DXP continues on the run up to Runefest and we have patches a plenty!
Double XP
Live now!
All ready for 110 Runecrafting next week? Need a few more levels to beat that next Combat Mastery Challenge? Well, Double XP is here to help!
Double XP is a 10-day event where you have 48 hours of Double XP to use at your leisure. You can pause the timer if you'd like to do other activities.
Double XP will be live from now until Monday, March 3rd, starting and ending at 12:00 Noon, Game Time. If you're heading to Runefest that weekend, bring along your phone to get some gains while at the event!
Learn more about how it works here! Need some supplies to really push those gains? Look no further than our Double XP Bundles, offering direct access to additional skilling supplies. Both bundles are available from February 21st until March 3rd.
Click here to check out the Double XP Bundles
Click here to check out the Double XP Bundles
DXP Protean Bundle: 1 Bond
Purchasable once from the Marketplace. Contains:
- 2 Large Protean Packs
- 5 Medium Protean Packs
- 8 Small Protean Packs
DXP Item Bundle: 1 Bond
Purchasable once from the Marketplace. Contains:
- 5 Medium Protean Packs
- 5 Large Prismatic Stars
- 25 Protean Prolongers
- 25 Protean Powerups
- 5 Medium Skill Dummy Crates
- 25 Pulse Cores
- 25 Cinder Cores
- 250 Silverhawk Downs (untradeable)
- 250 Tight Springs (untradeable)
DXP Daily Bundle: 1 Bond
Purchasable once from the Marketplace. Awards a Daily Bundle of items every day for 10 days. Your bundle can be collected from the marketplace each day. If you miss any days, don’t worry - you’ll be able to collect them when you next log in.
- 2 Earned Keys
- 1 Medium Protean Pack
- 1 Large Prismatic Star
- 1 Medium Skill Dummy Crate
- 10 Pulse Cores
- 10 Cinder Cores
- 50 Tight Springs (untradeable)
- 50 Silverhawk Downs (untradeable)
Each bundle can only be purchased once. Bundles are not available for Ironman accounts.
Patch Notes
Fixes and Improvements in this Week's Game Update
- Fixed an issue where the 'Clenched' achievement from the Ambassador was not triggering as expected.
- Fixed an issue that prevented any mechanical-based tasks for Barrows: Rise of the Six from triggering.
- Fixed an issue where defeating Har-Aken was not triggering speed kill achievements.
- Fixed an issue that meant the 'Icy-Them-Coming' achievement was being marked as complete for any group members who did not receive damage whilst another group member did receive damage. Now, the entire team will fail the achievement as expected.
- Fixed an issue where Nex: AoD combat mastery achievements were checking for a group size of 6 and below, rather than 7 and below.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from unlocking 'Spread the Blight' after beating Solak.
- Fixed an issue where the 'I'm Watching You' achievement would fail even if the player had stun immunity.
- Fixed an issue where 'The One That Speaks But Doesn't Stun' achievement wasn't triggering correctly, as Raksha's Shadow Bomb attack would fail the achievement unintentionally.
- Fixed an issue with the 'In the Spirit of Things' achievement triggering again post-completion.
- Fixed an issue with War's Grimoire that resulted in players being able to change their spellbook without unlocking the Grimoire from War's Shop first.
- Fixed an issue with the 'Burn Fury Burn' achievement not getting ticked off on completion despite getting confirmation in the chatbox.
- Fixed an issue with the 'Fist Contact' achievement that meant it was awarded to players who had tagged General Graardor in the base world and then moved to another instanced boss fight before the base world General Graardor was killed by another player.
- Vorago's kill speed achievements now complete at the beginning of the end cutscene, rather than at the end.
- Fixed an issue that meant the 'Flipping the Script' achievement for TzKal-Zuk could fail at wave 4 and wave 18, rather than the intended behaviour of only being failable on wave 18.
Combat Mastery Achievements
- Fixed an issue where normal achievements were shared instead of combat mastery achievements after quick-responding to a combat mastery quick message.
- Fixed an issue that prevented any messaging for the achievement 'Tis but a flesh wound'.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from unlocking 'This Blight of Ours' after beating Solak.
- Fixed a typo in the description of 'Bombing Run'.
- The descriptions of 'Champion of the Goebies' and 'Sanctum of Rebirth (perfect)' now mention that the achievements fail when a player leaves.
- Achievements that require multiple achievements to unlock always display the requirements.
- Fixed an issue that meant the 'Nex: Angel of Death (Perfect)' and the 'Nex: Angel of Death (Unorthodox)' achievements could appear to trigger a success when the required sub-achievements had actually failed.
- Anti-dragonfire Shields and their variants can now be used to complete the 'Classic Dragon Killing' achievement.
- Fixed an issue that would cause an error when any of the achievements under the 'Zamorakian Undercity' meta achievement were selected.
- Fixed an issue that marked the player as eligible too early for the achievement 'Zamehameha' while fighting against Zamorak.
- The chat message colour for receiving both blue and purple Christmas presents is now consistent when turning in wrapping paper or letters.
- Changed quest information for Unwelcomed Guests to reflect the level of enemies encountered in the quest.
- Players are no longer blocked from receiving the Silver Crescent Key in the Vengeance Saga if the dialogue is interrupted.
- Adjusted blocking on White Wolf Mountain.
- Updated various familiars with the correct Inventory capacity.
- Fixed an issue with the Volcanic Trapper Outfit where players would become stuck inside an Eternal Tree when using the following teleport destinations:
- Ruby Harvest (15)
- Chinchompa (53)
- Daily Fishing challenge messaging no longer appears if fish have been consumed by a furnace perk.
- Players can now start the Curse of Zaros miniquest upon receiving the Ring of Visibility, without needing to complete the Desert Treasure quest.
- Premium hairstyles no longer clip through hats.
- Fixed several instances of broken shadowing with cliffs in the snowy north of the game world.
- The Bank Chest in the Guthix Memorial area will now provide the healing effect found at other Banks across the game world.
- Fixed an issue that caused HCIM players to lose their hardcore status after dying within the Castle Wars minigame.
- Corrected the name of the Flag Fall quest on French worlds that appears in the Arc miniquest completion interface.
- Corrected the message mentioning Fletching when the Fort Forinthry sawmill uses logs from the wood box.
- Cursed Amascut Sand has been appropriately capitalized.
- Added point lights to buildings in Port Sarim.
- Fixed an issue where the player's path around the Woodworking bench in Fort Forinthry was blocked.
- Updated the lighting in the basement of Burgh de Rott's bar as it was excessively dark. The basement is now lit correctly. The health and safety inspectors are satisfied.
- Updated Seers' Village iconography in the Area Task List to reflect the correct location.
- Players are no longer able to take a Kinetic Cyclone or an Oldak Coil into the Chaos Tunnels. They couldn't be used there anyway.
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to suddenly disconnect if you used a Guthix Bow or other ranged weapons after using the Metamorphosis ability.
- The Bullseye lantern obtained from Didymus the Lorehound now properly illuminates the darkness in the Menaphos and Sophanem underground area.
- Fixed an issue where using a Curry Leaf on the Magic Notepaper would bring up a 'nothing interesting happens' message.
- Update to ensure only Divination energies can be stored in the Nightmare Muspah.
- Updated messaging when using member teleports on non-member worlds.
- Prevented an unsafe area issue when spawning into tall grass in Big Game Hunter immediately after luring the creature out of hiding.
- Fixed a graphical issue with various candles.
- Added antispam to messaging when not using the correct spellbook.
- Tweaked which Boss Collection Log is displayed while inside a Rex Matriarchs encounter:
- If you are in the main section of the arena with the three Matriarchs, their standard Boss Collection Log will open.
- If you are in the smaller section of the arena with Osseous, the Osseous-specific Boss Collection Log will open.
- The Protect from Summoning Prayer is now deactivated when attempting to activate the Eclipsed Soul Prayer at the same time.
- The Execute effect from the Tier 3 Guardhouse now applies correctly during a rune dragon's phase change.
- Fixed animation issues if a rune dragon died while it was flying.
- Fixed floating masonry in Ungael.
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect sprite would appear next to a normal GIM player's name.
- Fixed gaps in the floor inside the building that is adjacent to Kili's Blacksmith Shop.
- Corrected the VFX of the Overpower ability overrides when it's cast with 2-handed melee weapons.
- Cosmetically updated the Dark Mage, Supreme Dark Mage, Tower Mage and Tower Archmage robe bottoms to ensure graphical consistency.
- Fixed an issue with a floating tree outside Fort Forinthry. The tree has been lowered and is no longer floating in mid-air.
- The lights inside Granny Potterington's house no longer illuminate the outside assets.
- Updated the hilltop in Silvarea to bring it in line with the surrounding area.
Treasure Hunter Calendar
What's up next?
Starts February 25th | Ends March 3rd | DXP Dozen
Dive into this DXP-themed Dozen promotion! Choose prizes to fill up gems and crack 'em open to win from your chosen selection!
The latest updates from our community
Community Showcase

Scapers Screenies

Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:
Non-Combat Stealing Creation
- When: Friday 28th February, 21:00 Gametime
- Who: Jen, heathychan, and Fast Sc
- Where: Gamer's Grotto
- World: 99
- FC: Fast Sc
- When: Saturday 1st March, 13:00 Gametime
- Who: M e r c y and Dung Titan
- Where: God Wars Dungeon Ancient Prison
- World: 35
- FC: Dung Titan
Nex - Angel of Death
- When: Sunday 2nd March, 21:00 Gametime
- Who: Grateful and Nexaodmass
- Where: God Wars Dungeon Ancient Prison
- World: 46
- FC: Nexaodmass
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!
Community Spotlight
Mega Duck Community
Their aim is to create a welcoming environment where like-minded players can come together to socialize, get a chance at the Mega Ducklings pet and the Totally Quackers title.
They will be running an event on Friday, February the 28nd @ 19:00 Game Time - World 39
Bring breadcrumbs to Falador Park if you wish to help summon Mega Duck. Otherwise, please wait near Mrs Duck. Also Please, avoid the bridge in Falador Park. Jump in the Discord to find out more!
- The RuneScape Team
Mods Astar, Alex, Azanna, Bak, Balkan, Bam, Blkwitch, Boko, Brat, Breezy, Brig, Camel, Colibri, Chaose, Dark, Daze, Desert, Dorn, Dragon, Drew, Drewid, Easty, Echo, Fallen, Forza, Fowl, Fox, Frosch, Grace, Gunner, Helen, Hooli, Ink, Jack, Keyser, Kitsune, Kristy, Luma, Lunatear, Lykos, Lynx, Makkari, MIC, Mickey, Morty, Muse, Nemo, Neong, Nixon, Noms, Pearce, Pebble, Phoenix, Pigeon, Rain, Raiwtch, Ramen, Rowley, Ryan, Samy, Sakura, Shrew, Shrike, Skyefall, Soul, Sponge, Spyro, Stead, Stu, Sukotto, Taelae, Tiger, Timbo, Titus, Toebeans, Tri, Vegard, Volta, Who, Wov, Yuey & Zura