team haggled up a storm over in the Grand Exchange, our other teams have been hard at work too. This week they're focusing on RuneScape Mobile. From better indicators to text and interface fixes, the portable client is looking sharper than ever!


  • Added a UI indicator if the Action Bar is locked on the Action Bar Settings cog.
  • Added location information when long-pressing a lodestone in the Home Teleport UI.
  • A Device Status panel has been added to the UI near the Compass and Minimap. This panel displays device status information to the user, including battery charge levels and connection status.
  • Added an additional setting in the Audio section on mobile that provides an independent toggle for audio streaming when using mobile data.
  • Further improvements have been made to improve the display of the Bank on mobile devices.
  • Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with text being cut off in the Music Player.
  • Fixed an issue with the UI overlays during the 'Song from the Depths' quest that caused them to overlap permanent parts of the top-level UI.
  • Fixed some issues with the Dungeoneering UI Party Member Inspect feature on the mobile client.
  • Fixed some issues on the Summoning Trade-in UI where large numbers of sprites would appear at once, causing FPS drops.
  • Fixed a small visual issue with the Notes interface when re-arranging notes on mobile.
  • Other

    But that's not all we've got for you this week, oh no. Here are all the other tweaks and fixes coming your way!


  • The messaging for damage dealt from each poison in Big Game Hunter now appears regardless of whether or not you skipped the cutscene.
    • The amount of damage dealt by each poison is now explained in the message, and each poison has a different text colour.
  • Protection prayers now have descriptions that match the effect they have when used by NPCs.
  • Char's training cave is now mentioned in the Skill Guide when reaching level 91 Firemaking.
  • Rainbow fish can now be used to feed animals in the Player Owned Farm - as long as they eat fish, that is.
  • The Ironman symbol will now correctly show up on world/global broadcast if you have your online status set to off.
  • The 'Eat Food' ability will now consume bandages within the Soul Wars minigame.
  • Updated banker dialogue to refer to their employers as a branch of the Bank of Gielinor instead of the Bank of RuneScape.
  • Improved the wording on the 'Armadylean Expert' and similar Archaeology Achievements.
  • Updated the museum guard's dialogue at the Archaeology Guild to better clarify the reduced rate of chronotes they offer compared to collectors.
  • Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the 'Inspect' option on ore boxes to cut off words if the chat character limit was reached.
  • Fixed the spacing within the Journal of Perjour in order to make the text more readable.
  • Fixed an issue where Zanik's body might not appear during Death to the Dorgeshuun if the player lost Dead Zanik and returned to it in Lumbridge.
  • Crafting molten glass will no longer state the wrong skill name in the Make-x progress window.
  • When setting 'Boric's Task I' to active via the Quest Guide, the breadcrumb trail will now lead to Boric.
  • Fixed an issue where the upgrade material for the Hunter Lodge at the Anachronia Base Camp could not be obtained when the pelt resources were maxed.
  • Quick chat will now correctly display Slayer prestige for vile blooms.
  • Fixed an issue with making bombs at a portable well.

  • Those Ninjas sure know how to make a Grand entrance! In Exchange for their hard work, we're going to once again pick up their shurikens and see if we can drop them back at the Dojo.

    Speaking of which, have you paid the Dojo a visit yet? If you do drop in, you'll get the chance to help the Ninjas pick their next targets. You can find the link at the top of this page.

    Stay safe, and we'll see you next week!

    The RuneScape Team

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