Hello friends! Postie Pete here again. Hopefully you remember my message from last week. If not, maybe go and give yourselves a quick refresh. Once you have, feast your eyes on the four clues from our hooded friend.

Clue #1

Clue #2

Clue #3

Clue #4
And... that's it. These clues are all he gave me. I really have no idea what this all means, so all I can do is refresh you on what our hooded friend shared last time:
- Membership is not required to solve any of the clues.
- There are no hard requirements to solve the clues.
- The clues are all solved in-game by performing one or more actions.
- The four clues are only starting points, and multiple steps are needed to solve everything.
- If a clue requires specific items, only those items should be carried when solving it.
- The first to solve the clues will have their names displayed in game.
I guess all that's left for me to say is good luck. Let the "test" begin!
Postie Pete (signed, not a list item)

We can't make heads or tails of any of this, but we hope these clues are a welcome sight for some of you out there!
For those of you who might be new to Crack the Clue or anybody looking for some like-minded treasure hunters, here are some great places to start:

Mods Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, Boko, Brow, Bruno, Chilly, Curse, Daizong, Ditto, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Errol, Fed, Gecko, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Havik, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Lenny, Light, Mack, Maylea, Markos, Meat, Moogle, Morty, Nin, Nylu, Regent, Redfield, Roq, Ry, Sarnie, Shaun, Sigma, Skylark, Soffan, Sova, Squid, Starry, Steve W, Surma, Tide, Torrance, Veda, Vegard, West & Wolfy
The Old School Team.