This week we have absolutely nothing to show you. April Fools! We’ve actually been working really hard and we’ve got a tasty selection of changes to talk about.
A Message from Granny Potterington
Hello Sugar Plum,
I hope you’re eating well while you’re off slaying dragons and completing quests.
If you have time, maybe you could pay old Granny a visit here on Manor Farm. Sam says he’s seen something funny in the woodshed. Whatever it was kept gibbering about bugs and something called a ‘mining and smithing rework’. I don’t know. Kids these days.
Granny Potterington
...April Fools!
Astute players may have noticed that a strange animal has appeared in player owned farms. Known only as 'JMods' these mysterious creatures seek only to fix bugs, ban bots, and drink excessive amounts of tea. Here's the low-down for all those farmers planning to raise their own JMod army.
Despite their weird appearance and bizarre smell, it appears that JMods are human. Killable human NPCs such as men, women, or guards have a chance to drop Human (unchecked) items. Checking the human will give it the name of a JMod. A collection log lists all the available JMod names. Like any other animal, JMods can be traded between players. I wonder what might happen if you collect them all?
JMods cannot be put in the breeding pen. They're far too busy for that sort of thing! However, they will be very comfortable in a standard medium size pen. They’re not picky eaters, and will ravenously devour anything you put in front of them.
Gathering from JMods will give XP. Although they can’t be sold to a specialist buyer, they can be fed to the Baby Troll, if that’s the sort of thing you want on your conscience.
Unfortunately JMods can't hang around on the farm forever. At some point they'll have to be sucked out of the game and restored to their RL bodies. They’ll probably be fine. Don’t think about it too much.
Combat Integrity
Our biggest change this week is to the way sign refreshers are used. Please read this message from the Combat Council to find out more.
Last month we mentioned our intentions to stop the life refreshers from being used while in Combat. From today's update we're going to be doing the following integrity change:
Additionally we want to stop deathtouched darts being used at Telos to complete feats/achievements, while this update won't release this week we'll be looking to release this next week.
Teleport Storage
We’ve made some QoL changes to the way certain teleport items are stored:
May 2019 Aura Sale
Don't forget that in May this year a selection of auras will be on sale in Solomon's General Store. Start saving those loyalty points now, because you can save up to 50% on the game's most sought-after auras.
The Aura sale will go live at 00:00 game time on May 1st 2019 and will run until 23:59 on May 31st. That’s a whole month of savings!
Patch Notes
As always, you can view the entire list of patch notes here!
We’re going to be giving the Oddments Store a little refresh. For those of you who don’t know, oddments are received when players claim prizes from Treasure Hunter and can be exchanged for useful items and cosmetics.
New prizes will be added (such as the Solite and Lunite armour and weapons) and a couple are being removed (Ninja Training and Deathbeard’s Demise).
Here’s a complete list of all the new items:
Our live streams are always a great opportunity to grab some awesome in-game prizes. And this April, we’ve got one particularly hefty update of the LootScape for you! First up, we’re now adding a bonanza package for your Player-Owned Farm, courtesy of Granny Potterington. In addition, we thought it would be time to bring back some player-favourite goodies: the skilling outfit piece, the Loots Cape and Nature’s Balance (main-hand sword override). Yes, we know, it sounds amazing, and seeing such an update on April 1st makes you wonder... But no! We wouldn’t be THAT evil, this is totally legit! Don’t believe us? Well you’ve only got one way to know: join us on stream!
Starting from this Tuesday April 2nd, each and every RuneScape stream watched during the month will give you a random drop from one of the following:
Chance based:
Basic Drop Table: Prismatic small fallen star, Prismatic medium fallen star, Prismatic small lamp, Prismatic medium lamp, Spirit Ruby, Spirit Diamond, Advanced Pulse Core, Spring, Silverhawk down, Medium DG Token Box, Small DG Token Box, Uncut Dragonstone, Large Cash Bag, Medium Cash Bag or Small Cash Bag.
Exciting isn’t it?! So don’t wait up - connect your RS account to your Twitch account and find out more here. Once that’s done, have fun and watch our streams during the day for a guaranteed drop.
Live streams this week
Each week, we host developer Q&As, exclusive in-game first looks and more. And it’s all live on our Twitch channel, join us! Missed a stream? Don’t worry, we keep them all on our YouTube channel. Be sure to Subscribe to be the first to know.
Tuesday, April 2nd – 16:00 UTC (Game Time) – Month Ahead Preview
We’re not gonna hide that this month, we’ve got some really eggciting content for you. We’re just hopping mad with excitement, this will finally be the time to give you more details about our “Eastertime Fete” Event and the “Avoiding Dental Catastrophe” charity event. Yolks aside, our JMods will also cover the awaited QoL improvements for Clans and Miniquests, the Portable Trader Trial and some other eggquisite updates.
LootScape will be enabled (see all details above).
Saturday, April 6th – 18:00 UTC (Game Time) – PvM with Mod Lee: Vorago Boss Mass
Our resident PvM expert Mod Lee knows no fear and he’s ready to take you all on another round of boss mass, and this time it'll be on Saturday. From Vorago to the Kalphite King, the Corporeal Beast, the Angel of Death, if you’ve got a set to complete, an achievement to unlock, or simply want to hang out with friends and slay some, this is the place and time!
LootScape will be enabled (see all details above).
Pink skirts Events
Of course, adventures continue in Gielinor even when we're too busy (PKing) creating the adventures of tomorrow. Our PMods are here to welcome you in a range of PvM Boss Masses, Events and Q&As each week. Check out all the community events organised by the Pink Skirts on their official schedule here
The RuneScape Team